NeedPolyGF ago

Glad to know the exact quote.

FR33D0M ago

Convincing the public that Pizzagate is real is much, much easier when people see how widespread pedophilia is throughout our government and law enforcement. I think this is super relevant.

SpikyAube ago

Wow, it's like it's almost increasing exponentially. I would guess that's due to the internet making it easier for people to form rings, and perhaps also making it easier for them to be tracked?

Checked ago

Fantastic work. Upvoated! I've copied these to a spreadsheet to send out one at a time on my social accounts over weeks to keep up the awareness. So much meme ammo here.

Atlantean120 ago

This list needs to be made into a poster to use against anyone who calls us crazy.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Type the following into Google, “police officer arrested for child porn”

anonymousgate ago

I need to add more to the list now.

jangles ago

Pedofiles are a tool in the big picture, they will take the fall unless we expose the real truth.

anonymousgate ago

Please bump

Oct 16, 2014 "Operation Darknet" 55 arrested in child porn ring, including teachers, priests, and at least one member of the military

Oct 30, 2014 11 people involved in international child porn ring sentenced to prison

May 6, 2015 "Project Hydra" 41 arrested in Ontario child porn ring

May 20, 2015 "Operation Hydrant" British celebrities and politicians among over 1,400 suspected in child-sex-abuse scandal

Jun 3, 2015 "Operation: L and P" 101 people arrested in sex predator sting including Disney World employee

Jul 24, 2015 Philly restauranteur arrested and charged in child porn scheme

Oct 14, 2015 "Operation Cross Country IX" 149 children recovered, 153 pimps arrested for child sex trafficking

Oct 17, 2015 81 people involved with child pornography ring arrested in Spain

Jan 5, 2016 "Operation Torpedo" rescues 6 children and sentences 19 to prison in nationwide investigation

Jan 7, 2016 "Operation Kingdom Conqueror"21 involved in nationwide child porn ring arrested

Jan 27, 2016 "Operation Malaise" 12 arrested involved in child porn ring in Canada

April 6, 2016 "Operation Safeguard" Teacher & school bus driver among 16 arrested in New Jersey child porn sweep

"Operation Pacifier" 135 people in 18 states arrested on child pornography charges

April 28, 2016 80 people charged in Canadian child porn ring, 870 victims in Ontario, another 173 internationally

April 29, 2016 Dennis Hastert 'serial child molester' sentenced to 15 months in prison

May 5, 2016 "Operation Wild Fire" 5 arrested in child prostitution sting

May 10, 2016 "Operation Subterfuge" 9 arrested in Tennessee child porn ring. 300 US victims, 1600 worldwide

May 20, 2016 “Operation Someone Like Me" 2 ministers and 30 others arrested for child prostitution and trafficking

Jun 7, 2016 7 arrested for child prostitution in Aurora Colorado


anonymousgate ago

July 11, 2016 13 arrested in Spokane, Washington child sex abuse sting

August 11, 2016 ”Operation Baby Face" 50 children rescued from trafficking in California

August 18, 2016 "Operation Statewide" 40 people arrested in New Jersey child porn crackdown

Oct 3, 2016 5 arrested in San Francisco child porn ring

Oct 11, 2016 56 arrested in Spain involved with child pornography ring

Oct 19, 2016 "Operation Cross Country X" FBI rescues 82 children, arrests more than 200 in sex trafficking sting

Oct 26, 2016 "Operation Deep Connection" 7 people behind massive child porn ring arrested in Italy

Nov 10, 2016 Chinese police arrest 300 child predator and pornography suspects, over 30 victims

Guys, it won't let me post the 5 more that are left for some reason, and I've hit my comment limit. See the reddit post for the whole list.

eyeVoated ago

Didn't you get the memo? It's all fake news now. -Orwell

Theupsidedown ago

"Let me take you down, cause I'm going to

Strawberry Fields

Nothing is real

No fake news to read about"

algernon4peace ago

Excellent work --- thank-you!

hashtaggery ago

Welp, that fucking sucks. Reminds me of the line from Jaws - "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat."

NeedPolyGF ago

As I recall, he didn't say "I think", he just said "We're gonna need a bigger boat" or whatever.

hashtaggery ago

yah, you are correct.

arrggg ago

The horrible truth: The homosexual supporters running the media refuse to report it because it makes fags look bad.

CotterPyke ago

(((homosexual supporters)))

salinaslayer ago

This is working against them.

Piscina ago

It's unfortunate but it's true. The push to normalise pedophilia seems to come from gay men.

angry_mob ago

most pedophiles are heterosexual men!! there are, of course exceptions, but this is basically true. so i would appreciate you people not keep making this FALSE connection. it's ridiculous & highly offensive.

RexAxisMundi ago

I'm not homophobic but I genuinely believe 2 gay men should not be able to adopt male children. The precedent has sadly been set that this opens the children up to be being abused.

Edited to provide source. This case was on mainstream media in australia at the time and that was when I formed that opinion. I still feel it is justified.

arrggg ago

You're damn right they shouldn't be able to. Say that out loud more often, it might save a kid from them someday.

NeedPolyGF ago

I'd like to see stats before concluding that gay men are more into pedophilia than straight men. I read that a large majority of pedophiles are actually straight. That means, if they're men, they prefer girls and adult women.

Theupsidedown ago

In the spirit of not making pizzagate look like a "homophobic" group of people, if there is a "precedent that has been set," you really should link to a source. I've never heard of that, and most people haven't, so if you have a study or something you can link that shows that kids adopted by gay parents have higher incidence of abuse than regular parents, it would be good to link that if you're making that association.

RexAxisMundi ago

I remember hearing about this when it happened and couldn't sit through the news report. Stuff like this is obviously why Putin stopped the adoptions and made such a big deal about the gay propaganda at the winter olympics.

Theupsidedown ago

How many straight people sexually exploit their kids and adopt them for the sole purpose of exploitation? A fuckton, that's how many. Making the case that gays are more culpable is statistically unsubstantiated and hurts our cause.

arrggg ago

It's obvious fucking common sense, or used to be.

People like you ARE the problem, and are putting children in harms way for social points. Fuck you.

Theupsidedown ago

Obvious common sense that homosexuals are pedophiles?

No - YOU are putting kids in harm's way because you're making baseless claims that discredit this investigation.

Fuck you, slime.

arrggg ago

Yes, little kids are in more danger being forced to live with gay buttfucking freaks than being with normal hetero parents.

Yeah, I said it. Fuck you, dirty deviant freak lover. Nobody likes you or your stench.

bopper ago

Heh, so true. Somebody has their head on straight.

derram ago :


16 Indicted On Charges Of Internet Pornography - The New York Times : WashTech News :

CNN - Family-run, multistate prostitution ring busted - August 12, 1999 :

Child porn ring smashed • The Register : - Homeland Security official arrested in child sex sting - Apr 5, 2006 :

Pentagon Child Pornography Scandal - CNN iReport :

Guilty after six-year trial, Portugal's high-society paedophile ring | The Independent :

Police shut down global paedophile network in Operation Rescue | Society | The Guardian :

Nearly 400 children rescued and 348 adults arrested in Canadian child pornography bust - NBC News

This has been an automated message.

Godwillwin ago

The pentagon one is quite concerning and SHOULD be convincing to those who are still skeptics