WatcherWatcher ago

I'm sure those little "dreamers" are somewhere "dreaming" right now...

carmencita ago

I find it crazy that they are forced to use black males since they are always spreading the lies about their racist views. Either way I find it totally disgusting.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I do not care what others think. In this place we care about kids. Black, white, red or brown.

crosshairs ago

Clinton Foundation & Chagoury > Delayed Boko Haram terror designation

...weight of evidence suggests “Secretary Hillary Clinton and the State Department not only knew of the extent, but also deliberately attempted to obfuscate the issue in order to avoid having to make the designation of Boko Haram as a FTO…” Vitter wrote.

Boko Haram translates into “Western Education is a Sin.”

Boko Haram > Nigeria > Tier 2 Sex Trafficking > ~33 countries

Nigeria is currently ranked as a “Tier 2” country by the U.S. State Department’s Office of Trafficking in Persons (TIP), which signifies a middle range of success in combating human trafficking but with room for improvement. However, the tier rankings can be imprecise indicators that conflate various concepts, including trafficking severity and policy response, obscuring deeper patterns in trafficking.

Nigeria is a hub for human trafficking, with victims being trafficked both domestically and outside the country. According to our research, Nigerian victims have been trafficked to 33 countries in recent years. They have been trafficked throughout West Africa to countries such as Ghana and the Central African Republic and, although trafficking of Nigerians to the United States is not especially common, there are extensive human-trafficking flows from Nigeria to Europe.

Another link on ISIS > Boko Haram > Sex Trafficking

PrideOfOshtekk ago

So black children are worth inherently less than everyone else? wat

EndIsComing ago

I don't know if they sold them or not, but I'd never assumed they'd killed them. It'd be a waste, from their point of view, not to take them as "wives".

pizza-in-rm101 ago

Black children are disposable because they are cheap. White Children are worth 1/2 Million US dollars if the child is clean and a virgin

A black child is worth little to nothing, in Africa sex is a nickel, a child can be bought for $50 USD, sent to Saudi it can fetch $500, once the kid is pregnant or has HIV, or is over 14 years old, its fed to crocodiles if it isn't a suitable house-slave.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I know it is just semantics but black children are neither disposable nor cheap. They are so sick that they might think that, but they are not right.

smokratez ago

I remember Hillary not making Boko Haram a terrorist group, which stopped people from taking action against them earlier.

isthisreality ago

Oh Jesus- I cant remember where I read it - but there IS a connection between Boko Haram and Thaci/Rouchner/ARK/Clinton Foundation ... If someone else doesnt/cant find the connection tonight lmk and I will check all my notes and shit tomorrow. I just remember whenever I made my Clinton Foundation> ARK >Rouchner>organ trafficking connection post, i had scribbled something down in my notes (off to the side) about Boko Haram.

nathanwblair ago


MolochHunter ago

please do look into it

WatcherWatcher ago

Is there any evidence that ties Boko Haram to CF corporate interests, or other shady connections?
Are black kids (Haitian, Nigerian skin tone) prized by high ranking pedos anywhere in particular?

Mooka_Molaka ago

Would searching the Wikileaks database for "walnut / walnuts" possibly help?

Is the Wikileaks db made so when you search you can divide by person i.e.; Hillary's separate from John Podesta's? And in turn can you search the entire db with ALL of the leaked emails at the same time?

✨🕊God Bless All of you for your dedication & devotion to this case💖✨

carmencita ago

I remember reading on here that darker skin is more valued here in the US and white are prized by the Saudis. I also remember that while HRC was SoS she refused to declare Boko Haram a terrorist org. Could be those girls were sent to some elites?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

You know they aren't. This is unrelated to Pizza gate. Yet it stay s, when specifically related posts are trashed immediately. I suspect foul play here. The aim was probably just to trick us that we were getting somewhere.

MolochHunter ago

pizzagate is not comet ping pong. Pizzagate is how a creep like podesta keeps his favourite consumer item 'in stock'. The Clinton Foundation building seems to have smoke pouring out of several windows. Not only that, but it is massive exposure of the Clinton Foundation that gives this community the best chance of proving how endemic and organised this is, and how all the various scandals that keep getting swept under the carpet are part of the same depraved narrative.

pizzaAudit ago

The NYT narrative and the MOD herding cat's is exactly the same.

