LargePepperoni ago

RoadRunner1 ago

Interesting. Just looking at the Financial Documents. I picked the bottom one first from 2010 Scroll down to page 2. It says "Fashion Delivers is coordinating efforts to send new products to our neighbors in Haiti". Following the natural disaster there in 2010. Haiti is at the center of the Child Trafficking allegations directed at the Clinton Foundation.

RoadRunner1 ago

Looking on K.I.D.S facebook they are connected to Burlington clothing who've got one of those heart within a heart symbols in their logo.

RoadRunner1 ago

Senator Paul Strauss "He was President of the Northwest Youth Alliance, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides job opportunities to D.C. youth."

Godwillwin ago

Ughhhhhh. I'm so sick of all these places posing as organizations helping children. It just adds to the perversion of it

RoadRunner1 ago

Itsabouttime posted this picture of the door from 2009 earlier. No idea where he got it from. But it says Northwest Youth Alliance over the door. Which led us to a person who knew the place (after a quick google search) called rock_creek. Not long after my posts wouldn't work and then my PC crashed as I looked through rock_creeks flickr account. here it is. I found a painting of Comet on there when it was a Liquor store, lots of photography of buildings in DC and a few owls! If you go onto "Groups" there's a lot of other links including the Masons. I don't see anything alarming on there so be careful, whoever it is most likely has nothing to do with our research into Pizzagate.

DantePerez2017 ago

This makes me wonder - What type of markings, words or symbols if any would be commonly found to identify the presence of a type of "kill room", "torture chamber", etc...? Can we find a common trait across numerous locations to go by?

goodguy1367 ago

Why repaint the door to a derelict building? the 1 0 definitely looks purposely done and was fresh in that picture compared to the other paint missing at the bottom which has started to fade and go moldy!

RoadRunner1 ago

The new google maps image was updated after it was posted on 4Chan on Nov 17th. so it was repainted in the last 2 months

goodguy1367 ago

KIDS in the same half sprayed writing as the other KIDS! Also the markings on the middle of the door look fresh compared to the bottom one, 1 0? Looks almost purposely done

RoadRunner1 ago

tried to reply earlier. wouldn't let me post for an hour or two but rock_creek is into property it seems

RoadRunner1 ago

could be an acronym. K.I.D.?

LargePepperoni ago

Kids in Distressed Situations (K.I.D.S.)

jennyjane ago

The Apes mention Fort Thunder in their first LP. In fact they include a fold out poster in the LP of a set of big eyes sharp teeth and a bunch of lost kids in a forest. The poster is called "Fort Thunder" Maybe there's a local place with that name?

"Notes Includes a limited-edition hand-screened Fort Thunder poster, a thick info paper and a small label info sheet. Recorded November 2000. Miscellaneous sounds recorded in ape basement December 2000."

RoadRunner1 ago

it won't let me post. test.

RoadRunner1 ago

my PC crashed while I was looking through rock-creek flicker account that itsabouttime linked me too. PC slowed down then crashed.

wokethefkup ago

Think it's just perfect how the greenery makes it very subtle if you don't know what you're looking for. Creepy.

RoadRunner1 ago

Rock Creek guy had a pic linking to a Susan Finsen flicker. pic of Comet before Alefantis bought it when it was a liquor store. Coincidence? Or did he just buy the sign? not sure

RoadRunner1 ago

SHIT!!!!! LOOK AT THIS! linked from this: COMET FUCKING PING PONG (The Liquor store??)

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Google shows comet liquor and deli as permanently closed. Odd though that this sign was bought by Alefantis when the store closed and it's now the same sign for Comet Ping Pong. .

I wonder if anything was up with the owners Of the liquor store formerly known as Comet. The guy that ran it for years is dead, but most likely from old age

RoadRunner1 ago

I'm not saying there's anything in this. Was just a bit surprised to see Comet there is all. I need to get me one of those T-Shirts!

srayzie ago

Wow. Look at this. Pedo swirl and see the 2 kids arms and hands?

RoadRunner1 ago

Maybe he ran/owned the place? Just looking through his flicker.

