Disciple7 ago

I'm glad I went back to look for more, I had the window open before the profile was set to private fortunately so I was able to get more and more grabs.

Disciple7 ago

Then that "art" is definitely put into perspective. I had my suspicions about what you have spoken of, but not to that extent! I agree with you fully. We are fighting principalities and we need to do our parts to intercede.

howard55 ago

The "okay asshole" drawing from here https://i.sli.mg/HFU955.jpg

is similar to this, http://thelastthingtheysaidwas.com/images/paul_weil_whales.jpg by Paul Weil, old singer for the Apes

Orange_Circle ago

Somewhat weird with the kids with a penis drawing. Might want to put a NSFW tag on that. Personally wish I hadn't seen it, glad I'm on a disposable device.

Boud8814 ago

who's art is this

Vindicator ago

Who is this guy? Is there a connection to Pizzagate?

Disciple7 ago

This guy's:


The #pizzaparty that was found here was the starting point.

Vindicator ago

Okay. But hashtag or some guy drawing pedo pictures is not enough for this sub. Please look at the definition for Pizzagate in the sidebar. Does this connect to the elite somehow? Did he have a show in one of Alefantis' venues? Anyone significant buy his stuff? Invite him to their parties? If not, I will need to remove it. Thanks.

Theupsidedown ago

Thank you

Kawksnahch ago

it's always the flippant comments that get picked up. never the eloquently worded ones. This image bothered me too but once I saw the signs of abuse I got sidetracked.