postfascion ago

Google (limited) hangout. If you don't the term look it up. They pay lip service to the "war" on drugs, pay lip service to stoping human trafficking, yet it seems they are heavily involved in both. Perfect fucking smokescreen.

SpikyAube ago

It's funny, because I knew it was true precisely because I saw that this was NOT what was happening. It becomes obvious that the people denying it are the ones who end up having to cherry pick the facts to present the conclusion they've already arrive at, which is that it's not true. They seem to forget that no one WANTS this to be true and plenty of us have been trying to prove it's not, but only end up stumbling across yet more evidence that it is true.


There's too much rubbish being spoken about 'confirmation bias.' This forum is an open discussion of whether certain facts pertain to Pizzagate or not. It cannot make any progress unless people set forth pieces of information that they believe shine a light on Pizzagate. The correct response to such efforts is not to dismiss them as the results of 'confirmation bias' but to give logical reasons as to why the information might not be relevant.

ReadThatAlready ago

Okay, I did a little research... Chris Crocker (born Christopher Darren Cunningham) did the "Leave Brittney alone" youtube video, got famous and then did a gay porn for Chi Chi La Rue, there was a documentary was made about him by Chris Moukarbel called Me @ the Zoo. Chris and Alefantis are producers that work together on films, Alefantis is the art scene connection and Moukarbel did a film about a viral street graffiti artist that was a graffiti criminal that was not identified, his art was being sold at a high price. Now we are seeing this stuff pop up... this site does youtube vids on human trafficking condemning capitalism as the root cause, including stuff by Bree Olsen ex girlfriend of Charlie Sheen that complains about the stigma against sex workers and that stuff was everywhere for a while Bree making the rounds making sure everybody knew how unfair it was she can't get a job working with kids just because she did porn etc. Moukarbel also did a lot of work on a series about sex. All that can be found out through IMDB. Chris Moukarbel was born in New Haven, CT and lived between Washington DC and NYC. Moukarbel's partner since 2004 is Jake Shears, frontman of the rock band Scissor Sisters a lewd gay band. performed with Gaga and did worked with Elton John. etc.

So here's my theory. As part of a campaign to "end human trafficking" which the left will blame on patriarchy and capitalism so that they can bring in more socialism under the guise of protecting children the left is employing artists and youtube stars, gay porn stars, etc. to produce films about the subject for internet release and those youtube vids I just linked to is part of it. The money might be funneled through NEA and anti-trafficking divisions, etc. Which is why we are seeing people from those groups all around the pizzagate story. And so I theorize that's what the meeting was about. They are coordinating the campaign and getting it all together. Either that or they are running prostitutes to the politicians, which I figure is just as likely considering the previous scandal during the George W. Bush admin. Those are probably the best case scenarios that I can come up with. I know another overnight guest at the WH during Clinton admin. was Saban Haim/Haim Saban connected to Sea to Sky Entertainment, Thunderbird Entertainment, which connects back to Cory Feldman and Cory Haim through Clinton connected people like David Geffen and a child actor's award show/event, but that's another subject, but a very very very very important one that ties this all back to Hollywood and a pool party/fundraiser that involves Clinton. So my theory of a media campaign like I said is the best case scenario, but it would make some sense of all this.

Sentastixc ago

You' re on to it. Free market capitalism hasn' t even existed in its true form.

At least since the 70' s when free currency markets were monopolized, free market capitalism was abandoned officially.

And still they are trying to put the blame on capitalism. That' s because capitalism is the economic system which embodies the founding principles of liberty of your country. Liberty is the antithesis to their system of power, their system of crony government and population control.

postfascion ago

Exactly. True free market capitalism is essentially anarchism. Allowing humans to rely on their own strengths and ingenuity is definitely not something they are interested in. Remember, you are weak, stupid and need them.... /s


Just going by the chronology, it looks to me like the White House felt they could not address the subject of human trafficking without talking to Alefantis first.

SpikyAube ago

I actually think Alefantis might be higher up in their little society than some of those in higher political office. The email communication between him and Podesta made it seem like Alefantis had the authority and Podesta was deferential almost.

postfascion ago

It would make sense. Bureaucrats run the show behind the scenes, while the politicians take the role of disposable whipping to extend that, why wouldn't the real power lay in the hands of people hiding amongst "the masses" in seemingly low level positions? That would be a very effective way of creating plausible deniability.

SpikyAube ago

Exactly. I just have a feeling about this Alefantis guy, that he's closer to the snake's head than many imagine. It's in the emails to Podesta, a kind of barely discernible attitude that perhaps exposes a hierarchical relationship, and it's also in the way he comports himself: he just has a completely solid, assured, unflappable air about him, along with a kind of underlying smirky superiority, that somehow confers the sense that he wields power.

