ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Another Jana, like biljana

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Urine, faeces, blood

i2amspartacus ago

You're on a higher level of conscious than I am. I'm not there yet but much respect all the same. When human slavery ends, then I will try to reach a place of love, mercy and forgiveness.

Candle4TheKids ago

Your sentiments might be noble and in some part we must not of course lose ourselves in hatred, but I'm sorry we should not forgive these acts. It's immaterial whether they choose it or not, the victims come first. At the very least they need to be put away for a very long time. Culpability should be determined on a fair trial basis but I don't believe in people getting off on some 'I was abused' charge. Many are abused and NEVER touch or hurt a child.

This kindness and forgiveness very apparent in Europeans specifically...can also be a weakness and is ruthlessly exploited by criminal elements in our society. Anger is not always toxic but can be channelled as a driving force.

See: The blue flame of anger

Haldelos ago

She did a "performance" called "PISS TEST AND PRIVATE PIZZA" Her description of the show was essentially: After missing her period for 2 months...She took a pregnancy test in front of the crowd, under a sheet of plastic in the corner...came back negative. Then took out a piece of pizza, went back to the same corner, back under plastic to eat the pizza (she made made a point to say the audience could hear her chewing loudly into the microphone) . She then came out and threw up into a bucket in front of the crowd. It seems clear to me that the pizza is representative of the baby that now doesn't exist for one reason or another. sick shit

also tons of satanic symbols

remedy4reality ago

First of all, this woman is incredibly talented and is far beyond most of the 'artists' I have seen regarding PG. That said, it's this talent which conveys a feeling of absolute HORROR and DREAD in her subjects and leaves on feeling deeply affected.

i2amspartacus ago

These are the most heinous acts humans can commit. The perpetrators know right from wrong. They choose evil. Many victims of child abuse break the cycle in their adulthood. These predators didn't.

Kwijibo ago

Kind of a "wall of text". Can we all learn to format text to make it more readable. Paragraphs, spacing, etc.

SturdyGal ago

This is very true since I am convinced many of the perpetrators were victims themselves and may have been mind controlled. However, out first job is to "call the devil out". We have to identify the problem before we can heal the problem.

Womb_Raider ago

This post gave me a chill. Hard to stay positive in light of recent events. I admire your perspective. Cheers.

Dressage2 ago

Yes, I agree and it struck the person in the forehead below (when looking at blue paint and the blue blood dripping onto legs.). Kind of like the Asian girl, Go Go, used in the movie Kill Bill 2.

LostandFound ago

This ^

There's more vacant houses foreclosed and for sale in the area.... I always said dont shit on your own doorstep, Alefantis or anyone doing something other than rubbing shoulders in his own premises would have been total madness.

Itsdefinitelyreal ago

Beautifully said. Trying to stay positive


reminds me of Kim Nobles art - likely an abuse victim

happyme73db ago

excellent research

NonexistentNihilist ago

Not a huge deal, but for the sake of clarity James alefantis and Julian Assange have the same initials. Wouldn't want to mislead anyone who is less read on this subject.


Assange should not even be mentioned here - this is Pizzagate, mention Wikileaks - not Assange

NonexistentNihilist ago

The point is someone comes onto this site and sees someone talking about a JA relating to pedophilia, with all the mud slinging being aimed at assange it may be prudent to take the extra few seconds to type out alefantis' name.


good point :)

Piscina ago

Have you seen how much she charges for the rubbish that she makes? It's ridiculous. What a wank.

