Mbailey63 ago

That's why he went to talk to Trump that day. He had to tell Trump about the sick shit happening.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Ian Connor @souljaian Follow Cognitive Dissonance Then Go On To Hegelian Dialectic and See How That Plays Hand in Hand Into Our Everyday World. 11:12 AM - 22 Dec 2016 from Georgia, USA

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

create a thread about this!!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Ian Connor @souljaian Follow Kanye Used To Tell Me Things, I've Come To Terms With Due To His "Hospitalization".…

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I don't think so. He was a middle class guy when he started. Same with other rappers like 2 Chainz, who had a pretty high university GPA. These people they make famous aren't the uneducated.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Kanye was the type of guy to call people on their bullshit. The elite do not like these kinds of people. They like retards like Gaga who think Abrahamovic is "unstoppable and so powerful". Dumb bitch Gaga is more apt for their uses.

rail606 ago

I know about that method however keep in mind 99.9% of humans will never experience that. We experience the lies on TV and the bad environments they cook up with mathematics, chemistry, and vibration(music.)

Everyone experiences programming. Not everyone is a MK ultra slave though which is what you are describing.

IceDagger316 ago

Once his alters were reeled back in and put back in line, they weren't worried about him revealing anything.

But even if he did, I do believe that Trump is already well aware of what goes on in the shadows. I believe that there is an esoteric war between different factions going on behind the scenes. And Trump isn't part of the routine establishment faction that deals in pedophilia and dark, twisted, Satanic/Luciferian pleasures. There are other powerful players behind him that aren't involved in that stuff. It's the reason why the people at the top have been pushing the "FakeNewstm" meme and have been fighting to do anything they can (Russian hacking accusations, threatening/attempting to buy off electors, meaningless recounts through a third party, etc...) to prevent Trump from taking office.

rail606 ago

That "Ultimate" test is horrible and I still managed to guess 432hz every time. Test your own music. It is super ez to turn songs into 432hz using audacity. Also keep in mind a majority of humans don't have hears like musicians. Most people can't even tell the difference between 432hz and 440hz. The difference is its effect on your brain/body.

It is not about sounding interesting. It is about Joseph Gobbels the Nazi propaganda/cult expert suggesting we switch to 440hz in ww2. The NWO who was in control of hollywood/the music industry said hey that is not a bad idea! The reason they did this is they knew it was disharmonious from sacred geometry/numerology research. Everyone in power studies numerology and sacred geometry. It is very important stuff.

IceDagger316 ago

The top level alpha personality (that existed before MKUltra fractured his psyche) couldn't take what he was seeing any more and broke out, so to speak. He was legit upset but it's because he's been forced to see (or do) things that HE (the one that existed before his fracturing) didn't want to. His programming finally cracked and he lashed out. He went to Trump because they succeeded in reprogramming him while he was in "rehab" or whatever they called it. So that personality that was lashing out is buried once again.

For another famous MKUltra break, see: Britney Spears.

IceDagger316 ago

That rant was part of his break, where the real Kanye, the alpha/top level personality just couldn't take the dark shit the beta or even lower level ones had been seeing any more and started coming out.

Stellarjay ago

I didn't know. Gives me a bit of faith that they're not all fkd

IceDagger316 ago

Okay, apparently Dailymotion is banned (????) so I will parse the link on that one: Here is what I was trying to say -

The media is full of MKUltra victims.

Jay-Z flips Beyonce into mind control mode with a trigger word and Bill Clinton in zombie mode: http://

Watch Lindsay Lohan flip but more importantly pay very close attention to the very deliberate hand motions from her "friend" in the back of the car...

And of course there is Britney Spears being triggered by the word "weird" and flipping to some weird thing and then breaking down crying:

Hilton, by the way, was a handler for Hollywood's MKUltra puppets. She may act like she is ditzy and mildly retarded but that's an act, a persona. Look at the mental condition of people that she was famous for hanging around with. She has been replaced, by the way, with the Kardashian kids, which is why you never hear about Paris any more.

IceDagger316 ago

Nah, they know he is a middle/upper class kid raised by a college professor. Kanye was never a street thug, never has claimed to be.

And the "George Bush doesn't care about black people" thing was probably hilarious to them.

AnarchyChad ago

Listen to Dr. Peterson on Youtube to get some good ass reprogramming. He understands whats going on in the world in ways that I can't even imagine. Everything is connected. Politics today goes deep.

AnarchyChad ago


We should start a movement to have everyone watch that movie.

samhara ago

He's done it before - "W. Bush doesn't care for Black People" in the context of the people being hunted in the streets of New Orleans while the charities with food and water and medicine were not being allowed into New Orleans for 5 days - Yes I studied this the summer of '05,, Here's the link to his comment.. - - His co-host was plainly startled. - - Here's a Katrina citation to back up my statements. - -

samhara ago

The African American demographic is mush more hip to what is going on. I found that out when I passed out fliers for Stolen Election W. Bush and for 9/11.. As a group their bullshit meter is much higher calibrated.

