B3nd3r ago

Unfortuneately I don't. For the last couple of years they seem reliable though, but I wouldn't trust them to be uncorruptible or anything, so I'd always store what seems important locally, too.

Verite1 ago

Maybe Soros related groups attempt to shield him, but failed.

Verite1 ago

So if it can be discredited, that he was convicted in Russia, where are people getting the information that Soros is somehow connected? Where/why the smoke I wonder?

srayzie ago

He has 2 sons ready to take his place

JrSlimss ago

Don't forget his nephew Peter Soros, who is considered a "material witness" to crimes involving sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's international sex trafficking ring. (Link)

Theupsidedown ago

Cut off one head of the beast and two more grow in its place

carmencita ago

So they say it is good that he will not abuse any more girls for 11 years. What about when he gets out? They never stop. He will be rabid by then. 30 yrs would have been better but if still alive he still could not stop.

fedophileslayer ago

I'm sure he could be replaced in short order. For anyone who actually faces the public, there are likely many more who we never see or know about.

Piscina ago

I'm glad he was deported. Is that the only detail not 'real'?

AreWeSure ago

No. Most were not real. The NGO was not trying to protect him. Check the articles

Piscina ago

I'm glad you raise this issue. Ostensibly, yes, APLE, fights trafficking. On the face of it, APLE went after the Russian paedophile. Behind the scenes they are doing the trafficking; aiding and abetting the pedophiles. The director of Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE) has since been charged by police after sexually assaulting at least nine residents at an orphanage he ran in 2013 and 2014.

Philippe Broaly, a former judge from Lyon, was arrested last week and accused of sexually abusing seven boys aged between 12 and 19. Broaly is the president of Enfants du Cambodge, an NGO which partners Cambodian children with donors in France. But Broaly was also the president of the Ecole Francaise de Sihanoukville.

Veha Long, 32, Cambodian founder and director of the Underprivileged Children School in the northwestern tourist hub of Siem Reap province, was arrested for trafficking at least four teenage students. He was accused of asking the teenagers living at his home to give sex to foreign donors.

AreWeSure ago

Wow crazy stuff. And to be accurate, your link says he was the former director of APLE, left almost 9 years before these crimes.

Piscina ago

What's telling is that you offer nothing constructive but insist on defending Soros and his NGOs.

AreWeSure ago

Accuracy is not constructive?

Piscina ago

If you want to support Soros and pedophiles, go right ahead. But this is not the right forum for it.

B3nd3r ago

archive link 1: https://archive.is/EJpDu

archive link 2: https://archive.is/HG9oQ

If you don't archive and save the shit out of all of these articles you're only helping the other side to scrub all traces.

Piscina ago

Thanks. I'm new to this.