Fateswebb ago

That damn line they live to use "Hillary running child sex ring out of a pizza place" we have got to find some way to make that line ours, or something. That is how the deny it every single time. And it's not fair because NOBODY has ever made that claim...

apparatchik1488 ago


sunajAeon ago

Fuck "Goldberg," and all the other secret society "Bergs," why do people listen to these puppets?

Sharipie ago

Bernie came from the Establishment media. He could be one of the pedos too. Allegedly.

retreaux ago


QuestionEverything ago

Its a fucking kid with snoopy dogs in his room.

His criticism is being taken seriously? LOL.


Pizzainmyass ago

Cry about it

Fateswebb ago

Wait, what? Are you saying there is evidence he has a stuffed animal collection?

brokenwings1986 ago

Oh yeah? Well, he's a fucklehead....

wokethefkup ago

Omg love it

brokenwings1986 ago


wokethefkup ago

i gave u an upvoat, we're officially going steady. HAHAHA i'm sorry with all this sick shit on this forum i have to laugh every now and then.

brokenwings1986 ago

I'm glad I put a smile on someone's face lol...A good laugh is refreshing in the midst of all this craziness going on around us. It can be so overwhelming and we need to remember to breathe.

wokethefkup ago

ah definitely. I've learned smoking a bit of weed not only helps me catch things I wouldn't normally catch researching sober but also helps me to just laugh a little here and there. far and few between tho. * passes joint * haha

brokenwings1986 ago

Lmao this crazy shit has definitely made me think about smoking again. I haven't smoked weed in almost 10 years lol

wokethefkup ago

hahaha never too late! I stopped smoking years ago recently picked it back up, I enjoy it now and then even more so while researching :X

zzvoat ago

Chucklehead? How old is that guy?

Fateswebb ago

I'm of a fair age and I have never heard this shit before, maybe it's pedo term? Lol...

militant ago

His face screams guilty.

Cara_C ago

Anyone who spouts obvious propaganda like Bernie Goldberg did in this interview adds him or herself to the list of people we should look into as potentially complicit or compromised.

Pizzainmyass ago

Or at least keep a tab so we can make him lose his job

tehthu ago

This one is TOTALLY compromised.

derram ago

https://archive.is/OOZiU :

AndrewBreitbart on Twitter: "How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me."

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