Catseye2020 ago

Anybody else who has done any investigating of MK Ultra and how horrific that is.. Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino a well known Satanist connection including the day care that he owned having children in it young as 4 with chlamydia which is an STD and him getting off scot-free...excetera concerned about the Practical giveaway of these new high-end televisions? my market 50-inch televisions going for $200 seems to be a giant red flag of some sort!!! these are 4K Ultra television sets my brain says the coincidence to the mind control and psychological warfare done by MK Ultra is entirely too creepy for me. note to self...never buy or have one of those in my house.

samhara ago

I found Part 3 MIRROR: Outtrim & Irvin on Satanism: Shadow History of Burners 3 This will go into satanism, it's relation to Aquino, Aquino's involvement with MKULTRA and his military career and background.

samhara ago

Part 3 seems MIA; Here is Part 4 which is heavy duty .. from "Gnostic Media" Jan Irvin - Steve Outtrim -“Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt 4: the Cult” – #253 - -

samhara ago

Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt. 2 - -

samhara ago

This is part one of a series on Burning Man that goes into the history of the Presidio in San Franscisco and into the connection of Aquino to the Child Abuse at the miliary day -care. And how the same people seem to be connected to the origination of the "Burn the Man' human sacrifice ritual ' Burning Man.. These vids were blocked on YouTube when they first went up last summer. And they don't come up on a Google search for me. So please download and save. - Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1 -

pizzaequalspedo ago

Or so they say. If the Illuminati exists, that could easily be a control tactic.

Queen_Puabi ago

Same thing they do to anyone who talks too much. Death or set up like JA

Queen_Puabi ago

Did anyone save the PizzaGate or Podesta tweets he deleted? I can't see any of them?

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

its in my post

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Not sure if my last reply went through. He didn't directly tweet about Podesta, he tweeted Kim Noble's art (child/mkultra disassociation), then deleted that. He liked a couple comments about Podesta.

lbflbflbf ago

can someone remind me how that specific creepy painting was related to all of this? I was trying to explain to a friend and was not able to recall. I don't believe it was one of the ones actually in podesta's house

mrjdouble ago

Yea, sure. It's great you are bold enough to have these conversations with others IRL.

But this twisted image, (art, right?), was released at the same time as several items of Podesta's personal art collection were brought into question. At this point I believe the consensus of the image is as follows:

-White handkerchief under the smaller, child-like body, which has important symbolism within the pedo culture

-A larger adult on top of the child-like body, in a sexually suggestive prone position

-A group of other adults standing around watching the act

-The transcendence of the child's spirit is seen in red, as it's leaving the body; likely due to experiencing a great moment of acute trauma

Caratacus ago

Watch the movie "Network" if you haven't already

Selnee ago

This bs has f'd up sleep and life Lol! I feel you!

IceDagger316 ago

I like that you want to believe that, I really do - that isn't sarcasm, but he was not on the outside. The higher and more powerful he's got, the darker he has become. I mean, for fucks sake, he's married to a Kardashian, and that entire family are their tools, too. Dude (and his BFF Jay-Z) is balls deep with them. While Kanye probably has not participated (and I don't believe he did, otherwise he would've kept his rants to a minimum so as not to risk ouster and exposure) in pedophilia, I would imagine the only way he didn't know about it was if he purposefully turned a blind eye to it.

IceDagger316 ago

Notice what Manson was all about after his deprogramming and subsequent unleashing onto the world? Race war.

I don't know about you, but around me a lot of people seem to be worried about a race war these days because the way the media covers BLM (and any race related issue, really) is pushing them to fear that. And they are doing that intentionally. The reality is that civil war/social upheaval is a necessary component to communistic revolution. And the elites (again, call them the Illuminati if you will) are aiming to install a communistic one world government. So the media's string pullers, members of this collective, are doing everything they can to make it happen.

Kikimc22 ago

You should checkout the podcast those conspiracy guys. They have an ep on Manson that connects all the mkultra dots.

samhara ago

The Fake shootings, pushed by the mass media, was/ is a psy-op - "Strategy of Tension" GLADIO If everyone is freaked out they are easier to slaughter.

samhara ago

"Nixon's aide John Ehrlichman later in admitted in 1994 that the War on Drugs in the late 1960s wasn't about drugs at all. It was a war against hippies and blacks. See Harper's, April 2016. What Ehrlichman doesn't tell you is that the war was waged not at the behest of Nixon, but at the behest of the CIA, under orders from the Octopus—the eight wealthiest families" - - -

samhara ago

"Manson" is mocking people with his information; giving true information right in their faces and then the public brushes him off as a lunatic. He is promoted as a lunatic, but is 100% actor and is not even in jail ! It's a psy -op. The alleged real kiiler is "Charles Watson" according to the legend they feed you.. Spin an "M" and see what you get Watson / Manson; It's a script! Read this whole 80 + page article with the evidence before you make up your mind. - -

Konran ago

Remember how the Devil always works with contracts.

