Birdzeyeview ago

I hope he does get sued , he's a jackass tryna scam money out of this WACKY CT

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

honestly he probably is just having anxiety if i had to guess. and yeah they used polonium 210 on litvinenko. yes if the government starts assassinating people, and a critical mass of the public is awake to it, the s will hit the f and the people will ALWAYS win that fight. the military is the people and they will find out fast that the hand that protects your life can just as easily take it away.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

they litvinenko'd him

NotOfIt ago

He has publicized himself so much I think it may protect him?

SecondAmendment ago

I hope so! I hope he stays safe and sound. I want nothing but the best for him and I do believe that the higher his profile is, the more likely it is that he'll stay safe. Then again, Andrew Breitbart had a very high profile when he suddenly had his "heart attack" (followed by the sudden death of his coroner). So no matter what, I will always pray for David Seaman and all of y'all many times each day.

DarkMath ago

My guess is Youtube either removed it or told him to. David was sort of on "double secret probation" with youtube already. I wouldn't read much into the shortness of breath. If TPTB wanted him dead he'd be dead already. He probably has a cold and is under a lot of stress. We're all stressed out actually at seeing the massive injustice and corruption plaguing DC.

thestormking ago

Oh? Are you an attorney?

Truthplease5 ago

the video has been removed by user..

speckledcat ago

He is a zionist shill who cares? He overplayed his hand. I cant take anything he says seriously let alone his "journalism".

Sorry but if he actually thinks it is ok for Israel to use Palestinian kids as fuck toys for Pedos then nope he can fuck off. That is how MP John Baird was caught by Anon. He lost his blackberry and on it was him at an Israeli club fucking a little kid.

He isnt investigating anything he is carrying water for the pedos. Most likely mossad as well. Aipac is everywhere.

PotniaTheron ago

Actually the Wikileaks email has been used in several court cases as proof. So yea I think we most likely got enough evidence for a conviction. Maybe not of child trafficking and rape. But the leaks has showed us they have broken several campaign laws. All we can do now is just keep researching follow the money and wait for more whistle blowers to give us more damaging evidence. This elite pedohile/occult ring is so huge there is good people with knowledge and evidence and we know that because of the huge list of body bags surrounding the Clinton foundation. So we just have to remember they are very scared and rightfully so. We just need to keep making noise and tell them we there with them.

Lets_be_Real ago

he needs to see a doctor if he's smoking that 'legal' Colorado weed. i read an article about it today referencing breathing problems, burning muscles, other ailments apparently tied to some of the weed on the market in Colorado. If he feels relief when he takes hot hot showers,, there's the culprit.

Birdzeyeview ago

strontium 90

on_fleek ago

David Seaman suffered having one of his pizzagate videos deleted by youtube. He reacted to the fact and made a response video telling youtube admin directly to put his video back up. What ever happened with that? Youtube didn't replace it, did they?

Is he BTFO by the censors?

speckledcat ago

a trick to add legitimacy to his channel. favorite thing of mossad.

RecycledUser ago

I do remember that video a while ago, someone in the store said they recognized him (I think), shook his hand, and then he thought he was sick. That is strange about the Trump video being taken down. I did write him earlier tonight, after watching some of that. But I said what a lot of the commentors were saying, to just try to let it be, until Trump gets in office, then he most likely will do something about PG. You could tell he was really ticked the last couple days when they axed his wiki page info. Also, I saw people mention the other day on here about him getting fired from Huffpo. The reason he did was because he was writing about HRC's health. Anyway, I hope he just lets the PG and the censoring stuff go for a couple weeks; everyone just about has to take a break from PG once in a while, it's just too overwhelming and maddening, to be so prevalent, plus if he feels like he's being censored.

pizza_merc ago

I hope everything's fine.

sunajAeon ago

There is plenty of evidence for an INVESTIGATION, and in a sane world MORE than enough to fire people, run them out of town, remove their license, etc-for Christ's sake when did people start thinking it was ok for their leaders to be involved with this filth??? There is NO question about this part, with an investigation they would bring down this government

doolord ago

Good to see him starting his own game of 4D chess. Hopefully it works out for him.

wokethefkup ago

Come on people let's pray and keep him in our prayers cover him in the precious blood, we have the authority in Jesus' name to cast out demons and to heal if only you can believe. So I claim it and I pray a covering over all that are researching this dark shit. I swear there is a spiritual realm and if you doubt it then you are ignorant because these freaks eating children even they believe in the spiritual realm. We must fight darkness with light.

wtf_is_happening ago

Why was DS's latest video "Donald Trump's PizzaGate Silence is Becoming Unacceptable!" just removed?

je-sui-pepe ago

just throwing this out there but maybe he was contacted by someone from the Trump team and told that he should take it down and that when Trump is sworn in THEN he will have the authority to make something happen. Until Trump is sworn in, nothing will happen because the whitehouse is still controlled by one of the Pedophiles, Obama. And don't Forget that General Flynn tweeted not too long ago a little cryptic message to the pedo's that their days were numbered. but from what i have been researching, this is a HUGE and well connected group. We may never see justice because there are judges, lawyers etc that will protect them. Outing them for who they are will be very important.

