UPDATE: The most likely explanation is that Bon Berger De Doman is a typo and that the school is really called Bon Berger de Domond.
Apparently the Clintons' build solar panels on a school in Haiti that doesn't exist
The site visits included the Boucan Carré Health Center, the first clinic to be solarized by SELF; the Lashto Fish Farm, a new extension of the fish hatchery that is now solar powered thanks to NRG Energy and SELF; the Bon Berger De Doman School, a Digicel-funded school with solar power; and finally the new Partners in Health Mirebalais teaching hospital. This hospital, when completed, will have the largest solar installation in the country and will operate almost entirely on solar power.
The only website related to the school is this: http://archive.is/8Mkbw
This links the "school" to this non-profit: http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/FL/Institution-Mixte-Communautaire-Bon-Berger-Inc.html
Which appears to be filled with people from the same family: http://archive.is/JSVIv
And is based in this house in Florida: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/1601+Glenhaven+Cir,+Ocoee,+FL+34761/@28.5762225,-81.5181887,3a,68.7y,171.3h,84.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9VvdDXzOxvpafqb0TaUnlQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x90561c5f5574813!6m1!1e1
The leader of this "non-profit", Frantz Champagne, works as a TSO at Department of Homeland Security http://archive.is/1KEHV
There is some really weird stuff going here.
Edit- Frantz Champagne is also a court interpreter, speaking Haitian Creole:
List of Haitian Schools ( Look what is missing): http://archive.is/rlR6k
Edit -
Not sure what "Bon Berger" means. Institution Mixte Communautaire Bon Berger, maybe unrelated to the Clinton Foundation. However it is rather clear that the Bon Berger De Doman School does not exist. It is only referenced on websites referencing official Clinton Foundation press releases.
Edit -
Institution Mixte Communautaire Bon Berger is unrelated. It appears that "Bon Berger" is in lots of Haitian school names.
SELF the NGO working with the Clintons calls the school the "Bon Berger du Domond School":
But why would the Clinton foundation call the school something else, especially if Bill Clinton visited the school. You would think they would get the name right.
Edit- NRG's documents also call the school, "Bon Berger du Domond School": http://www.nrg.com/documents/sustainability/NRG-Projects-in-Haiti.pdf
This may just be a misspelling in the Clinton Foundation press release.
Edit- Most likely explanation is that Bon Berger De Doman is a typo and that the school is really called Bon Berger de Domond.
militant ago
Are you for real?
YingYangMom ago
'Bon Berger' means 'Good Shepard' in french.
IsidoreDucasse ago
Another picture of the Ekol Bon Berger de Domond (krayol spelling) :
budhahead ago
i just gave you my first upvote. we need more people doing what your doing. thank you.
IsidoreDucasse ago
Here are the solar panels in Boucan-Carré that power the non-existent school :
IsidoreDucasse ago
In the commune of Boucan-Carré, which is located in the arrondissement of Mirebalais.
2impendingdoom ago
I thought that the computers are probably using way more juice than solar panels could handle, but I'm no electrical engineer.
IsidoreDucasse ago
Here is the array in question, which powers seven schools :
IsidoreDucasse ago
Here's an article about the Haitian minister of education visiting the non-existent school.
IsidoreDucasse ago
The reason why Bon Berger de Domond school doesn't come up in searches of schools in the Southern department is because it is located in the Central department.
Orange_Circle ago
Upvote for excellence in citizen journalism!
JoJoVoat ago
thank you....a lot to this
IsidoreDucasse ago
Sure looks like it.
IsidoreDucasse ago
How about here :
IsidoreDucasse ago
So here are 23 pictures of that "non-existent" school :
Freemasonsrus ago
I could swear the Frantz guys name has come up before in this investigation. Specifically linked w Haiti. It may have been back in Reddit. Does anyone else remember that?
Also, that description on the schools supposed website sounds like the classic NWO utopian marketing tool. I can almost picture people giggly as they write it bc it's a lot of words that mean nothing when you actually read them, but sound "good" and "professional".
IsidoreDucasse ago
Frantz is the 18th most popular surname in Haiti ; more than 37,000 people share it.
JoJoVoat ago
sorry if this is a repeat
JoJoVoat ago
This sounds like a cover for a HUGE child sex slave trafficking ring. Great find. Great research. Upvoat
quantokitty ago
Unbelievable. It was like Silsby's orphanage except the school had a press release and the orphanage didn't.
YingYangMom ago
B_dog ago
Hmmm. I don't know anything about Haiti or its record keeping. Nor would I say for sure that photo proves much other than WJC stood near some kids and captioned the school exists. I also found some information which suggests the school got wrecked by a hurricane, but no photos of the building.
IsidoreDucasse ago
Here are the photos :
quantokitty ago
WTF?!!!! How did you even follow this rabbit trail?
Upvoat for brilliance!!!
Koched_Up404 ago
Good stuff, this shows us that often several shell companies are used to conceal their activities.
Nonprofitfacts.com is a great resource for this investigation. Sometimes it can be difficult to track down ANY information regarding charities and non-profits. The site is also useful when comparing NGO's who are doing similar work.
B_dog ago
If you search the school name, this pops up on page one: https://www.flickr.com/photos/49152339@N05/7733044852 It appears to exist.
srayzie ago
Look at that sick son of a bitches smile as he stands there with those kids looking like a hero. I'm so disgusted right now.
privatepizza ago
Epic find...
waybackwhen1987 ago
upvoting this is brilliant! what in the fuckery is going on in Haiti??
garlicbulb ago
you can imagine what bad use can be made of this Scopolamine, which comes from haiti . Matthew Pauly "The Murder of Time: Making and Unmasking a Sleeper" http://www.lulu.com/shop/http://www.lulu.com/shop/matthew-pauly/murder-of-time-making-and-unmasking-a-sleeper/ebook/product-22508625.html
Traditional Voodoo employed Scopolamine. When a person was found to be very disruptive to the community perhaps a rapist or murderer, the medicine man of the community would dose them with Scopolamine, specifically a dust of the driedplant, which can be easily blown into someone’s face for immediate effect as it lands on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth and throat. The victim would immediately lose all free will power. Their breathing would become shallow and infrequent causing them to lose consciousness and appear dead. They would be placed in a coffin and buried in front of family and friends. In the early morning hours the coffin would be dug up and the living person inside would be sent off to another island, given a daily dose of Scopolamine and kept as a slave until their death. also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitian_Vodou
zzvoat ago
Every bad thing you can think of and worse.
Pizzagatethrowaway ago
Amazing work, thank you for this. One of my few upvoats is yours, friend!
Hopevoats ago
Great find!
2impendingdoom ago
So you have a haitian creole court interpreter who is a TSO for DHS who sets up a Florida Charity to take funds from CF for solar panels for a non-existent Haitian school.
YingYangMom ago
And it's the Clinton - Bush Foundation and they donated 500,000$...
dindonufin ago
picture speaks for itself (1983)
2impendingdoom ago
Bunch of names from CF press release:
Exern ago
Digicel is not on that list, which strikes me as odd seeing as their in cahoots with NRG Energy. The two were listed as meeting partners, and two companies will partner on renewable energy projects under development in the Caribbean region. Also seeing as how they were awarded 2.5 million by the State Department’s U.S. Agency for International Development to offer mobile money services in post-earthquake Haiti. Also Digicel has donated to the CF of around 5 to 10 million since inception. By the way, got this from the Green Corruption blog, she's really detailed and on point.
2impendingdoom ago
This list is from the CF press release: http://archive.is/UzgxB#selection-623.733-623.1226