BethesdaDC ago

I've been hearing the same thing.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

She is a Evil Satanic Pedo but I do not think this story is true! Sadly!

inspectordutch ago

Not True - Watched the speech there

SpikyAube ago

Now, this is a good example of fake news. It has a click baity title, provides no evidence or sources and googling it reveals that this article is one of the only two articles out there about this. Neither offer any proof. This kind of thing serves to discredit the PG investigation.

e-traiu ago

The russians propably hacked her teleprompter

carmencita ago

If this is true I fear for her life. She may have been under severe gag order under a fear of torture or death. Charles & Andrew and other elites such as Queen Beatrix and her son do not want to give up their sick and sadistic lives.

aileron_ron ago

I Googled Queen Elizabeth Placed Under House Arrest as one should do and found This

cosmicmind ago

Yeah, I saw info that her and her pedo husband have colds and are unable to make appearances. Normal people might take chicken soup, but in their case it's more likely child-soup.

smokemirrors ago

I shouldn't have laughed but I did and will now punish myself.

cosmicmind ago

I know, it would make a good meme.

voteforfreedom ago


Both her sons are fucking knee deep in pedo connections

I hope by house arrest = locked away in london tower + key tossed away

but that is only my wet dream