KiRa2115 ago

I agree

Ksolver ago

I don't think the comments are weird, I think "The Duss. I am truly grateful" is what the hotdog is meant to be saying. "existential terror" is about the hotdog putting sauce on himself, and "You've been lobbying Congress?" is just a joke to indicate this hotdog is meant to represent congress.

The link to hotdogs could be relevant though, and a sign to others.

oilymirror ago

I think your points are mostly valid except your explanation of the 'lobbying Congress' comment (which motivated posting the observation) seems vague. It may be something innocuous but I can't comprehend it without presupposing some other tacit premise to that, outside of the picture. If the hot dog is 'meant to represent Congress' as you say, I think it still needs more context in order to be considered funny or make sense.

KiRa2115 ago

Your right oily, "you've been lobbying congress?" So lets take the 'joke' to its most simplest forms so we cant get disputed too heavily.

Wiki- Lobbying (also lobby) is the act of attempting to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of officials in a government,

So when their going to their meetings with congress to discuss their agendas there is something relevent to a 'HOTDOG' there too.

100% an inside joke too. Another tick for 'hotdog' being something relevant to #pedogate

oilymirror ago

Makes sense, thanks

Vindicator ago

Good post. Another little tidbit to add to the pile. Glad to see the mods work to set up rules encouraging this kind of stuff is working!

Orange_Circle ago

This is the guy who said "bring all available kids to the party," right?

oilymirror ago

The email was sent from Werz's address but it said it was from Flores and Duss also

pizzaequalspedo ago

I would agree this is more circumstantial evidence suggesting there is rampant pedophilia happening in DC. The comment "you've been lobbying congress?" particularly fits with what we think happens and the meaning of hotdog.

KiRa2115 ago

100% that "you've been lobbying congress?" comment suggests a hidden meaning to 'HOTDOG'. It is undeniable


as well fits into why Trump wants to limit terms for congress, and eliminate lobbiests