rickman ago

I seem to remember her partner/boyfriend/husband was seen smiling with another woman the day after her death. Very odd behaviour.

naturehelps ago

This may be way out there from looking at too much of this stuff, but is there any chance as they go on and on about the wings being bigger than usual and chicken being code for very little child, that the wings are not from chickens?

And there was that pizza place in NY that Hillary likes, with the really creepy poster and about summer solstice, which also says they were roasting chickens.

Sorry. It's just that their way of talking about the especially large wings seemed an inside joke.

Cbradio ago

Don't know if ones realize it; but all types of food, including meat, blood, vegies, anything can be tinctured and preserved with apple cider vinegar ( pickles), hot spices( kimchee) , brandy ( herbal tinctures).

Ring of fire, ring, "don't pester the ringmaster, control how ring evolves..very dominatrix wording.

Cbradio ago

Libs controlling diet at sores, schools etc yet cheelead for free advertising with all these past phucks?? Mixed msgs is so lib..

Cbradio ago

Anyone archiving grotta website in full? "Peter enjoys grotta on the beach, do you?" ( lil boy)..Tons of politicians, sports, etc. I'm sorry,no pizza joint is so great that they are such die hard fanatic fans, endorsing some franchise guy who is frugly creepy looking, too.

Look at their calendar of events.

With Comet to this join, there is NO taste bud reason to show off freezers. Like who freaking cares, unless..??

The way ones think, act, write, advertise is not normal.

Questions? What was so disturbing to NYPD and fbianon?

Why so many more kid or adult bodies needed, as plenty from stare to refuge as history shows?

Why is "biolaterial food, " such the govt tech industry rage these days on their world of conferences and more? Ingredion corp, cookie site, locations WW.

As left unchecked, how many pesos or cannabilss in USA and abroad?

According to gofundme supporter, a female,her comment was, "Don't, worry, there are two million of us." ????

Instagram to eetsy,human and animal.paste in every format of jars, skins, to lamps, walls, wine tinctures.

Instagram, vampire pancakes, cheese made to look like brains and more.

Diehard over fanatic, elite fans of pizza joints, that normally charge of thousands an hour for any event are freely posing and attendance ng his stuff? As odd as if Hollywood celebs were prancing around to cheer McDonalds freely. Just does not happen in the celeb political world for "free."

A real pizza, some freaking white flour, tomato sauce, chz..woohoo..gotta endorse, its more important than a top new invention.

What has become normalized in the food industry for ones conveniences and efficiency in food manufacturing/industry?

Thoughts to ponder..

umpteenth ago

Those small rooms remind me of something very specific. In the late 80's a friend of mine attended a musical theater school located in the Ansonia building on the upper west side of Manhattan. We were there late one night and noticed barricades by the stairs that led to the basement. Made curious by this, we decided to explore past them and discovered a defunct gay bathhouse below that had been out of use for quite some time. There were cheap plywood rooms built off the main area with cots, tiny rooms, smaller than pictured in the video. We found little traces of what had gone on, empty poppers bottles, etc. This might be what you're seeing.

Cbradio ago

There is a upstate animal farm institution that New York state puts children from many poor and black homes, esp single parents in state ward cases. Outside, looks m me a prison.

Another huge mental institution that NY juvies taken, too. Parents who can afford to, fight with attorneys and cannot give medical permission or see the kids for long periods.

Word on street were children abused.

In Brooklyn, Flatbush Area are two foster group homes for Israelis/ Jewish kids/teens. Weird news on the street. Also, ones being in the homes for years, never given citizenship as promised, mental routed, sex abuse claims by ones running the homes.

Yet, its infiltrated in all religions and income classes.

There is also a

JoJoVoat ago

this is huge! good stuff.. upvoat for sure

Cbradio ago

Great data. Red Hot Chili Pepper wife went after Scott Baii AND the young daughter. Idk, it seems like false news, blame Putin, boo how intensity is like those crank metg addicts coming down or fearing they will. Threat of pedo and Hunan flesh addictions to be stopped via Trump and public awareness?? Its all very addict behaviors, blaming all, defense mechanisms, imbalanced, gaslight , no accountability, narcissicistic whining.

Comet Pizza as CP,so convenient.

I followed a lead of a 80s comedy horror, Comet something and came to another franchise, Texas Alamo that was an odd website, and to own a franchise; must have three million plus already a nonprofit status for a business!

LargePepperoni ago

I have a strong feeling we are onto something here concerning Rehoboth Beach. Here are some loose connections I have made that have piqued my curiosity...

I arrived on the , Rehoboth Beach angle independently.

It started with this picture... https://i.sli.mg/SjUw5E.png

See the background? What does this look like to you guys? *I'll say what it looks like to me at the bottom of this post. Look at it yourself first so I don't influence your opinion.

