sunajAeon ago

I'll bet these pervs are squirming

leon1234 ago

My first was why does the State Dept. have a gender equality program... it literally makes 0 sense to be a part of the state dept.

quantokitty ago

Awesome. I love when they panic and I can smell the sweat dripping into their beady, Lizard eyes.

fetuspizza ago

Almost had good credibility, until this sensationalism shit:

"“There are fears that this will be a ‘hit list,’ and that State Department efforts to prevent child marriages, bride burnings, acid attacks, gang rapes, and in general to seek fair treatment of women around the world will be targeted for dismantling,” she said. “These are small programs with small resources, but they make a big differences in the lives of women who are more oppressed than we can imagine.”

remedy4reality ago

If Mods have not figured out how ANYTHING involving the State Department and Hillary is related to Pizzagate, I'll provide the flow chart:

Wikileaks > Podesta ( link to Hillary here, also ) > Alefantis > Comet > Beyond Borders > Clinton Foundation > Hillary > State Department > human trafficking programs --- Get it now ?

Why is there a concerted effort to not EXPAND the investigation into Pizzagate, when evidence indicates that's exactly what should be happening? Anyone who still thinks this is only about a Pizza joint, it's owner, and his Instagram followers should not be moderating.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

What is the bullet point, ELI5 linkage between gender equality and child trafficking?

remedy4reality ago

It's pretty clear to me, Trump prioritizing a review of a seemingly innocuous State Department program before he even has taken office is a strong indicator of his priorities on Day One. Why would he do such a thing this early if it is not tied to Hillary and the Clinton Foundation? This move says much, much more than his claim that 'locking her up' was only a campaign slogan.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

gotcha, thanks.

HashTagFU ago

Dismantling the regressives bullshit narrative one idiotic program at a time. MAGA. And fuck Hillary Cunton.

remedy4reality ago

It was the Neocons carrying out the same NWO bullshit just 8 years ago.

HashTagFU ago

I know. Both sides of the same coin. She is just a particularly pernicious cunt. Similar to how many disliked GW but hated Cheney.

goatboy ago

Funding women's programs is like funding ISIS but much more destructive to communities and hurtful to children. It's disgusting how much they fund population control programs in western countries and these same State Department assholes ignore population control programs in Congo or any other actually over populated shithole. The only good feminist is a dead feminist. They are the enemy. Either kill them all or deport every last one of the slimy rat fuckers to ISIS controlled territory. Let all the State Department murders live together.

Lunari ago


goatboy ago

Which fuck didn't you understand?

sleepingbeautycan ago

There are fears that this will be a ‘hit list,’ and that State Department efforts to prevent child marriages, bride burnings, acid attacks, gang rapes, and in general to seek fair treatment of women around the world will be targeted for dismantling,

No, the only concern is that he will be dismantling the child love initiatives being spearheaded by the Clintons.


Now you are seeing Kanye West and what he was doing with Trump.Who is behind the agenda to turn his father in law into a woman. Who financed and what was the agenda behind the notion that humans are not gender bound and are infact,gender fluid.This is the founding principle of the gay agenda.

throwawaa ago

I have a lot of good friends who are legit gay. I'd believe that the current establishment has used the gay agenda for nefarious purposes, but if we throw them off, there are still a lot of people who are gay and I'll still respect them as such. There's really nothing wrong with it.


It can't be a lynch mob mentality that usually rolls out when paedophilia is involved.Just the smear is enough to demand that false allegations are not accepted.But we are enveloped in a cultural bombardment to fast forward the gay agenda and this has evolved purposely into a vague image of gender being neutral in all entities. That is dangerous for our children.See they are commited to provide a zero population in the near future and so they are compelling all to have sex for sex sake as a normal function. Sports fucking holds the same repugnance as homosexual fucking does.This idea that it is just getting ones rocks off is social retardation..

HashTagFU ago

Zero population or zero population growth? Big difference.


