cosmicmind ago

I wonder if he's capable of growing a conscience and coming clean and taking responsibility, rather than blaming the leakers and telling them to shut up, and making them responsible for the content of his emails.

These politicians act like playground bullies.

bopper ago

Probably he's "irredeemable." Reprobate, God have mercy on his soul.

AmishMechWarrior ago

Body language analysis indicates that Tony is the very dominant member of the team. John Podesta comes off as both submissive and unstable

cosmicmind ago

his son Gabe's wikiemail describes it as quietly disagreeing (paraphrasing) . Yeah, Pedoesta is the type to internalize the anger, and then lash it out. He obviously writes his own speeches.
Their ego and billionaire accounts are so big they never thought they'd actually need a secure server.
psychology would call it the invincible syndrome.

bopper ago

Smart observation, makes a lot of sense.

Thorshamster ago

Leakers gonna leak.

lostinthevalley ago

Yo Podesta we need the "map" that "seems pizza-related," it's almost lunchtime-- maybe you drew the route to some good places on there. Did you ever get the handkerchief back?

Orange_Circle ago

"Podesta - we have your emails!"

In memory of Seth Rich.

Infopractical ago

Let us never be overconfident. It seems likely that Epstein got off lightly and protected his people with ample blackmail. That kind of blackmail isn't going away easily.

DeckoGecko ago

exactly why Pizzagate can't be all pitchforks and hangings!! we need to establish a kind of 'forgiveness campaign' for any of the ppl that have been roped into pedoblackmail to advance careers and now regret it... for example take the Yew Tree investigation of Jimmy Savile. Public pressure forced police to lock people up and they tried to satisfy the public by going after the celeb names but the minute it got near politicians or royalty that sht got shut down fast....


If we started playing that narrative back to hollywood and hint that they will be the sacrificial lambs to protect the political pedo's we might get a turn coat.... i'm leaning towards Charlie Sheen,,, he comes clean about what he did to Corey and we 'forgive' him because he tell's us about what his dad did to him and we get him to start naming names....

Good idea?

Kinda makes you rethink why his daddy did that electoral coup video for killary! Maybe he knows this is a good strategy for us to employ

Infopractical ago

Perhaps we need to think the way the feds did in the wake of the JFK assassination when it was realized that mafia felt too comfortable. We established RICO laws and spent 25 years systematically getting mobsters to rat out their superiors.

shillcrusher13 ago

What a scum-bag. This guy is a disgrace to politicians, and that is really saying something.

eiggaMAD ago

For as high up as he seems, or as involved with politics, he's not a very good public speaker....there are a tons of other ways to phrase "shut up". He sounds like a middle schooler that just got insulted and doesn't have a come back....


I need some upvote karma please hook it up haha.

When u hang around children as much as he does u start to act like them.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

far lefties

Podesta is not far left, else he wouldn't have funded Hillary Clinton (essentially a neocon but with liberal identity politics.)

Pizzainmyass ago

I can't wait til the news is showing him getting his ass kicked

cosmicmind ago

Sadly his type will take his anger out on the weak children.
He's trained in the art of spewing bullshit, just like Obama the silver-tongued bullshitter; so it's no wonder this guy was adviser for Obama and Clinton.
Clintons on the other hand are pathetic and couldn't string 2 coherent sentences together, similar to the Bushes. And these people are global leaders!

Stellarjay ago

Yes the global leaders of the world are a bunch of degenerate, mind controlled puppets. How on earth can any of them think clearly with all this nonsense going on? Well, they can't. When there's no clarity of mind, there is chaos.

Vic138 ago

The only leak I want to hear about is the leak coming from his ears after waterboarding him.

GlobalSouth ago

He knows it's a leak from insiders rather than a hack by Russians.

IlluminatiKing ago

lol he sucks

BethesdaDC ago

notice his short-term memory loss issues. possibly a marker for heavy drug use... or does anyone know if he's always been this way (jittery and struggling to connect thoughts?). Very odd

Sharipie ago

Pedosta you are a pig and a creep and a pedophile! And you need to be prosecuted and then locked up forever where you can no longer hurt another child! You are a despised leech and a cretin and you disgust me!

Lunari ago

Everytime I listen to this creep speak, I truly wonder how he could have ever managed to end up in any sort of political position whatsoever. He is never capable of speaking a sentence without saying "uhh" every other word. He always sounds like a clueless fucking idiot just putting words together in an attempt to make it sound like he knows what he's saying - when in reality, he doesn't ever know what the fuck he's talking about.


exactly how I feel about Obama

YingYangMom ago

If if if if, ugh, if, ugh, ugh, iffff

bopper ago

Couldn't have said it better.

Devious1 ago

Oh yo ho Ho, u don't know the half. two bullets to the back of the head incoming (suicide even though we don't own guns) or a plane crash seems a popular Clinton choice.

Respect to the Russian choir

i'd start downloading the bitcoins if I were u. There just maybe some info hiding in there

srayzie ago

That would be a great clip to repeat over and over in a pizzagate documentary

Baluga ago

People to Podesta: If you all behaved honorably, there would be nothing to leak.

(p.s. Comey's actions were obligatory per instruction by congress. He was required to tell them they were investigating the Clinton foundation. Again, if Hillary and her people had honorable behavior....)

amCassandraAMA ago

If he has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear

fartyshorts ago

Same with (baselessly) blaming "the Russians". They are basically saying "They swayed the election by telling the truth about us!"

Theupsidedown ago

It's so obviously a wardrum-banging effort...they want to leave trump with multiple foreign policy crises so he can't focus any efforts on prosecuting corruption because he will be so busy averting a war.

DefenderOfTruth ago

This exactly.

hanknut42 ago

its too late to make it all go away podesta~

YingYangMom ago

I swear to God John Podesta has to be related to Kermit the Frog from Sesame Street.

Stellarjay ago

He's a very useful idiot to the elites.

AmishMechWarrior ago


dickface8 ago

He's a spluttering nincompoop.

bopper ago

Don't dis the frog. Man he's a creep.

bopper ago

Awfully bold message to the FBI. Let's see how authoritative he feels come January 20th. He's already reduced to ashes, just need to finish him off.

ravensedgesom ago

no more hotdogs or pizzas for this bastard clinton and her constituents will continue to be exposed so let them try to divert focus



bdmthrfkr ago

Baby Killer. FTFY.

BigSmeez ago

Leakers, please leak more. We need to know

quantokitty ago

Yeah, and his victims should, too. And all of us who see through him to the empty spot his heart should be. But we're not going to make it easy on you ... now go join HRC at the loser's table.

Theupsidedown ago

Loser's table? How about the burn pile.

quantokitty ago

Ha! Yes, much better idea.

amyrebeccajames ago

Wow he seems butthurt.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Holy shit that would almost be funny if he wasn't such a pedophile