RoadRunner1 ago abandoned 10/04 The Northwest Youth Alliance was apparently a Barry-era organization that set up community improvement projects to give kids summer jobs (I've heard it was kind of a boondoggle). "boondoggle" a new word for the vocab. A boondoggle is a project that is considered a waste of both time and money, yet is often continued due to extraneous policy or political motivations. Not a tunnel entrance then.

SpikyAube ago

Looks like it was written by the same person, the K is the same, same kind of short hard stroke of the I...I should add for completeness that I acquired my handwriting analysis skills from watching Judge Judy. But still, it does look very similar.

Did the initial poster say why they had even come across that doorway/writing in the first place, what was it that made them find it and post about it?

RoadRunner1 ago

I remembered it back from when this whole Pizzagate thing broke, some Anon posted it on 4Chan I went looking for the image because it reminded me of the "KIDS" thing written on the wall in front of the Pegasus / "Kill Room". Click on where it says 4Chan (in blue letters) that's the archived thread.

RoadRunner1 ago

probably is Government property. best stay clear! Just putting it out there is all.

bigdeg ago

Hello, I'm a newfuckinguy about this topic, but Ido agree that you have good evidence. These bastards make me SICK, and I wish I could help. I will ask that someone get hold of a thermographic camera, or better yet, some of the thermal firefighting cameras (old FLIR's are the best for penetration thru walls, brick,earth) and research at night. Whatever these sick f@#ks do underground may be hidden, but everything else is discoverable!

RecycledUser ago

Welcome bigdeg. One thing I would suggest, is I don't think we want to suggest people go onsite to research this place or any place, especially if there's a chance of being confronted by one of these sickos. I'm not saying you are a shill, but there have been many coming on here, to purposely set up a researcher, and get voat/pg shut down.

Your insight is very helpful and welcome here, just wanted to mention it, but wasn't directed at you specifically. And other posters, please correct me if I'm wrong.

JoJoVoat ago

Do you have some new info to share? any thoughts? I've been mentioning drones and ground penetrating radar for a bit now, but now sure anyone has this equipment of access to..

Godwillwin ago

Drones! That's a good idea! Duh! That was huge in our neighborhood this Christmas. Lol. And I didn't even think about it.

We need drones over Pegasus stat!

I'm not in D.C. Or Virginia or anywhere close

bigdeg ago

Sorry, I am on the west coast, and dont have access to any of this But drones only carry cameras and GPRadar has to make contact with the layer it is looking at (you have to set it on the wall i.e.), the answer is a firefighting camera, they are used by sailors and operators at grain plants.

JoJoVoat ago

Istn that the wonderful thing about crowd sourcing.. Its brainstorming with ppl you dont know but have a commonality.
Ive never heard of those. Thats interesting.

I meant drones to take pitures of areas from above on Satanic holidays especially... I couldnt work one of those if my life dependedn on it. :-)

RoadRunner1 ago

I'm outside the States unfortunately, seems a lot of evidence of tunnels under DC. Some researcher need to get down there and investigate.

JoJoVoat ago

scary tho... would need to be a team with weapons... Its good to hear that ppl are aware outside our country.. Gotta spread the word. We will have the power with our numbers.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Be careful, I would do a live feed if anyone does go down there.

RoadRunner1 ago

looks derelict to me. sneak in a night have a look around.

whatonearth ago

The dots under it make me think it's somebody's graffiti tag (which I often see adorned with little extra doodads like that)

RoadRunner1 ago

I'm not in DC either. I noticed some other threads talking about tunnels under Rock Creek Park and wondered if this place connected to that stuff.

Godwillwin ago

I was on a break from pizzagate when Pegasus "broke" last week. I have caught myself up on Pegasus, but not the tunnels and trolley. Cliff notes anyone?

I know that Dupont circle used to be a trolley line - underground right? But it's a few miles from comet

I recall 2 guys going into the back of comet and videoing what looked to be an underground tunnel. It was near the Chevy Chase pediatrician office

But other than those 2 underground areas and Pegasus' kill room itself, are there more tunnels?

fifibrindacier ago

Eww, this building looks creepy, with sealed-off windows.

Dressage2 ago

Ohhhh nothing here, move along!! I saw the pic and think this is relevant. Prob more we investigate, the more we are going to find in this neighborhood.

Fateswebb ago

Can I have your link?