Growth...pardon me.I think they have been sterilizing kiddies overseas with their wasp nest program of immunization.Aids paid it's way by making condoms and population control possible.If anyone is serious about investigating paedophilia the the UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN FUND is front and center.

remedy4reality ago

This perverted Pedo/Satanic cabal is hiding behind the LBGT march for equality. They are betraying honest and respectful gay people and undermining everything they have achieved. It is important to separate the two, but the legit LBGT community needs to wake up, en masse, and realize they stand to lose everything if they unknowingly provide cover for these sickos.

flyingcuttlefish ago

this has what to do with pizzagate?

ArthurEdens ago

Unless they have something to hide, there's no reason to say "with hunt". That's what reddit called pizzagate. It's a standard audit. They're in propaganda damage control mode already.

joeysaperv ago

I missed how is this relevant to Pgate. Can you spell it out for us unwashed masses?

DcFunny ago

Trump asks for line budget and key players in violence against women act and similar initiatives. Also included is human trafficking hotlines, which aren't included in FBI budget and subject to WH and Legislative control.

joeysaperv ago

thank you

DcFunny ago

Where my up vote den.

Or send nudes

belphegorsprime ago

Archive link for those that don't want to give HuffPo ad revenue.

remedy4reality ago

I had been a loyal Huff Po reader since it's inception, but now I only check into to see the propaganda tactics. Same with the NYTimes and Washington Post, both of which I had read for over 3 decades. We are absolutely in the midst of a widespread disinformation campaign and I suggest keeping tabs on the MSM messaging as it relates not only to 'fake news', but moves by Trump, as well. There is SO MUCH going on behind the scenes, it's palpable.

Stellarjay ago

I'm so happy for you that you've dropped the liars. I can't even check msm anymore...just to see. Cant give them a second of my attention

TruthTrumps ago

Sadly, I believe it's been this way much longer than we imagine. The press is owned by the government. Has been for a long time. Check out video link. Very long, very say the least. Start at the 2:03:43 mark to learn about our "free press".

The_Periodic_Fable ago

I also used to give a shit about the WaPo (grew up in DC in the 70's & 80's). In more recent times I learned that that sonofabitch Ben Bradlee was essentially a CIA asset. And of course Allen Dulles (CIA director) used to openly brag about how he could get stories added or subtracted pretty much at will to/from the nation's top press outlets.

remedy4reality ago

Bingo... ' Family of Secrets' by Russ Baker tipped me off to the WAPO as a CIA mouthpiece and how it was used to impeach Nixon for meddling in the JFK / Bay of Pigs cases. I firmly now believe that Woodward is also CIA.

HashTagFU ago

I think I just reached 33 degree bullshit detector level myself. I'm pretty sure ALL of it is fake. Including Trump's actions. You couldn't divide a country in half any better than they've done to the US today.

And half is only one way we're divided. Add up the male vs female, black vs white, minority vs white, rich vs poor, etc, etc, and you have a multiplicity of factions just seething with resentment against each other. It's masterful really. I now look at any and all mainstream news and most alt news with skepticism.

Marthvedderette ago

Masterful if they want total chaos. Which they don't. They want top down ultimate control. Hillary losing the election, has made the elite lose their minds. Contrary to what people think, I believe Trump is a good guy. A lot of people don't remember that Trump ran as a republican basically to destroy the republicans card. After he accomplished that, he realized that the Clintons rigged the DNC. He stayed in the race only because Hillary, and who she truly represents stayed in the race. From the looks of things barely under the surface, it appears that we have a war going between the elites. Trumps crowd seems annoyed, and sick of the esoteric, backstabbing, repugnant, criminal minded elite. It appears that we have a more empathetic elite behind Trump, who want to get rid of the old ways, of blackmail puppets, who prove to be completely incompetent, because of the lack of a large gene pool, and also constantly breeding with other psychotic elite. I believe Alefontis and the podestas might just be patsies thrown out way to distract from investigating the larger scope of this. Although when you barely peak under the surface of their lives, you see a huge interconnected web of hell.

HashTagFU ago

I invite you to read what this guy has to say about the elite and their genetic tree :

He also appears to be a genius although I can't tell you if his math and physics are valid or not because I'm not at that level. One thing he did do is finally allow me to understand relativity and somewhat understand the math behind calculus. And he's absolutely right that I never understood it while I was learning it. Anyway he's an interesting read and even if some of his writing is egotistical bullshit, he hits the nail on the head on a lot of issues.

remedy4reality ago

I agree 100% with the back half of your post, but I'm holding out hope that Trump is going to come down hard on the NWO. They are going to kill us all if they are not stopped.