There is an amusement park in Rehoboth Beach called Funland. Parks like this are attractive to pedophiles. http://www.funlandrehoboth.com/

So I start researching Funland and this article comes up... The Darker Corners of Pinocchio

We already established that the Coachman is responsible for illegal child trafficking, transporting them to a Fun land called Pleasure Island, (a word that many adults associate directly with sex) and luring them there with fun, candy, anything a kid could want.

I look at the pleasure island scene on youtube and find this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAfAH1OvdoE

Look at 6 seconds in. Pinocchio is holding an Ace of Spades. Remember what the FBI anon said about cards?

At 2:36 mark, there is a blue swirl that looks similar to the pedo logo. This one could be nothing though.

*As far as the James Alefantis pic I linked, to me the background looks like he is at a beach with a camp fire. It also appears that there is a person wearing a white pointed hat. Is anyone able to find out where this photo was taken? https://i.sli.mg/SjUw5E.png

Cbradio ago

Craigslist, dati g sites, many of them, pof ,million are match site , sure do bring up some interesting peeps.

The expectation by the rich to just meet up on their jets and boats, as if money means safety is quite a mind game pressure.

Infopractical ago

Notes about others in that photo with James and David:

One of the people in that picture is Robert Safro who owns a branding and logo company in the D.C. area (as per his LinkedIn profile)

Peter Rosenstein writes for Huffington Post (among other jobs) usually writing about LGBT politics and general left-is-better-than-right articles.


thanks for looking into that - dont have the time, and wondered who they were

http://www.logomotioninc.com/ http://archive.is/H6QKg

crystalclearme ago

Excellent job. Great example of how a great post looks.

B3nder ago

i second that

thepathupwards ago

What does the Media say about Chip Hearn of Rehoboth Beach Hot Sauce and Ice Cream fame?

Taken from Peppers.com media section:

"For lovers of hot sauce, this place is heaven." The Philadephia Inquirer

"Chip has also created a museum of hot sauces.. If you want to have a hot time in Dewey Beach, Delaware." TNN Nashville Network

"Chip globe-trots in search of new hot sauces ... this giving him the largest collection in the world according to Chili Pepper Magazine." Washington Post

"We've been talking about them all week long. Today's the day we're ready to cook with hot sauce. We've got Chip Hearn here..." NBC

"One of the best 202 things about the South. You don't have to bask in the sun to get some heat on Rehoboth beach this summer. Just step..." Southern Living

"Where you can buy any hot sauce made by man." ABC Good Morning America

"Our guest Chip Hearn ... publisher of Peppers Catalog and heating up with the hottest sauces." Food Network

thepathupwards ago

Rehoboth Beach was home to Earl Bradley, convicted in 2011 as the "the worst pedophile in American History". Joe Biden's son prosecuted the case before he died of brain cancer.

Joe Biden is on the website of Chip Hearn of Rehoboth Ice Cream Store and Peppers Hot Sauce who just uploaded a video of a tiny child-sized brothel-like facility.

Joe Biden spent his birthday weekend at Rehoboth beach this very year. November 20th. The same weekend the Housing Video was uploaded by Chip.

Rehoboth beach is the hub of Pizzagate. David Brock lived there for a decade before dating Alefantis.

No concerts or shows needed. Giant pedophile ring.

LargePepperoni ago

Lawyer Cliff Arnebeck wrote an open letter to Obama and Biden saying her believed Biden;s son was murdered.

AreWeSure ago

Can you in one or two sentences state what the above is and why you think it's important?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Watch this video: https://youtu.be/1nJxakmwup0 and tell us, what do you think rooms that size are good for? We're suspecting child rape.

Then add in creepy Joe Biden going to the area a lot. Then add in David Brock and James Alefantis being there. So, investigation of the area.

Cbradio ago

Look at Saville Reality based in UK and Jersey Island. Esp the app only old mansions. Mansions known to have satanic statues as a norm. Island is under the Queen.

Even if I was ultraruch, so many restaurants, mansion, people (ate they human) that I would never want to be near.

Bet some good trained dogs would pick up a lot of clues and scents.

Bet, each state has places to find of sites. Each state, sure has dark histories coming out with boy juvies, institutions and more.

Bet, metal detectors, water runoff/pipes/sewafmge lab tests would pick up corroded remnants.

Bet a lab test could show human flesh eaters. That would be great IN court cases.

Aside: Cannot a new internet be build on different frequency spectrums? Do we really need to be dependent on their internet?

A new utube and other sites. From Franklin case to fbianon and NYPD, the excuse is used over and over that they cannot pursue for all govt would be exposed and fall.

Its such a mind control to think we need those top elite, pyramid schematic if tyranny. They are proven useless and corrupt. There are billions of people, many way more skilled and with good intents vs agenda.

I call vs that we need them. And why does fbianon state that if he released info that he could be killed; yet writes he has a suicide pact with his wife if Hilary was to win/things got worse?

