Silex ago

Leftovers after taking the pineal glands out? Eech. Has anyone looked into the McDonalds connection?

shortymcbossypants ago

As a person who has literally spent most of my life in restaurants I am not at all surprised about this stuff. When you get to working in kitchens and see first hand how twisted some chefs and foodie type people can be, it really messes with you mentally.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Interesting coincidence! Hmmm... was CNN actually trying to hide something?

jackjones ago

Or expose something or someone? Hmmm....

Boud8814 ago

join us in further posting and investigating also at

jackjones ago

In this clip: Obama talks with Bourdain about hotdogs and ketchup..."Do not put it on a hotdog if you are over 8 years old..." Are they just talking about traditional Chicago hotdogs here?

DarkFae ago

Oh, yeah. She's a health nut - obsessed with pizza and hot dogs.

Boud8814 ago

Anybody wanting to help dig deeper join this

oneslyfox ago

Dove a little deeper on the Bourdain post with the creepy poster art:

The artist, Bob Fingerman, has some interesting stuff on his site. Particularly his novel (graphic/written) work.The descriptions REGULARLY allude to cannibalism/vampirism and children. Lots of zombies in his work, not sure what to think there unless it's a jab at the general populace who aren't 'in the loop' (like us). (Archive:)


In the first image Batali says they're making "wiki" risotto. It was posted 8w ago, which makes it just around the time that Pizzagate first started getting attention.

Boud8814 ago

yeah very arrogant

Boud8814 ago

thank you

militant ago

Big Gay Ice Cream are shops in NY/Philly.

Another chef, Lucas Power (aka MOchef103, who commented on the infamous #killroom pic, aka dcchef103) posted a picture of it on his Facebook:

Boud8814 ago

hiding in plain site

Boud8814 ago


Boud8814 ago

2 be a celeb in food

art you have to sell your soul. This metaphorically sells the souls of all their followers

contrary_mma_hipster ago

I think the Gracie BJJ logo resembling the pedo triangle is likely a coincidence - that's been their symbol for many, many decades, way before pedos were communicating online. All BJJ academies incorporate a triangle in their logo, the triangle represents the principles of the martial art. The Gracies just make their triangle also look like a G to represent their last name. The way its stylized does make it look similar to the pedo triangle, but personally I think it's coincidence. If not, would definitely be a huge scandal - the Gracies are probably the most famous family in martial arts. I don't want to discourage anyone from investigating, but I would just be surprised if it were a real lead.

Boud8814 ago

thanks, good

Freemasonsrus ago

I would love to push for an abolishment of government controlled "farms" ( ie: large corporate farms poisoning our food and abusing animals) and mandate organic growers as the "norm". It would be a huge project to undercut the lobbiest and defund the chemical growers, but those are the main things standing in our way of creating a farming system within the U.S. that is safe for consumers. Cancer rates have not grown by leaps and bounds for no reason. Everyone in this country should be able to feed their family organically grown produce and proteins without fear of contamination with toxins. I do not believe "organic" on a label necessarily means "organic", rather I believe we should have an "organic" system by which we operate under normal circumstances. Propping up and supporting local farms as opposed to large monopolies.

red_pill_stefbot ago

One thing has become clear to me since I've discovered pizzagate: the elites are into some REALLY WEIRD SHIT.

cosmicmind ago

In this pic Podesta honestly shows fangs.

Batali often refers to food52. Has anyone checked who that is?
My favorite comment: unfollowed! his comment: Scottish Highlands. Stalking.

It’s weird that he didn’t write that he was hunting, he wrote the word stalking.
He's a mouth-breather.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That was when? 8 weeks ago today? That's right around the election. Podesta was rather busy then, wasn't he?

cosmicmind ago

lul, a guys gotta eat.

Batali maybe a little more than others, but still...

I'm not sure when the screenshot was taken.

sunshine702 ago

Yes Mario Batalli but also don't forget DANIEL BOULUD too. Podesta and Assange had a very famous twitter spat about the risotto.

lilwagon ago

Huge Bourdain fan for years.

