Investigate1999 ago

I'm a non-shill mod, and I support the deleting of posts that break the first 3 rules.

Submitters are encouraged to make corrections, and then repost, so that their research doesn't go to waste.

gittttttttttttttttt ago

It was the top post so obviously people wanted to discuss. He didn't step down. He just logged into his other account called kevdude.

gittttttttttttttttt ago

And you made up rule 4 on pizzagatewhatever, there is no rule 4 you fucking liar shill

gopluckyourself ago

That is fair as I did refuse remodship.

gittttttttttttttttt ago


gittttttttttttttttt ago

I just did. The issue is barely anyone sees that subverse. This is where most of the community is and backups/shills mods should be addressed to the entire community. Consider changing the rules if post with such high importance aren't allowed. The comments show others are experiencing the same things going on.

gittttttttttttttttt ago

And fuck you for deleting it

Thakiddds ago

I've been having mad problems with him too

ArthurEdens ago

I've had trouble with gopluckyourself and crensch from day one. They delete stuff to the point of censorship. Did the same thing happen with this numbchuck guy?

RebelSkum ago

numbchuck was a douchetool. Deleted tons of DynCorp posts at once.

gopluckyourself ago

Numbchuck wantonly deleted approximately 20 or so posts before one of the mods caught it I can try to find the post relating it if you like. TBH if there is an issue with the way I was moderating it is systemic as I only removed posts based on the rules. If I made a mistake or two I always tried to urge the poster to repost or reposted myself if they were taking too long to get back.
I urge you and everyone else on this forum if they have a problem with the way that the rules are worded or being implemented to take it up in /v/pizzagatemods.
I was not demodded for anything I did here in pizzagate either I was demodded as a kneejerk reaction to this post:
Kevdude and I have now reconciled for the most part however I asked him not to remod me to lend credibility to this subreddit as a lot of people have been having issues with me. I will however continue to contribute to this subverse in my own way.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Thank you for taking a hit for the team. I don't know any of the background but I am impressed that you took the high road and still want to be an active member. Well done and thanks.

ArthurEdens ago

People obviously have a problem with the way you're moderating. I've told you this before.

sleepingbeautycan ago

He stepped down. You won. Now you look like a poor winner.

gopluckyourself ago

Well yeah but the problem is systemic if there is one and any mod actually moderating would be subject to the same issues that people had with me. I just happened to be the most active one. If you find faults with the sub address them by taking them to the appropriate venue /v/pizzagatemods strangely enough you will actually have discussion with the mods there. At least the ones that actually actively contribute to the sub go there every so often during the day to make sure there aren't any pressing concerns.

ArthurEdens ago

The problem is the way you mods are policing the self-imposed rules. People are making a lot effort to post things and you're judging whether it's worthy of pizzagate as if you know more than the users and that the forum rules are more important than the cause. Let us downvoat a post if it's not relevant, isn't the whole point of the vote system? The policing of posts is counter productive. A post will be ignored if it's not relevant. Let us decide. How many people do you need to tell you you guys are doing it wrong before you see it. You're driving everyone away.

Investigate1999 ago

Arthur, I think that there are more shills here than there are genuine investigators, and a lot of the genuine people post stuff that are off topic, and repost the good stuff. There are other forums for that kind of stuff. @gopluckyourself was right to delete at least 1 of the posts, and I support him cautiously for the others.

The first 3 rules in the side bar are strict. We are trying to clamp down on the junk.

The submitters are encouraged to repost their content according to the rules.

Kikimc22 ago

100% agree with you Arthur

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you Kiki

gittttttttttttttttt ago

Yes more post are being censored then being posted right now. It is not looking good. I message King Kong about my concerns. Yes Numbchuck was deleting crucial post and then got called out for it.

remedy4reality ago


gopluckyourself ago

They already were but not for anything I did in here. I was also offered remodship and refused for now. I would like to be just a user for a while and to go back to contributing how I was before I got modded.

IllegalNews ago

They are definitely CIA pedo mods. gopluckyourself is always trying to pick fights with me and banning my posts for no reason.

gittttttttttttttttt ago

Sadly yes. Numbchuck has already proved they will go far lengths to get positions. I messaged King Kong but King Kong may not be on right now.

gittttttttttttttttt ago

Why is gopluckyourself calling users goyum after censoring their post? JIDF?

remedy4reality ago

inappropriate and condescending, for sure

gopluckyourself ago

I was honestly angry and am only a man the goyum bit was me making a joke regarding the fact that the post was most likely a shill. And the jew joke is based on amalek anti jew shit because it's kind of funny to say stuff like that in jest however seeing as this is a public forum it is entirely inappropriate for my previous position.

IDeliverPizza ago

LISTEN TO ME ALL VOAT MODS ARE CIA CONTROLLED ONLY WAY TO GET SHIT OUT THERE IS TO POST stuff thats not so damaging and then post in the comments.


MSM will be BTFO like Nick Bryant says in his podcast if former law enforcement and victims come forward. They WILL come forward if all of them go on a major platform so everyone will know who they are. ALEX Jones is a big enough platform for these people to be safe because if anything happens to them all hell will break loose. Can we all write to him to put out something on his website that says victims and former law enforcement who know anything please come forward we are doing a week long special on this. THIS WOULD BE A HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE BREAKTHROUGH because the info would be from firsthand witnesses who no longer can be blackmailed because millions watch Alex Jones' channel.

Black_Mirror ago

I saw a post the other day where 'gopluckyourself' tries to explain themselves as being an "imperfect" person and sometimes makes mistakes when deleting posts that don't automatically click with him to be PG related. Goplucksourself, please explain

gopluckyourself ago

As I've stated elsewhere. If I make a mistake I try to rectify it as quickly as possible as is evident from my post history. If I can not get a person to repost something that I've deleted on accident or to change the post to be relevant I would go ahead and repost it myself with the appropriate explanations/citations pinging the user whose post I deleted.
As it stands tho I have been removed/refused remodship at this point and will continue to contribute in my way from a non mod position.

gittttttttttttttttt ago

Yes something strange is going on. I just found this: