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witch_doctor1 ago

This thread of research has long interested me. A little more to the story, which also involves Jean-Louis Warnholz, who also now works with Mills at BlackIvy. Warnholz worked for Soros prior to working for HRC.

This email referencing an op-ed written by Warnholz on Haiti has HRC asking who he works for, Mills replies "He now works for us"

And finally, here is the email that has intrigued me because IMO it is obvious code speak. The title is Random Good News and was originally sent from Warnholz to Mills and then forwarded to HRC. The body reads....

"Because it's that kind of day and that kind of week:

  1. Sae-A shipped the first 65,000 shirts 'Made in Haiti' that should hit Walmart stores soon. They now employ a 1,000 workers, many trained by a USG-financed training center.

**Only two mango trees had to be uprooted at the Caracol Park. Trees under threat are now being transplanted to the 2. Caracol Ekam housing. ** /bold for emphasis

  1. MarteIly invited Preval to the opening ceremony.

  2. Richard Branson will visit Haiti on the 21-22, staying in a beautiful cottage by the sea. Best, JL"

Why was the uprooting of two mango trees so important as to make it to #2 on this list? Why were they under "threat"? Moved from an industrial park to a housing complex?

The fact that this took place at Caracol makes it even more suspect as this is where Monica Peterson was investigating when she was suicided. Also, the placement of the "2" is strange because it is the only one out of the 4 items that is misplaced. I followed up on "mangos" as a code word throughout the rest of Wikileaks and could not find many other solid instances....but in this case, it is definitely code IMO...perhaps referring to mothers with children or groups of people.

ArthurEdens ago

I always thought Richard Branson was too good to be true.

Orange_Circle ago

I wonder if Warnholz is a spy? He has all the earmarks. Is he even a citizen? Yet he ends up with a plum position in the State Department and is privy to more than a few state secrets.

witch_doctor1 ago

Right? Or maybe a high ranking globalist on the dark side? What weirds me out about him is that he is a ghost online. And what makes me believe the mango code thing is that the place, time and people are right...know what I mean?

Orange_Circle ago

Yep, he's been cleaned up online by Google very handily.

But how does someone who isn't a citizen get a high level job in the State Department? It boggles the mind.

srayzie ago

65,000. Same number used for the amount of money Obama used for pizza and hot dogs to be shipped from Chicago.

JrSlimss ago

Hah, why would two mango trees even matter? They took away farmer's whole farms to build the Caracol Complex.

Something is weird here.

witch_doctor1 ago

Right? Nice article.