Everything seems different after Pizzagate.

Wondered about his association with CNN now. (My youtube was FLOODED with Bourdain recs, and it made me wonder why he's being pushed so hard on me).

Then this line caught my attention:

I know it's probably nothing, and this was from WAY back...

But PPG (post pizza gate) I notice this stuff.

yabbadoody ago

CNN is heavily compromised. During Enduring Freedom (or whatever BS name they gave the second Bush invasion of Iraq), there was US Military intelligence officer, officially sanctioned, in the newsrooms, combing the evening scripts for "proficiency"... Operation Mockingbird. Believe CNN if you well, but you might as well call the Pentagon and ask them their response, would probably be the same.

Boud8814 ago

the schnozzes

Orange_Circle ago

Interesting that Batalio was so proud to be seen with John Podesta and then his fans RIPPED HIM A NEW ONE in the comments for being with criminal Podesta.

Stellarjay ago

All these people on these shows think they're special because the masses worship them. If only people knew how better off they can be without the frigging tv.

Orange_Circle ago

Totally agree. I have not watched the tube in a few years.

Stellarjay ago

Huge form of control

ArthurEdens ago

I'm so glad that random people that follow random people like Batalio know about pizzagate

Orange_Circle ago

That is very refreshing, to think that normal America is so infused with the knowledge of Pizzagate.

hang_em_high ago

please not bourdain :( .. his shows are my favorites

Boud8814 ago

come help follow up here on discord, what do you know about Boulud?

ArthurEdens ago

No doubt he's tried human. The dude will eat anything. If he does more that it would be a bunmer yes

ThorTheWonderful ago

A thought just crossed my mind, Monsantos had George Bush do favors to get them the power over the FDA and farmers to destroy the little farms and wipe out all natural plants and be able to file law suits against little farms for stealing Monsantos DNA for the GMO plants simply contaminating the natural plants around them, the law suits should go the other way! But anyway, my point is, if they alter the DNA in the right ways, and when their food is applied to say, pizza, and then if it is analyzed to look for human DNA, they could use that as an excuse for why they would find some by saying the GMO food made it appear as such. Thus getting them out of a situation.

Maybe its an off the wall thought, but who knows how far out the park these people are.

ArthurEdens ago

Are you kidding? Nothing is off the wall at this point. They are all lunatics.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I have said this before about our food:. SayWhatNOWAY 1 points (+1|-0) 1.2 days ago I really do not believe that just GMOs and hormones are in our foods and pharmaceuticals! Food connects everyone on earth. You control the food you control the people. Agenda 21 and Eugenics are pure Evil!

SayWhatNOWAY 1 points (+1|-0) 1.6 days ago I still think the Elites with all this satanic Pedo shit are putting shit in our food! Food is the only thing that links every person on earth together. You control the food you control the people. Also why the U.N. and the Obunghole Admin. really pushes for stopping individuals from growing their own food. Agenda 21 and Eugenics.

These peoples are sick fucks!


Cannibals say human tastes like pork.

TheGodHead ago

Ok I am going to extend your point beyond a joke.

Morally, if we look at the equation. Animals and humans are equal in their capacity to suffer. The intelligence animals hold, such as a pig, is higher than that of a dog.

We would not attempt to morally justify eating a dog because we feel it to be inherently wrong. Yet, we bypass this morality whenever we opt to eat an intelligent being. Those are the facts.


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Not funny ;-p

DooDooDoodle ago

Well, plus international food shipments would make perfect trafficking decoys.

ArthurEdens ago

That's what I think too! Started with hearing about pizzapacket. They put poison and/or people in our food. There is no way they wouldn't do this if they are as sadistic as we're seeing.

Boud8814 ago

food, art, mining.. Used to hide activities and trafficking and money laundering. Thank you for this

crystalclearme ago

Awesome work- greatly appreciated