Lunari ago

Ohh boy, my first experience reading a comment of someone calling me a shill....? I'm extremely confused as to how on earth you'd view me as a "shill" but uhh.... alright.

Lunari ago

So, I would have responded to this post sooner considering the fact that it's (apparently?) directed to me / about me. I was a bit uhh surprised to randomly get all those username mention notifications to then see this.... interesting post mentioning me numerous times.... (?)


But, to be honest - this post confused the hell out of me (still kinda does?)

Though, in this post and in numerous comments - OP seems to keep referencing some significance about my username (Lunari) and I would just like to clarify that my reasoning for having this username is nothing more than just because I wanted to have a (semi-obscure?) League of Legends reference.... lmao. So I admittedly am unaware of whatever this uhh whole 'deeper meaning' there apparently is to my username.


Though, I at first thought as if this bizarre post about / to me was in agreement with things I said (?) but then reading through the comments I realized I was WAYYY wrong because in the comments I'm being called a shill... (?)


I'm just extremely confused about what the hell this is and why such a bizarre post about me even exists....?


My only guess (particularly due to the time frame of when this weird shit was posted) is that this is some attempt of retaliation from the fucking shill I tried calling out a handful of times. If that's not what this is..... then uhh..... I don't even fucking know. Though, probably like 80% chance my first guess is correct so I don't even care to waste time trying to comprehend it.



Re-worded quite a few parts of this comment.


[EDIT 2]  

Nevermind, looked at the accounts of the commenters who were agreeing with whatever nonsense OP was babbling on about and I was correct in the first place. Clearly just the misinformation troll isthisgameofthrones / redditsuckz / whatever the other hundreds of other alt accounts he has just trolling because he's pissy that I called him out on his bullshit. The significant effort put into this shitpost entertained me for a few minutes admittedly, but then it didn't take long to realize that it's just this shill and now the few minutes of amusing confusion is over. lmao.

redditsuckz ago

These have to hijack intent and our blood is the key to that. Blood is thicker then water, its our spiritual currency, it has hidden magic.

The Secret - First 20 mins

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Edit;19:58..... For all you fuck wits who missed how i secretly hidden what the spear of destiny actually is. Its so funny.. Well you`ll have to go back to my grapheme and figure it all out. People who cant well i wouldn't want to be a thieve with the why would i.. the intent is for all to see so I shall be Cryptozoic as possible..

Second Star to the right and straight on till the morning, Then.... follow your own inner compass, And he shall be like a tree firmly planted, and tended, by streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; his leaf shall not fade or wither, and everything he does shall prosper and come to maturity, ~ the seen and the unseen

For the people who failed the test, No, explanation is not needed - only exclamation, a wondering heart, awakened, surprised, feeling the mystery of life each moment, Then, and only then, you know what truth is. Choose your path and set your compass then start walking. ~The hand is the cutting edge of the mind, Be wise.

crazimal ago

Somebody forgot his lithium and watched the librarian movie last night. Perhaps there is a coherent thought in your head but you need to get a grip on yourself op.

It's actually pretty insulting to expect others to wade through your wall of verbal manure. Try it with about 80% less words or simply express yourself better?

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Its fucking awesome when someone understands you more than you or perhaps a fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool, Let people wonder about you is my motto :)

SEE. Televisions are used for telling visions on different channels, why what is the librarian program? Or maybe truth comes, you can`t hear it, how can you hear it when you have been programmed to fear it, haha spell bound fool.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

OK ... I really dig your intro on how "magick" is all about "controlling reality" by distorting the tools our brain uses to get a handle on reality in the first place ie. words, language, symbols etc. But then I get kinda lost ... what exactly are you trying to say/prove concerning the word "Lunari" ...? What am I supposed to see in the references on the 4th declension?

UPDATE: OK, I was too lazy to read all the comments :) ... back on track. Haven't found the solution though ...

happyme73db ago

Yes the words are magic and hence the tower of Babel, they don't want us to have the magic.... also our blood is very special in the universe, it contains something they greatly need... that is why they keep us alive.... we need to regain our original power and get rid of them...

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

The intent behind the word is the magic not the exact word itself. Once upon a time we didn't use words but symbols. Its the symbols what possess magic, hence why the ruling elite are educated in it extensively.

Sentastixc ago

I like the info, but I greatly dislike the way you presented it, format is unreadable

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Its by design thats why. Its for the researchers who are in the know. i wouldn't want the hidden easter eggs to get in the wrong hands. For all our sake.!!

SayWhatNOWAY ago


Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Aw thanks mate. My friends are forever telling me i speak quicker then i think, must be the inner child in me haha. Normally i would of formatted it in such a way it touches all those who read it but i wouldn't want any of this to be used for bad, hence why its written the way it is, to keep the curtains drawn so to speak but definitely noted for next time.

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Have you actually read Wiki regarding Lunari and the meaning.. It is a topic in itself Bro.!!!

sensitive ago

I would have used different words, but it doesn't matter - this guy is spot-on. Been there, done that, know how "they" work. I have experienced it first-hand. What can we do? 1) Question everything that is said and written - here and everywhere else; double-check everything. 2) Listen to your heart, your inner voice.

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

but why use different words.. i writ this from the heart just to inform. I could of taken my time but why try and use the same magic.!!

anonentity ago

Wow you've blown my mind, I don't want to go any further because you might not have quite realised the implications of what you have posted. With great power comes great responsibility.

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Thanks.. I am fully aware :)

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Perhaps i skipped my spell tests lol. Seriously Its cool, your feed back is appreciated. I am just putting emphasis on how these people work in the collective. Remember the mystery behind James Alefantis being the key jig saw piece, he was the Achilles Heel for how pizzagate has progressed more then just a conspiracy. Now clearly voat is a platform they are going to be interested in, to misinform but you need to be aware how they use language, its there most prized weapon and its important you recognize how. Its sporadic by design, not to insult but to grab the attention of the researchers who are on track. Ive left a few subtle clues if you will :). Ive outed a shill so it should stay to warn others. I will post following links to show you its not speculation but truth .

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree there have been more than a few here, that have used some strange ways of trying to get researchers off leads. I will give a hint "Length"

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Maybe your still on the yellow brick road. The biggest secret ever kept is hidden somewhere in this bullshit, you just need the eyes to see

Don-Keyhote ago

I want the last two minutes of my life back you fucking twat

sensitive ago

Politely disagree. I admit his writing is a bit difficult to read, but what he says - been there, done that!!!

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

I totally agree, but you have to bare in my mind my emotions were running wild after discovering this user man.!! and that anagram is a tell tale sign we are dealing with someone big which warrants further investigation. Did you crack my code? Edit: i could off sat on it and written it like a pro but i like to keep it real.

sensitive ago

I don't blame you and I do bear that in mind. No offense intended. What code do you mean?

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

None taken and never mind

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

lmao. You can't refute i haven't outed a shill, a user who is also a mod.!!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Must Open Right Key!

sensitive ago

Lunari? He's not a mod :-(

Lunari ago

Exactly.... I'm not a mod, nor have I ever been. I still don't understand what the fuck any of this is even about?

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

He was when i checked his profile, its probably been scrubbed. Maybe i should do a post about Voat haha

Lunari ago

*She and lmao what in all fuck are you talking about....? I'm definitely not a mod, nor have I ever been. I have tried to make sense of what your bizarre post about me is even supposed to mean but honestly, after attempting to read it a handful of times - i have absolutely no clue....

Were-All-Geni-Uses ago

Thanks mate