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spiderleaks ago

I was always suspicious of how Noam Chomsky is so vehemently opposed to the Trump Presidency. His book/movie 'Manufacturing Consent' was a major reason why I couldn't vote for Hillary after the Wikileaks revelations. He has also written many books exposing the CIA. I find it highly suspect that he is so vehemently against the election results.

So I google 'Chomsky Pedophile' and got relevant hits than I was expecting.

An article on Alex Jones ripping into Chomsky for pwdophilia ring:

Student complaint:

Chomsky defending a pedophile:

FR33D0M ago

There is some pretty compelling evidence that Chomsky is a CIA gatekeeper or agent.

eyeVoated ago

Chomsky was a linguist for good reason: to confuse people using black magic language. His life makes sense to me now. And to think, he called himself an anarchist..and many people bought it, including myself, until recently. I was wrong. Fuck you Chomsky, spawn of Satan. No wonder you prance around campus with a two-cop posse. Yet you believe in gun control? Oh, the irony. The fag couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, yet he's respected? Surely not for being a man. Fucking snake.

FR33D0M ago

Never got into his work as much as others, something about him never seemed right to me. When I found out he's a spook, it suddenly all makes sense. I've been telling my "woke" friends. Please spread the word!

eyeVoated ago

I find the best way to avoid dead-ends to truth is to read from an eclectic assortment of resources. Chomsky is but one resource. And now it's patently obvious that he obfuscates language to sound intelligent. So many academics do this, and I find that after enough research into them—they're often, if not mostly, full of shit.

FriesischShipping ago

Absolutely, my litmus test is if a persons speaks a message that is simple and straight forward. He does not. Total gatekeeper.