2impendingdoom ago

Why would he give $1 million to investigate himself? If these stories are accurate, then this is just drawing attention to his own unethical conduct. If people are using his site to conduct illegal sex trafficking across state lines and he is aware of it (which he should being that the Guardian wrote this story) he is now actively complicit to criminal and civil RICO. This does not sound smart.

dontletithappen ago

He gave1m to the #fakenews effort... ie, quashing #pizzagate/pedoring/childtrafficking

2impendingdoom ago

Right, but they have to prove we are wrong...Besides, what are we publishing besides voat? we are not out there planting fake stories. Is the media is saying we are wrong its on them to follow through the investigation. I am so confused why he would do this, it only will barbra streisand our cause...And, it will help dismantle 1A which means he is going to suffer more in the end. I mean how many craigslistings and the groups are complete shit and just made up?

derram ago

https://archive.is/HYsbS :

Craigslist is hub for child prostitution, allege trafficked women | Technology | The Guardian

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