LostandFound ago

Been and done how do you think his twitter account got hacked! :D he turned on two factor authentication for Gmail so one password would not do it anymore.

Some others were tested and worked but the twitter hack was ultimate validation they were legit when they started dropping

creep ago

He not only used real words

Using real words has nothing to do with password strength. https://xkcd.com/936/

Fateswebb ago

In a dictionary attack it has everything to do with it.

wecanhelp ago

I've flaired this as IMPORTANT because if there are actual working passwords to be found, they need to be found and used as soon as possible.

However, do NOT announce it here if you find a working password! Instead, use it to sign in, archive everything you possibly can (archive.is, screenshots, local copies, etc.), and then announce it while simultaneously posting your findings, so that others can immediately verify and make further archives if necessary. Remember, when you tell us about a working password, you're telling them, too. Make sure to stay safe, using someone else's login credentials is highly illegal.

(@sensitive, you might want to add this warning to your post.)

yabbadoody ago

"Droga's children" - "drogas" is Spanish for drugs. Drugs and chidren.


SecondAmendment ago

This is the email link. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54060 I think your search may have not worked because the author put "children" in actual quotation marks. (Cripes, for all I know they refer to hot dogs as children and children as hot dogs. . . . )

On another creepy note, searching for the term "CHILDREN" (in quotation marks) also yields a lot of results, seen here: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/?q=%22children%22&mfrom=&mto=&title=&notitle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=&noto=&count=200&sort=6#searchresult.

Devious1 ago

John "Runner1234" Podesta

Emails appear to of been removed more evidence Wikileaks Is compromised nb that was generic Applle pswd

Tis ok, am waiting for me to be suicided with a couple of gun shots to the back of the head....

SecondAmendment ago

Update. I put in just PW: (the letters "PW" followed by a colon) without any other parameters and a ton of emails came up.

DooDooDoodle ago

Hijacking top comment to point out it It is highly illegal to use someone's passwords to lg into their accounts without authorization. Remember the kid who got jail time for doing this to Sarah Palin.


SecondAmendment ago

Yup, good point. I sure would never use anyone's password or even attempt to hack. All I did was point out that in the emails these people are sharing passwords, denoted by PW. It's careless and probably a violation of their own workplace policies (and possibly the law) to be passing out passwords to other people in their emails.

SecondAmendment ago

SEARCH FOR THE ABBREVIATION "PW," rather than just the word "password," because they use that to share passwords.

Here is an example, an email that refers to a film and mentions "Droga's 'children'" (with the word children in quotes). It contains a link to a file and states that the PW is "sunday": https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54060

It was sent from Podesta to several and says, among other things:

Team – > > Please find here an updated link of spots. Note: some of these spots still need final mix and Droga’s “children”

variations will be updated tomorrow and finished by 2PM. https://hfa2016.box.com/s/s2swupuuaufkgl1fwh3utdzb7ukx6ufa pw: sunday

A second email (https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/51605)) says:

Tina — Hope you’re doing well. Here is a link to the first cut of the film. We’ve submitted this to Sundance and if it is selected, we have about three months to edit it into a final product. I’d love for the President to see it and let me know what he thinks. Thanks so much.
Pw: newdems

spiderleaks ago

"Final Mix on spots" is commercial post production lingo. I think Droga may refer to Droga5 ad agency. They are talking about putting the right audio mix on the final version of their "spots" aka tv commercials.

It very well just could be a commercial called "children".

yabbadoody ago

"Drogas" is Spanish for drugs.. drugs and children.

Sometimes it's so simple, it would bite you on the bum if it were a mosquito.

EuroSkeptic ago

Should we open the vimeo video? Anyway, someone did and it's called "C-r/a/s--h/i/ng /Th/e P-a-r/ty /092-31-5" (minus the slashes and such).. so it would appear to have a date connected to it. Also it has 250 views. Hope this helps someone, I don't have time to pursuit this. EDIT: Oddity: on that exact date the pope visited the White House.

sensitive ago

I have never seen someone so sloppy and inexperienced with passwords! Unless someone has by now taken over ALL of his login data on the net, he may have improved only a little bit. **Meaning: He might use the same or similar user names and passwords after all, maybe simply using them for different websites now. **

SpikyAube ago


Haven't checked any of these just adding the ones that come up in case others want to look. This one above is for something called McCain Hub?

Jem777 ago

That is a message regarding the 2008 election against J. Mccain I believe. Discussing ads or strategy

OleHickry ago

sorry man, doesn't work. I tried this when the email originally came out lol

sensitive ago

That's why I wrote "login data not valid anymore" - it was just one of many examples.

OleHickry ago

ah, my bad for reading over that and looking like an idiot haha

sensitive ago

No problem at all :-) After all, I may well be the idiot since people have probably tried this route long before I mentioned it today ... But - one never knows!

Vindicator ago

Like...every anon in the Chans

Nana66 ago

Maybe one of those people who had to tell him his password is the leaker.