HashTagFU ago

I am too although not a whole lot of hope. I think if Trump is the real deal, he'll be stymied politically or worse impeached or assassinated to move the NWO agenda forward.

remedy4reality ago

That is exactly where I think everything lies and although we don't know his intentions, he is giving hints: Appointing 3 Generals to his cabinet ( a known rogue Pentagon General ), indicating he may stay at Trump Tower, maintaining his own personal security detail to work with the Secret Service, and his reluctance to fly on Air Force One. It looks like he has very little or no trust for the structures and protocols of the Executive Office.

HashTagFU ago

Maybe you're right. If he isn't with the program, he has cause to be careful, paranoid even.

remedy4reality ago

Oh... I left out his treatment of the CIA and that he has discredited most of the MSM. It looks like battle lines are being drawn and those on the side of the cover up are getting very, very nervous.

HashTagFU ago

So what is your take on everything that has gone down? Clearly the CIA or at least the MSM is trying to discredit him with the false notion that Russia interfered with the election.

I also read a story where the CIA came right out and said no, there was no Russian influence so it was just the extremely biased WaPo that was reporting that. (((Bezos owned))). Hard to know what to think.

I think money drives the agenda unfortunately. If the CF is as dirty as some are making it out to be, there will be no prosecution due to the large amounts of money involved. I'm for a fucking asteroid in 2017 myself.

remedy4reality ago

This is Biblical level shit, in my view. The CIA has been using CP and pedophilia to blackmail politicians, law enforcement, business and military leaders, and judges for decades. The entirety of the CIA and the NSA are corrupt. I think there are still White Hats at the FBI, but they have been lying low. I believe the Podesta emails have opened up a can of worms that was not anticipated and it's a full damage control by everyone on the wrong side of RIGHT. It's bigger than any of us can imagine and either way, it will be a very bumpy road. Trump's life is definitely in danger and it looks like he is aware of that. He really has nothing to lose and the longer he delays taking out his enemies, the greater risk he faces.

HashTagFU ago

The thing is I get the CIA and NSA probably have dirt on politicians but the notion that every politician is a pedo is impossible for me to believe. Sure some of them do drugs, have affairs, have gay affairs, whatever. But participating in Satanic rituals involving raping and murdering children? I really, really doubt it. That's not to say there aren't a few sick fucks that might do shit like this, but not every or not even most politicians are doing this. Just my opinion.

Now we know the CIA does run drugs and probably has no qualms about human trafficking if it increases their black budget. And I don't think the CIA gives a fuck about the American people, they work for the oligarchs. Not sure what will change any of this shit except time, a visit by a highly advanced civilization that raises our collective consciousness or a fucking asteroid. Like I said, I'm in favor of the asteroid.

remedy4reality ago

Not all politicians are pedo's, but they are owned in one way or another. The CIA can get dirt an anyone through the NSA and they also the ability to frame anyone, for anything. They can also 'remove' any pesky moralists that get too close to their businesses. Yes, the biggest drug ring in history has branched out into child trafficking and worse. I believe the rituals are reserved for the most elite, at the highest positions of power. The depravity of the Alefantis group, is due to his close associations with the Podestas. Most of the leaders of our allies are hand picked by elites and blackmailed soon after. The don't let anyone in office who they cannot control. Now we have Trump and like Carlin said, 'It's a Big Club, and you ain't in it.' We'll find out how much in the club Trump is, rather shortly.

DesertRat49 ago

Thank you. Smart thinking

WakeyWake ago

Promoting gender equality around the world....hmmm....yeah we're 20 trillion in debt, time to bring home the money and start cutting big gov into little gov. Trump does better for equality when it comes to pay and putting women at high level positions than HRC or obama had, so they don't practice what they preach.

Thakiddds ago

That is what I noticed immediately. And then washingtonpost. He needs to get the names of wash po and nyt

DcFunny ago

The fact that a white house memo is being handed to the NYT immediately should "make us all nervous."

derram ago :

Trump Team Asks State Department To Hand Over Info On Gender Equality Programs | The Huffington Post

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