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Millennial_Falcon ago

What is the evidence that Silsby was friends with Epstein?

smokemirrors ago

George, in his interview here, says, around the 26:10 mark "...there is a lot of evidence to show Jeffrey Epstein, her close friend, lives....Haiti, then Puerto Rico, then the little island thats off the end of the British Virgin Islands...Jeff Epstein has this island called Little St James Island...logs have turned out that Hillary made 6 trips to this island...."

Ostensibly, George is connecting Laura to Epstein via the Clintons, but his choice of words are interesting. I will email him to ask if he can provide irrefutable evidence and post back here.

fogdryer ago

silsby Clinton Hacked Clinton emails show a history of interest in Silsby and her work, and the Clinton Foundation was active in Hatian orphan rescue operations after the earthquake there. who showed up None other than Hillary Clinton herself.