RedGreenAlliance ago

say you were a pedo and wanted to pay for a service. You find the source. You are told - buy X painting from Y person. This is then payment for the service, but you get 'art' for plausible deniability and a dead-end if you are audited. No need to withdraw large sums of cash. The artist gets a cut, and maybe other payments in lieue (eg free promotion fro inked galleries and being pushed by the 'art community')

RedGreenAlliance ago

I think art is used as a conduit to pay for pedo services. Alefantis owns / directs art galleries. He is connected to lots of artists who have very suspicious art like Durdjevic, Abramovic, etc. Who would put some of this sick stuff in their hose? who would pay such big prices? i would say for example if you went through the list of everyone who bought art like Ria Pratt (Kim Noble alter) - you'd find pedos 2k, 4k for satanic ritual abuse pictures. Why would you buy them. Where would you put them.

Commonwombat ago

They're certainly not a "happy" bunch, are they?

msgtw123 ago

Her performance art on her page looks bad too. Check out the "performance" she is doing in front of a pentagram, and the one called "piss test and private pizza."

remedy4reality ago

Just like the one kept near the bed of Tony Podesta.

I'm thinking that tissues may actually be the MAPS, used to wipe up fluids and are kept as.mementos of the sordid event.

LostandFound ago

Dont forget our pedo pal Epstein he also had similar box of tissues on display in house, just seems odd that. MAP though is a common pedo term Minor Attracted Person. Pizza related MAP I believe is a CP customer.

remedy4reality ago

I know... but I have a difficult time reasoning what the 'handkerchief with a pizza related map' was in the particular Podesta email.

LostandFound ago

handkerchief in this context imo was talking about the preference of the individual, black and white is S&M & Masturbation <- so thats the sexual preference of the minor attracted person whos looking for porn perhaps as opposed to 'live action' seems to me they use the house viewings as a get together in houses that no one owns. Quite convenient actually.

salinaslayer ago

1967 in Portugal during the Salazar dictatorship, leaked by the Sunday Telegraph and Daily Telegraph on 11-12 December, after an Italian article:

Under the title "Lolita Hunt in the Minister's Garden" (Caccia alla lolita nel giardine del ministro) is told the enthusiastic participation of an executive government member, very close to Salazar in games with girls younger than 14, along with other individuals. In the gardens of the great estate this minister had in Estoril, they arranged what was frequently described as "hunts", during which a dozen girls completely naked, except for shoes and a colored hairband, were set loose as if it were an animal reservation. Once free, the hunters "diverse aristocrats, said minister and high state officials" followed behind them, equally bare and also with a colored band. The game consisted in capturing the girl whose band was the same color as the hunter's and consequent consummation of the sexual act. In other events, the minors would dance naked under pink-colored lights, practice which became known as "Ballet Rose" and came to name the case.

remedy4reality ago

" Thong Dungeon ' has a barred window that is the same height and relative size as the barred window(s) of the suspected Pegasus 'kill room' property. Check it out.,-77.0291146,3a,75y,56.01h,87.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szbiyw5pRNHLFIwbtPqEZbQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Commonwombat ago

You're right!


I was wondering what that was. What's the long snakelike object?

Vindicator ago

Yeah, this is pretty bad. Good find.

You really should paste the url into as you're making the post, and include both the original link, and the archive link in your posts. By drawing attention to it before it was archived, you risk losing access to it.


Also, you should provide a brief description of what concerns you about the images. There is one picture in a picture on the page below that looks like an adult coming through a sleeping child's bedroom window:

Aysemari ago

Just HOW many pedo-bastards are we dealing with here? It looks like we hit the mother load

SpikyAube ago

These paintings kind of make me think this artist was a victim. Maybe now a perpetrator, but something about it, with the fake smiles, and the fists shoved in mouths as though bracing against pain or being prevented from speaking out.


"Thong Dungeon" seems to show these people trying to escape through the little barred window. These are sexualised captured children.

remedy4reality ago

I know exactly where I have seen that window before! It's the identical size and distance from the ground as the suspected #killroom of the Pegasus building. Painting>

Exterior View of Pegasus building >,-77.0291146,3a,75y,56.01h,87.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szbiyw5pRNHLFIwbtPqEZbQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Candle4TheKids ago

where and what is the pegasus building?