pakitochocolatero ago

I added some info in this thread which was deleted by mods

CIAEatsShit ago

Andrew Kline(DOJ), Saudi Arabia ( Pizza Blocks ), Peter Thiel plans to farm children for their blood.

All forbidden topics on Voat. Why? Tell us?

This post proves that Voat is a NSA front, and its hosted by Peter Thiel's HW @ Palantir.

CIAEatsShit ago

We have never proved that Thiel was using legal sources for his child's blood therapy. Like all billionaires he is above the law, and is now NSA, and is now on Trump's Defense cabinet which means CIA/NSA will be reporting to Thiel.

Phobos_Mothership ago

READER BEWARE: This article contains no actual sources (all links are to the same nature article which only talks about an experiment where 30+ year olds are given transfusions from ~20 year olds and the effects are studied.)

It is claimed that this is linked to Marina Abramovic and her blood cult, and the connection to children is made without backup.

It is claimed that Peter Thiel has something to do with this, those claims are NOT SOURCED within the article.

CIAEatsShit ago

PM beware the gig is up, we have proved that Peter Thiel owns voat, and that he is using illegal childrens blood

The_Kuru ago

It must be tricky to obtain toddler blood legally and risky to obtain it illegally. One trick they might use is to adopt a baby with the right blood type and set up a fake clinic where the baby can be falsely diagnosed with a blood ailment that requires frequent blood tests. They would draw the blood from the baby in one room and inject it straight from the syringe into the "parent" in the adjacent room.

Perhaps the children are even tested for organ compatibility to the buyer/ adoptive parent prior to purchase and in ten years they'll have replacement organs for themselves.

Don-Keyhote ago

might be worth looking into the Buck Institute for Aging i found it because one of the prominent researchers happened to have the same name as a turkish agent mentioned in the podesta emails

Truthplease5 ago

possibly related to connections to China and the organ harvesting chop shops they allegedly have?..

redberries ago

This completely aligns with the previous findings about the Fountain of Youth. Rockefellers had a heart transplant at the age of 101, and Marina Abramovic may possibly be involved in the organ harvesting/blood transplants.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Nothing to add except "ugh". Important article.

nathanwblair ago

this is shill spam, isn't it? seen this posted > 20 times so far

zzvoat ago

Great find! Published yesterday - wow. The cosmic tumblers are aligning, falling right into place.

CIAEatsShit ago

Peter Thiel is the owner of voat, its a pre-crime website ran by NSA to study trends.

Theil is a vampire, who is pushing this childrens-blood therapy as an INTL $50Bil USD/yr biz.

Peter Thiel is also President of the USA chapter of Bilderberg. Thiel is active CFR, which actually advocates the use of Children for longevity of the elite.

Thiel is the #1 supporter of Ron Paul ( +60% of libertarian money comes from Thiel ), on the other hand Thiel's Palantir is a NSA front that does 'pre-crime' trending on world population. In summary Thiel is on the GOVERNMENT teat, yet he support's the Libertarian.

CIA/NSA & Bilderberg/CFR are deep into the harvesting of children organs and blood since 1950's.

All pieces fit together with Thiel being the brains of the ORG, and he is also Owner of Voat as well as Facebook, and his saudi friends own Twitter & Reddit.


Then the thing is multi generational and is not sub -culture but dictates as a driving force behind their satanic science-come theology.

Truthplease5 ago

speaks to their intentions and pseudo science ongoing for life extension for only these rich sickos


I think they would be beyond psuedo science and have the phenomena.down pat.