If he is willing to suicide die with wife, why not just go out a hero?

He stares his wife uses fourchan, also, on dig subthreads, yet another time stares he not inform his wife of things to keep her safe; but has a suicide pact.

Yah, he wrote he was putting in false info, but..I wonder the inconsistencies as this is such life or death type issue.

I notice he does typos in some pattern..by the way...

Was Biden son, good or was this huge pedo case what bigwigs do to other elites that get sloppy, not follow orders, or try to blackmail Biden?

From pot, traffic tickets owed, CP's bombard good parents, fisherman utube guy so punished; such a difference in how elite treated.

Epstein's bigwig attorney is quite questionable and intimidates that female victim of libel and jail. Sounds just like Franklin case, the female victim.out in jail and the male victim so threatened, he does lie at one case to coverup in fear, then fails to show up.

Its interesting that one victim in Franklin area that came from well to do pedo satanic famy, that uses shamanism in a healthy, positive mode versus the anti life reverse. ( compare to latest gaga commercial with big tech co).

AreWeSure ago

You're suspecting child rape, because you're suspecting child rape. There's nothing at all about the size of that room to lead you to that, you have to have a whole narrative arleady in place for you to go there. There's a specific size of room associated with child rape? Seriously?

Rooms that size are found all over the country for cheap apartments for college students or other folks moving into their first place. Places you could put a small futon or a twin bed in. or in expensive areas, places for folks who work there.

Rehoboth Beach is a vacation spot right? So you need more help in the summer months than the winter and the prices go up in the summer right? Considering the video is labelled housing, and not something like small one bedroom for rent, He probably brings in summer work and free/cheap housing is a perk. That would be my guess.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So your answer is that those look like bedrooms for adult-sized people?

Yes, the suspicions surrounding some people -- like Biden and Alefantis -- are already existing. Welcome to 6 weeks ago.

thepathupwards ago

Luther is Chip's father it says on that page

Yuke ago

I think you need to read it again.

*Randi was preceded in death by her mother, Patricia "Trish" Hearn. She is survived by her father, Luther M. Hearn and her step-mother, Jane Hearn; *brother, Luther "Chip" M. Hearn III; sisters, Tracey (Joseph) Alvarez and Alison Bailey;

Chimerarose ago

Damn, I used to vacation in Ocean City and Rehoboth Beach every year form age 11 til I was 26. Ate at Grotto pizza Every year. It's actually really good pizza. hmmmm the one in Rehoboth beach is always packed with tourists. I have my doubts anything strange is going on there.


thepathupwards ago

Fun fact: a Ledo's Pizza exploded in a gas explosion of "unknown cause" on 7th May 2009. 11.4 miles from the White House.

Cbradio ago

Fun fact: A Rockefellor was supposedly eaten by cannabils, a old tribe as went to gather art for their museum. Talk about possible poetic street, village justice. Indigenous saying, don't trust that cannabil mofo..lol

A Peaches, in UK, was speaking out and died. Tila Tequila blog, speaking out.

Lady Gaga latest commercial with huge tech co. Anti life, tech, web electric control, and high frequency that causes death, aneurysms, cancers; keeps on being brought up.

Saw a comment under utube video on Comet, that one stated that mass Chinese missiles under that block, look at the owners of those buildings?? Wonder if was some local??

Any that can find blue collar, blacks, homeless, prison work programs, temp agencies as blue collar must know more via jobs. Any homicid or missing? ( hope not).

Are ones kids in the elite, raised in human flesh products?

Ones visited Comet and saw this lady tell the lil girl to go back into party room. The couple went back there later, and nothing even there, but curtains and an old bar, looking unused in a kids party room.

That old YouTube celeb caught doing pedo that has a farm. Bunch of rednecks making utube videos and commenting in bizarre defense.

Really shows how "celeb money status," causes masses to be fanatic, just like with Saville. Ones even blame parents for bringing their kids to a farm, as if ones would know about pedo.

Wish a way to pit mini cams, follow on biz, streets, cars, homes, tunnels, sites, etc. Alibaba and Amazon sell a bunch for cheap.

Guy went to Comet and saw the guy have the group of boys run and get in a Uber. License plate, interview driver where they went. Well being of those boys, is highly concerning.

Already, Subway was caught with that pedo guy for commercials.

Tennessee, lots saying Satanic Caves. The set arson and Cali warehouse, and Dolly Parton, now the local hero is just off to me. She's the godmother of Mikey Cyrus.

To interview workers, relatives, old employers, neighbors, classmates, Podesta daughter, Epstein, old bands and bars that played with Majestic, Chelsea in hardball interviews could really lead to slip ups if safe way to do interviews.

Kikimc22 ago

Page doesn't exsist. What was on it?

thepathupwards ago

The problem was I wrote the link into the post with "these quotes" around it, so it messed up. I've fixed the link in the post though.