privatepizza ago

Clever! Nice find! Let's see if this was fbi anons tip..... ; )

JudaismForGentiles ago

House of Cards

ArthurEdens ago

Same guy or all of them are named Andrew?

LineDriveToTheFace ago

Same guy

ArthurEdens ago

Thanks. I really like your name btw.

Xax ago

Andrew Card, Chief of Staff to George W. Bush, whispered into Bush's ear once each if the two airplanes hit the Twin Towers on 9/11/01.

shillcrusher13 ago

And he's involved with the Clinton Foundation... there has got to be a Saudi connection with this guy.


I have been doing this my entire life.

We own the Saudi's. When you find a "Saudi connection," it is a connection back to the same group of people who own us, and the Saudi's. The entire Saudi's did 9/11 thing is a diversion. The Mossad, in concert with the CIA turning a blind eye, did 9/11. There were no planes (it was shitty live CGI; see September Clues). There were no terrorists. And there were no victims on the planes. All that happened, was the Mossad took a submarine which they bought from the former USSR, armed with nuclear cruise missiles (that was leverage, they detonate only if you tell them to), and launched them at the US (Russian missiles have US targets pre-programmed). The US is the new Jerusalem (see Secrets in Plain Sight episodes 1-5). We then went into Iraq and killed 2 million people, increased Afghani heroine production by 5000% and started shipping it back here.

hashtaggery ago

Agreed. I'm a Mormon and know that there are pedophiles that associate themselves with the church but pedophilia has no place within the church or its current teachings.

MAGABoomer ago

Now that's something I didn't think about...Card being a last name, FOLLOW the Card(s) through all his jobs...I think this is it. So where does it go from here? This is definitely PG related because John Pedosta's emails. Wow. This has to tie the Clinton Foundation. It has to!

EDIT: AND here it is

Through the PLS program, participants have connected with some of the best minds in the study of leadership and benefited from the assets of the participating presidential centers and insights of the former Presidents and people who served with them. In addition to Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, this includes speakers such as former First Lady Laura W. Bush, the Right Honourable Tony Blair, former Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman, former Secretaries of Commerce Don Evans, and Carlos Gutierrez, Governor Terry McAuliffe, former Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, former Chiefs of Staff Andrew Card, Erskine Bowles, Joshua Bolten, and John Sununu, former Counselor to President Johnson Larry Temple, Mark Cuban, members of the Little Rock Nine."

hashtaggery ago

Andrew Card's wife is the Reverend Kathleene Card, an Elder in the United Methodist Church. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but the United Methodist Church has been plagued with child sexual abuse cases for many years.

Theupsidedown ago

Considering these are all the same guy, I find this post kind of weird.

hashtaggery ago

Same guy, three possible connections to the same issue. Hopefully this is a dead end and he hasn't done anything to support this bullshit. But, there seems to be a little smoke when it comes to Andrew Card and his various affiliations.

Lockeye ago

AND involved with the Clinton Foundation? must dig deeper...

YingYangMom ago

Damn! Connection to the CF!

Fingersweating ago

So fbianon fingers fbi...hmmm

roundhouse1776 ago

I can't remember where I saw it, but I read that are a bunch of different factions within the FBI that are loyal to different people/groups.

2impendingdoom ago

I haven't looked into it yet. I thought it was a 4chan suggestion. Maybe there are problems finding a reasonable prosecutor, or I could be mistaken altogether and its different cards.

Abcd123 ago

"follow the cards" was a post on 4chan by someone claiming to be with the FBI. There was a picture of people playing a card game with that. I forget who was in the picture. Sorry, I can dig it out of my personal archive if needed, but I don't know how to upload here (?)

2impendingdoom ago

Was the picture of Podesta playing cards with several people including a girl sitting next to him? People thought that the girl was Maddie McCann but I think this was debunked and that girl's dad was the one playing cards with Podesta. There are a lot of voat threads with this picture. I don't know if it is the same as the 4chan picture.

Abcd123 ago

That's the one! I think it may have been Podesta, and the girl is somehow related to him, and it was almost dropped then because no, it's not Maddie.

Seems there's a lot of cards.

2impendingdoom ago

FBIanon also admitted to putting up disinformation for deniability, so cards may be nothing. I wasn't at 4chan back then so the very beginning timeline isn't clear to me. my thought is that it was all posted before child trafficking was revealed and that pointing out FBI CARDs put crimes against children on our radar. but dig into A. Card, anyone connected to CF is also on the radar...

RexAxisMundi ago

Is there any way to find where this unit has been active?

2impendingdoom ago

i do not work for FBI, sorry, My instinct is that CARDS gets flummoxed when the perps are CIA...

WatcherWatcher ago

Super interesting to see the Card last name angle. Is that the same guy in all three positions, or crazy first name coincidence? I think this child abduction response team is probably what he meant though. Makes the most intuitive sense. Perhaps he meant follow the CARDs as in follow the cases when these CARD teams were deployed. Is there any way "follow" these cards?

Theupsidedown ago

They're all the same guy.

WatcherWatcher ago

Interesting... he was in the merchant marines. I always wondered what they did. They move pizza and hot dogs errrr goods and services around the world.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know. Get a job with NSA? they have everyone's dirt.

KingKongisCTR ago

Considering John Podesta was Chief of staff, probably wouldn't hurt to look into former ones. This might get deleted for no link and not explaining how it relates to pizzagate though.

Fingersweating ago

Which is too bad because this post is better than that weird red cross post about card kits in panama