GumbyTM ago

Your last comment has no proximate cause.

It's always cute when retards misuse phrases to try and sound smart. You should actually read the definitions of the phrases you regurgitate before making such a fool of yourself.

The term you're looking for, dick snot for brains, is 'correlation does not equal causality'.

That was the point I was trying to make by bringing up what was one of the hottest stories on 9/10 but that had nothing to do with terrorism. I then gave examples of prior acts of terrorism which you ignored. This was to point out that these attacks had been going on for over 9 years prior.

Sorry to have gone so far over your head.

But I encourage you to run your mouth about what you learned on the internet as much as possible. Eventually you'll run into one of us 'shills' in real life, who was actually around, I'm sure it will go well for you.


Just saw this, wtf?!?

9/11 changed the face of the country, from security, **to the constitution, **

Please post examples of the constitution's text before and after 9/11. What new amendments were adopted?

How does one weaponize stupid so effectively?


Nana66 ago

Also the day of the missing 2.3 Trillion

0rion ago

Claims he is 'digging up' info, then posts CNN article as proof.

0rion ago

There you go assuming things again, I am not a Hillary supporter and I did not vote for her. Not that that has anything to do with this, but okay. You're clearly not cut out for investigative work, you jump to conclusions way too fast without asking questions.

You're not going to MAGA by making misleading posts. There is nothing funny about this, and you are naive if you think these types of intellectually lazy posts will 'fucking dismantle' a ring that has been in place for thousands of years. Get real, kid.

You can get upset all you want, but both you and I know that I am calling you out because what you are doing is sloppy, unprofessional, and discrediting to the movement. Just because someone calls you out does not make them a shill. I'm not saying any of this to attack you, I'm trying to help you. It's a critique on your posting abilities, nothing more.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I agree. The title is an overstatement at best and an erroneous claim at worst. This does not help us. It's tabloid behavior which plays into the Mockingbird media narrative about us.

9/11 was obviously not brought about in 1 day. Nothing which happened out of the blue on 9/10/01 could plausibly be the reason for 9/11/01. To establish a connection, a prior relationship between the two must have existed. Was there such a relationship here? (I have only read the comments ITT, not the dox, yet, so I dunno.)

Pizzagate709 ago

Mods? how is this debunked? @kevdude

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I'd like to know too. A long document which sounds relevant and possibly important... what has been debunked? Should I take time to read the dox or not? Enquiring minds want to know!!


For the new world gov't to eventuate one must destroy the pillar of society that uphold theb old system.This why law and order is lawless and chaos.This is why the fundamental building block "the family"has been decimated and replaced with this"We ARE SUCH A CARING LOT****ANYTHING GOES rainbow express units as an excuse for marriage and child rearing. Take heed that womens liberation was driven by that fact that working mums are going to drop the 18 month old precious at some private freak cavern called child care.The Australian gov't subsidizes this industry.That was the main motivation of the CIA's involvement in the female liberation movement.Child surrogacy by the state is the end game.

BerksResident ago

This is horrendous, could only read a few pages, but confirms a few roles Podestas = lobbyists Rachel Chandler = modelling agency DOJ staff = cover up investigations State funded kids charities especially in refugee zones = supply labour slaves Comet = supply US kids to order from local area? Transformer art gallery = auction high end buyers

DcFunny ago

He already did, dummy.


Pizzagate709 ago

why the downvoats? sketchy link? or shills downvoting him?

DcFunny ago

Lol NYC 2016 isn't The Godfather part 4

belphegorsprime ago

Here's my take on this. I don't think this was a motivation for 9/11. However, I do think it's plausible that the timing of this release is significant. Consider this:

FBI had this investigation going for a long time. The report was in the hands of the bosses (who are known to be corrupt). The investigators did a lot of good work bringing damning information to light. 9/11 was already in the works. FBI chose to release just before 9/11 to get it out with minimal impact. The public was too distracted to notice, the whole FBI was re-orged to "fight terror" and the follow-ups were back-burnered.

Good post in any case, because this shows CNN reporting on pizzagate 15 years ago.

WakeyWake ago

This University of Pennsylvania is not the Penn State u are thinking of.

Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) had pedophile

University of Pennsylvania (not Penn State)

pizzainvestigator ago

I think it should also be added the UPenn is one of the most prestigious (private) universities in the world and is in the Ivy League, versus Penn State which is a state run school.

Narcissism ago

For those who would like to know the latest thinking on how the towers were demolished. 15th Anniversary Destruction of the WORLD Trade Center Towers : Ground ZERO = Nuclear Event.

AreWeSure ago

It's ridiculous thinking. The towers quite clearly demolished floor by floor. The bottom of the structure was intact as the top of the structure was in pieces.

There's no way to do that with a nuclear explosion. The forces from a nuclear would go ever where at once. The shock waves from the initial blast would have blown out windows all over lower Manhattan. Radiation would have rained down on Manhatan and Brooklyn and Queens and Long Island for days.

SavingGrace ago

Whoa!!!! OMG!!!! Where did you source this???

0rion ago


Then you fail to provide proof. Citing the day before 9/11 is a coincidence worth looking into, not proof. That's how it's misleading.

I'm glad you think this is an lol scenario, I for one find it disgusting and we need to get to the bottom of it. You're not helping the cause making posts like this, you're completely validating the MSM narrative.

You also just edited your answer, you originally asked "can I edit my title?". That, IMO, shows you are more concerned with upvotes than you are with the truth getting out there on this.

0rion ago

Look man, I'm all for getting to the bottom of this. But these misleading titles gain you ZERO credibility. Where does it say anywhere on that image that 9/11 was a cover up for the pedophiles, where is your proof? I agree, it sure as hell LOOKS that way, but we just don't know yet. You can't just make an implied claim like that with no evidence to back it up.

