Celticgirlonamission ago

Can we now do a list of journalists that have been charged 😂

amCassandraAMA ago

It is important that you list what they were convicted for and what their sentence was. The sentences are laughable in many cases

That alone is a selling point in itself

Their government role also would be interesting

SChalice ago

True but those game wardens though...

dindonufin ago

Mark RIch - not a politician, but received a presidential pardon from bill clinton

isthisreality ago

he was a serial killer, yes, but also had pedo relations ....john wayne gacy as well o.O

isthisreality ago

Wow thats weird. I had no idea about coroners being able to do that

LolturdFerguson ago

I'm going to meme this into oblivion. If people can see the names associated w/ Pedophilia in the upper echelons, then maybe we can get their gears grinding and start doing some independent thinking.

concernedaboutitall ago

Andrew Demers, former chief of police, Maine http://archive.is/h6pbz

isthisreality ago

just added :) thx

atheist4thecause ago

Have you considered making different sections? Maybe government in one section, powerful business people in another section, a foreign elite section, etc.

Konran ago

In the UK - Lord Janner was known (with evidence) to have abused at least 5 young boys. Not convicted because he was unfit to stand trial (alzheimers).

Cyril Smith was also a known pedo/sadist - Leon Brittan protected him by 'mistakingly' allowing the evidence to disappear.

But anyway, here is a partial list of convicted/known pedos in UK politics.


[EDIT: To add archive]

isthisreality ago

Thanks :)

iForget ago

Thanks for sharing re Sheriff & Coroners; seems like very useful info to keep in mind. Wanted to upvoat but ran out of voats.

tjarco ago

clowntrash ago


Beaucephus ago

James Henry Hammond - Had sex with his teenage nieces. It was publicized BEFORE he ran for and won a seat on the NC Senate.

Infopractical ago

Should Howard Gutman be included? The shenanigans surrounding the claim were themselves quite noteworthy.

Must add: Daniel Rosen (who somehow doesn't have his own Wikipedia page, ahem)

Also, Richard Harding and the infamous Rex King.

Enrique Pearce was a political consultant for numerous politicians, though he didn't technically work for government himself?

You're welcome.

isthisreality ago

<3 thank you so much. will def add. xo

thestormking ago

It would probably be easier to compile a list of government employees who aren't pedophiles at this point.

isthisreality ago

omg I know. this shit is insane. I am so effing drained from this :(

chickyrogue ago

just hang in there you are bring light and truth

Cantilever ago

Excellent idea!

Suggestion: link their names to the source that proves they're guilty.

U.K. Stuff - Leon Brittan

isthisreality ago

Yeah, thanks. I am going to link sources eventually. This is just...god almighty... I am still digging, but it just seems like this list is NEVER. ENDING. :/

Cantilever ago

It's probably the single most important work of the living generation. I praise you and your hard work

Stellarjay ago

I agree, and it may be humanity's last chance to really put a focus on the depravity. Still so many asleep and not wanting to see. I have come to accept it, but struggle with these degenerates who are supposed to be running this country. This is how they have chosen to be in the world. Wow, a moral compass is something I am grateful for.