Furthermore there is a legacy of residential schools where thousands of Native children were sexually abused, tortured, and brainwashed. This legacy carried on today with the mass disappearances of thousands of Native women who are believed to have been murdered:
Finally, I stumbled upon a series of videos on YouTube by a Canadian psychologist Sandra Fecht whose work was primarily in working with victims of trauma. She encountered so many patients who made similar claims about being subjected to satanic ritual abuse that she, despite being initially skeptical, ended up reporting her findings to the authorities, at which point she began getting death threats and other retaliation against her:
The Trudeau connection isn't something I know much about but I had to share this information to help provide some possible context to the conversation.
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apalehorus ago
Hope I'm not too late to this thread but I registered just to say this:
Canada is well-known to have been a hotbed of MKUltra type experimentation particularly at McGill University but also in other military and mental-Heath facilities across the country: http://www.mcgilldaily.com/2012/09/mk-ultraviolence/ https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/01/09/mind-control-and-mk-ultra-in-canada/amp/
Furthermore there is a legacy of residential schools where thousands of Native children were sexually abused, tortured, and brainwashed. This legacy carried on today with the mass disappearances of thousands of Native women who are believed to have been murdered:
Finally, I stumbled upon a series of videos on YouTube by a Canadian psychologist Sandra Fecht whose work was primarily in working with victims of trauma. She encountered so many patients who made similar claims about being subjected to satanic ritual abuse that she, despite being initially skeptical, ended up reporting her findings to the authorities, at which point she began getting death threats and other retaliation against her:
This have even been scandals such as the Martinsville day care in Saskatchewan where children report being ritually abused in a satanic cult fashion:
The Trudeau connection isn't something I know much about but I had to share this information to help provide some possible context to the conversation.