NY Time says " Pizzagate is a bunch of nuts that think CLINTON is running a witch team at Comet-Ping-Pong."

Mod's here delete any rational post, but leave the crazy shit. Like this one, what does boko-haram have to do with pizzagate? Not a fucking thing, but they'll leave this, because it keeps people off the 'ball',

The ball is DOJ-andrew-kline, saudi ownership of pizza-blocks, and voat/reddit owners by thiel who wants to normalize farming children for their blood.

Anybody that mentions real missing children, or real pedophilia on this site is immediately banned, deleted and called a 'ctr shill'.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Why aren't they deleting you?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Thank you, PizzaAudit. I have come to see that. I posted asking what our goal is. It was within seconds deleted. Why do you stay?

pizzaAudit ago

Wrong question, where do we go?

l23r ago

There is v/Pizzagate2

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Eliphino. I'm just Sum Yung Gai

pakitochocolatero ago

To your first question, there's definitely something shady going on there, widely covered: "From 2009 through 2013, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had refused to designate Boko Haram as an official Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) in spite of intense bipartisan pressure to do so"

Potential lead: "there is a major Clinton Foundation donor who had a clear interest: a Nigerian oilfield billionaire named Gilbert Chagoury."

AreWeSure ago

State Department is in charge of these designation, but it often doesn't rise to the level of the Secretary of State until the lower departments have come to a conclusion. There was a debate within the State department over this between the counterterrorism bureau and the Africa desk.. These designations are not cost free and each side has it's arguments. The folks arguing against this felt it would raise the profile of a criminal group to a higher level which might help them recruit. Boko Haram were pretty much just in Nigeria at that time and a designation would essentially label them as a threat to US Nationals or the National Security of the US, giving them a higher status. Nigeria strongly did not want them to be designated a terrorist group for this very reason. because it felt doing so would strengthen the group.

Another issue was we were trying to get Nigeria to curb the abuses of its military. Designating Boko Haram might legitmize some of these abuses (which experts thought were helping Boko Haram recruit.)

The designation doesn't mean we were fighting against Boko Haram or helping Nigeria fight them.

If you want to see a summary of the arguments against the designation, you can see this 2012 letter from academics who studied the group

Infopractical ago

Note also from Wikileaks that Boko Haram declared allegiance to ISIS. This fits George Webb's narrative.

AreWeSure ago

that was 3 years after this debate and two years after they were declared an FTO.

Freemasonsrus ago

I don't think they're "prized" necessarily, but rather easy targets/victims.

yabbadoody ago

probably via US intelligence or military... they are ALL OVER that region of Africa, via AFRICOM (the official command). And it's YUGE. Dig a little and we're likely to turn up some retired "advisors" who work with / contract for the Clinton Foundation. That might be the connection there. Stakeholders, overseers on the plantation.

pizzaAudit ago

These were girls, Saudi's want black boys for house slaves,

Yes, Hillary was involved, but the black girls were most likely just used as 'comfort women' for the soldiers working for state-department ( hillary )

Paying men in sex is quite common, not much in rural africa these guys can do with US dollars, but a free love-child brings lots of MIL love.

CF use of children is about $5 Billion USD that Hillary laundered through arab bank accounts, and studying WHO paid, its a known-known that RICH arab's don't care about CASH, they have ton's, they wanted WHITE-HOUSE-PETS, child slaves, its common in Arab world to give elite children their own human-pet, to be a slave and a sex toy.

Black children are very common in Arab State and least desired. The whiter the skin the more the value,

In summary CF would want to provide Saudi, with what the Saudi's can't get themselves, and getting black-children is like 'flys on shit' in the Arab world.

WatcherWatcher ago

Well here's some old forum discussion tying them together via a Wikileaks cable dump.
Wikileaks: Boko Haram Is A CIA Covert Operation - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

pizza-in-rm101 ago

Yes, Boko Haram is CIA, just like ISIS everybody knows this. It was setup by Hillary, just saying that PizzaGate is about Besta-Pizza and the pizza blocks and that leads to Saudi Arabia.