Also I'm sure I read somewhere as well, that in these secret societies there will be people who have a more senior role in public view, but are in reality subservient to people who have a senior role in the secret society, who may have a much lower and less high profile job in public. So Alefantis being a 'big cheese' behind the scenes would fit in with that.

Of course, his power could just lie in the fact that he has so much dirt on all these people. Although obviously if he takes them down, he'd go down too - but he might be given some kind of deal for information to catch the bigger fish.

postfascion ago

One secret society that doesn't get much attention is the Knights of Malta. Freemasons get most of the bad press (mostly for good reason), but look into the history of the war between the two and it's enlightening, especially the link between the KOM and the Catholic Church. Not saying anyone involved is a member of either btw, just cus you mentioned it. And yeah, where there's dirt, there's power, great point.

logjam ago

I find it to hard to believe that James said he had never met Clinton before.

I feel it's borderline impossible for them never to have met before.

I would not be surprised in the least if Clinton made sure her name wasn't on him - indicating to me the guy is bad news.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

He tagged her in this instagram post. You will never see this covered by the mainstream media


It's possible she keeps him at arm's length. I'm not even sure Alefantis has met John Podesta. It seems Alefantis works through Tony Podesta and, of course, David Brock.

SpikyAube ago

The emails show they have met plenty of times.


Can you cite some instances where a physical meeting between the two people is known to have taken place? What I'm getting at is that I don't any meetings between the pair are on record.

SpontaneousSpectator ago

Ummmm he's never met him but signs emails to him 'xoxoxo' ok that makes sense.

LaDonnaRae ago

Very interesting timing.


Doug Wheeler (sloppy sniper and fake dad of dead sandy hook kid) visited the WH several times before 12/14/12. This is public record until they decide to classify WH visitor logs. If anyone has the bandwidth, would be a good idea to download all of the visitor history. Might need a large drive to do this yet would be great idea to keep track of who was there and when.

Verite1 ago

Smart idea

OrwellKnew ago

Slight Correction here: DAVID Wheeler is sloppy sniper / grieving father


Yes I'm sorry was so tired when I posted!!! Gooh catch 😆😆

Freemasonsrus ago

Wouldn't doubt for a second Samantha Power being involved in this shit. She's as dirty as all of them.


Who is she?

Freemasonsrus ago

She is the UN ambassador for US. Yesterday she was the one giving the bird to Israel.

justiceforever ago

Elaborate please

Freemasonsrus ago

Back in '08 I did a lot of research into her background. I don't have the links in front of me but quick summary would be familial connections in Chicago are how she was in BHO's orbit and inner circle. As to PG, she supposedly is advocating against human trafficking at the UN, yet nothing ever gets done and you have the Intel to know all these things are going on right under your nose and nothing gets done about it. Not difficult to surmise it's like the pope, say the right things, but look the other way.

contrarianism ago

google is your friend.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Google is part of the problem.

contrarianism ago

Bing then.

IncompetentRedditMod ago

Google/Yahoo/Bing can be alright for images is better for uncensored web searches

Womb_Raider ago

Microsoft, too. Where's Jeeves when you need him?

ProudTruther ago

FBI anon told us to kill them with confirmation bias and I would say this is in the same vein.

pakitochocolatero ago

really? so the potential head of a worldwide child trafficking criminal organization spends 3 days at the WH during a significant annual event of the most corrupt organization in history (CF, btw CF=WH), with clear evidence so far as heavily involved in worldwide child trafficking, and meets partners that clearly show an agenda of sending a message to the wide public in a real-time audiovisual format while precisely at the same time there's a public real-time audiovisual coverup show from the WH on precisely child trafficking, is a confirmation bias you say? yeah, right

pizza4owls ago

I think you misunderstood, he is saying that this is exactly the type of investigating that FBI anon told us to do. So good job! this is a big lead

Baluga ago

what does that sentence even mean?

pizza4owls ago

In other words, think like a detective and assume no coincidences. While there isn't anything technically incriminating here, in context of pizzagate its pretty fuckin suspicious. If we can build a whole mountain of suspicious evidence then it becomes harder for them to deny it.

BlackSwordsman ago

Nailed it. Detectives on a trail. Comet Pizza Instagram, and Wikileaks- IF we are right about those 2 things, this is a valid trail. Wikileaks is a slam dunk true, no emails have even been alleged as fake, and the instagram is beyond mildly suspect. Detective is the right word.

RexAxisMundi ago

I love FBIanon. Bias confirmed.