VainFaxJax ago

His couple most recent videos have been removed by him, this may be troubling.

rutkdn ago

This one too was just removed.

postfascion ago

That's the thing. I commented earlier that making statements without proof was damaging, but didn't think that maybe it was for a reason. This whole story is getting so nuanced, I won't dismiss that what you're saying couldn't be a possibility. Interesting.

BethesdaDC ago

Like energy attracts like energy. I'm a fan Seaman but he needs to chill and realize it's not about him. In my humble opinion

SecondAmendment ago

I agree. He's lost a lot of credibility, in my own objective eyes, since he shook the hand of the person in the mall because it seems like he's increasingly paranoid and defensive. Also, what actual research does he do? Nothing in his videos is new. He just whines, over and over, that "pizzagate is real." I actually agree with him that it's real, and I think the evidence y'all are compiling in here is overwhelming, and I can only imagine what the NYPD and other LEOs have that we don't even know about at this time. But I don't see what Seaman's done, other than whine, spout off about his desire for marijuana to be legal (a huge mistake, because these disjointed rants make him seem unstable), and push Bitcoin, gold, and silver on his viewers. His videos seem more like the paranoid rants of a used car salesman, in a nutshell. THIS MOVEMENT NEEDS A CREDIBLE SPOKESPERSON, in my humble and, ultimately useless, opinion, David Seaman ain't it.

VainFaxJax ago

Idk, let's hope it's just a cold.

thestormking ago

The last thing the pedos want to do is bring a false light claim. That kind of exposure would certainly backfire in civil court due to the lower burden of proof. We have enough evidence now to not only warrant an investigation, but to convict them criminally. They'd much rather try to censor us or start a world war and avoid any trial whatsoever.

Stellarjay ago

I didn't mean to downvote so upvoted as well. I shouldn't even be able to downvote!! Dam small tablet. I agree and find it so outrageous that they would go as far as war, but it's looking like that's what's been done for centuries....war, to put people in a disoriented, downtrodden state.

Selnee ago

Lol same thing happened to me earlier. I was cussing the tiny arrows on my tablet. It's easy to do.

ArthurEdens ago

That's how they got Bob Marley. Let's hope it's just flu.

Don-Keyhote ago

its noticeable as is the sniffing, and he aint coked up

EnZodiac ago

A few days ago there was a thread talking about how he said his pulse was slower than normal and some people were discussing that it may have been related to him shaking hands with someone het met earlier that day. I'm not one for fanning the flames of gossip but hes saying that hes been out of breath recently as well. Could these be all related events? (as in did someone try to poison him and these are the effects of that)

SecondAmendment ago

I remember that video. He said a stranger shook his hand and mentioned Bitcoin to him and then people commented on how scary it could be that he had physical contact with a total stranger. I sure as heck hope he's okay and well and that he stays that way. But like @savekids99, the OP in this thread, I am worried about him. I think his recent videos have been troubling, and his rants about gold, silver, Bitcoin, and "legalized" marijuana are disjointed, alarming, and actually DETRACT from the points he makes about the alleged pedophilia ring. I hope David Seaman has family and friends nearby and that he is taking care of his health. Something definitely seems "off" about him lately, and I pray that he's okay.

badastrid ago

I thought he was near tears, or maybe has a cold. Very upsetting stuff.

Thakiddds ago

I think he gets upset when thinking about these things. Many people have been personally affected by similar things, so investigating it can bring troubling things up

caliginosity ago

Yeah, I agree. I've been watching his videos from day 1 and can tell he is extremely passionate about getting pizzagate awareness out there and that he has a big heart. I just think that he lets his emotions take the front seat sometimes. With all this, I can't even imagine the justified paranoia and stress that must come with having a bigger name and trying to do what he's doing. In this recent video though, it does kind of sound like he's starting to get a cold though and the stress isn't helping that.