At this point, all this is is speculation, so until you know for sure you need to be upfront with your findings instead of posting click-bait headlines with an image. It discredits the movement. At least add the primer "maybe" or "possibly" if you're going to speculate.

AreWeSure ago

A. That's not different from how most New Yorkers felt. B. Trump was never literally a boss of NYC and certainly not in 2001. This was before his reality show comeback. His stock was at $2 down from a high of 32. He would declare another bankruptcy in 2004

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Wow ... just wow ... you can't make this shit up ...

AreWeSure ago

So what's the connection with Trump and 9/11?

speckledcat ago

and the missing 2 trillion in the pentagon. you can go back and see Rumsfeld hand wave it away like it was just lost in the files (after the strike). People got super rich that day and kids got fucked as did the american people and the world.

how did the plane hit the exact right part of the pentagon that stored the financial information for the audits?

AreWeSure ago

What form was this 2 trillion in? Paper money?

speckledcat ago

electronic mainly or Assets on the balance sheet but never actually acquired.

And here is his explanation after the above and after 9/11

So there are missing assets, no accountability and waste. Yet the next day that particular part of the pentagon gets hit and (later) Rummy said yup there all along they just couldnt track it. I dont believe for a second there is that much missing or accountability. Sure there will be waste but that much seems too many people lining their own pockets at the tax payers expense. Then they go and fight the war without the requisite equipment they should have had. Remember that Rummy quote - go with you got not with what you wish you had - paraphrase. These guys all make me sick. Oh and Tamaflu and the Drug they gave the soldiers going over to war - Rummy had a large stock holding of both companies. Kinda like Cheney and Haliburton.

ZalesMcMuffin ago


Have you not encountered Rumsfeld's 9/10/01 announcement before?

Chance903 ago

Well the Whole Boston Pedophile Prist thing was about to bust wide open on the sep 11 2016, but it was derailed because of 9/11

GumbyTM ago

No it didn't stop being a tool.

You're just taking something that looks legitimate and trying to find a way it to validate your pet peeves.

They had been trying to kill is for years.

Was the bombing in 93 to cover pedos?

Was the USS Cole, the Khobar towers?

STFU. You weren't there (obviously) and you don't know shit.

There was also a big story on 9/10/01 about two lesbians who had been attacked in California by pit bulls. I guess that was part of your cover up too?

DcFunny ago


The writer of the report died unexpectedly of "heart failure."

SavingGrace ago

His name is Weiner...Is it a common surname in the States?

DcFunny ago

Ha. No fucking way. The first time I ever heard it was in relation to the senator sending dick picks. I honestly thought it was a joke.

madmanpg ago

...eight years later. At an age where heart failure is not unusual.

edit: To downvoters, heart disease is the second biggest killer of people between the ages of 55 and 64. Simple facts. If you don't like facts(like DcFunny), you don't belong here.

DcFunny ago

Actually, no. The chances of a 61 year old having a fatal cardiac incident is roughly 0.4%

Wolftrail7272 ago

Holy shit, I always wonder about stats like that. If someone were going to take me out it would probably either be a Seth Rich fake robbery or car crash. Bury me in the numbers. I should look up most common cause of death for people my age in my area. How would I do this?

madmanpg ago

Realize that despite the low percentage rate, heart disease is still the number two killer of all people between the ages of 55 and 64. The fact is that dying anytime is "unlikely". Doesn't mean cancer and heart attacks are "unusual"; just unlikely.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I'm not for sure if it would be on medical records, but I would think it would be. I think there is some dark stuff to be found regarding medical records and HIPPA or whatever.

madmanpg ago

That's very cute - you don't respond to my counter-argument though you use the link I provided. Damn, there are a lot of intellectual cowards here.

DcFunny ago

Dude, unless you are Mr. Google, you didn't provide shit.

madmanpg ago

I provided you the list of causes of death, which you didn't respond to, which you then used in another post. You're full of shit and a blight on this place.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Hah, shit. Thank you for the info.

madmanpg ago

Heart disease is still the number two killer of people aged 55-64. Your incidence numbers are meaningless without the context of what people die of. Only a little over twice that are killed by cancer in the same age group. Are you going to suggest that cancer having a less than 1% chance of killing you at 61 means it's unlikely? The fact is dying at all at any year is "unlikely" if you're going to look specifically at individual odds for all possible ways you could snuff it. Still happens all the time.

DcFunny ago

Ha, that's funny because it proves you think that 2010 = 2014. Clearly attention to detail is not a skill you use often.

madmanpg ago

...are you actually arguing that heart disease stopped being the number two killer of people 55-64 over the last four years? You're a goddamn troll uninterested in facts. You just want to pursue whatever bullshit you feel like believing.

Mooka_Molaka ago

CIA heart attack gun

LA_Trump ago

Now that this is surfacing again, everyone be careful. Stay safe.

LA_Trump ago

We have to know what happened to the professors.

hedy ago

The human trafficking is part of a much larger series of events and crimes and motivations surrounding 9/11. You've barely scratched the surface. You can sit here and argue with me, someone who has done a shitload of research, or you can change your title and go learn something to help provide more relevant context to the report you posted. This sensationalism and lack of context is not good for PG.

hedy ago

No. You've not done research on 9/11. Stick to PG and the pedo info. You are making an illogical association w/ 9/11. And do more research.

hedy ago

OK thanks.

hedy ago

So, you've done no research on 9/11...

hedy ago

What good does it do anyone to link to an image of the cover of the report...

There might be something here but the title sounds sensational and baity. If you do a minimal amount of research into 9/11 truths, you'll quickly find there were other FAR more motivating drivers for the terrorists actions of the US gov on 9/11.

Rigg5 ago

Uhhh.. File please.