gopluckyourself ago

kids are kids rule 1

pizzaequalspedo ago

Regardless, if an adult is having any sort of sexual contact (or pics, etc), it doesn't matter if the kid is 2 or 12, it's still hugely illegal and evil.

And kids of all ages can be used for the same outcomes..... dominance, sexual gratification, blackmail material, ritual abuse, etc, etc

Psalm100 ago

I don't think the difference is really that relevant, even if it definitely exists. That supposed difference sometimes gets mentioned in the media, but even more often "pedophile" is used in both situations, so the difference is treated mostly like a technicality. The vast majority of adults think there's something very wrong with people 18 and over wanting to have sexual relations with 12 year old children, and the law is in agreement, and since there are people who deliberately seek out children of that age to manipulate them into sexual relations, calling them pedophiles doesn't seem inaccurate to people.

UglyTruth ago

IMO the psychophysiology is all about r-complex dominance. The traits are sexual response, social dominance, and fight or flight behaviours. This ties into colobama and the reptile eye.