ArthurEdens ago

Of course, I forgot about the creative control clauses in contracts. That was Prince's whole beef with the record industry. That and owning the master tapes.


there is a facebookgroup called MkUltra committee. For those who are intrested, theres a lot of information about mkultra there

EyesWideOpen2 ago

'MK Ultra/Project Monarch' is at the heart of all this pizzagate stuff. For those that have the time, and inclination, to read a 500 page book about these mind control programmes, here is a very good link:

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Ok, that was not a good advertisement for a very long book. I am only 2/3 through it myself. It is often a very disturbing read, it boggles my mind that such things could be done to children. However, reading it can help us understand the minds of those that inflict such cruel insanity on children. We need that knowledge if we are ever going to defeat this evil that infests our world, and victimises our children beyond our darkest nightmares.

EyesWideOpen2 ago

Thanks for your very useful contribution. I have to admit that I needed to look up who Kanye West is, but I get it now. He is the guy that was put into a psych ward when he spoke up. I may be a 62 year old guy and, living in a small town at the ass end of Australia - but even I can see what is going on with this pizzagate stuff. I posted my own thread here a week ago about paeodophilic images at Roberta's cafe. I was pleasantly surprised at the overwhelmingly supportive comments there. It is great to see that so many people are not prepared to let this stuff slip under the radar of media coverage. I would like to talk a bit more about the Podesta emails, but I am not sure if I should start another thread. I am new to this website, if anyone can advise me about how to include images in a post I would appreciate any tips. I included a lot in links in my previous post, and someone suggested that direct images would be better.

awakenaware ago

Kayne has always represented a "good" guy to me energetically and Jayz as the "bad" guy alternate personality.. Kayne rapped about Jesus and Jayz gives us the pyramid symbol with his hands to show straight up who his loyalty is to.
Kayne is more or less to me a good guy.. Jayz well I think hes crossed the line i think hes of another bloodline.. If i try hard enough, i can make this ryhme Oh you say .."I aint got time.. to read your dufus ryhme This is pizzagate mate, and its serious crime.. Well I know it is.. Hillary should be doin time.. by now, holy cow.. out to pasture with her by now.

Selnee ago

This makes total sense and why the media is always tying to destroy him and yet nothing bad is EVER said of Jayz. Of course, he brings a lot of the negative attention onto himself with a lot of his crazy shit. Now all this has me thinking. I used to really like him back in his earlier days but then was put off he married Kim, but I am back to liking him again!

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Kanye gives off good vibes

smokemirrors ago

that wasnt real: it was a publicity stunt.

externible ago

Ian Connor is a serial rapist and a complete nutjob. So what if he posts this kind of stuff, it doesn't mean anything except I hope it awakes his following.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

The elite have a way of ruining someone's life when they disappoint them

Godwillwin ago

Has anyone seen the video of Kanye calling out pizzagate? It's been wiped from the net. I can't find it anywhere

samhara ago

It was rumored that was at the end of his on - stage rant; and as soon is that came up; the "men in the white coats" took him off the stage. Naturally that would be omitted from history. ?

Godwillwin ago

Yes. That's what I heard. I'm just shocked there's NO video of it. What about his fans filming the show on their phones? How could they have gotten to all of those videos?

It has to be true though. I mean it's so far out there - Kanye pizza gate the illuminati and him running to trump upon release. You can't make this stuff up. Lol.

If he didn't go straight to Trump then I'd say it was a rumor since there's no video. Also the pic of him with trump looks like trump is consoling him.

This Kanye thing is bizarre

carmencita ago

At the time he did the rant someone on here wrote what he said (I am not good at rap) all I remember is what he said about Jay Z. Jay Z you butt holed me Now I don't know if that is true but it makes sense to me. Also remember how close Jay Z is to Obama.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

doesnt exist. that was a false story spread by someone on /r/pizzagate.

madhatter67 ago

He never actually did, at least no evidence has surfaced of it..... I think it's more like he had woke up and it was on his mind, but it's tangentially related stuff he ranted about at those last shows

YingYangMom ago

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." ― Alvin Toffler

This quote has never been so relevant.

samhara ago

People allegedly can read and write; but they apparently can't "read" what is going on around them. They have to be told by an authority figure what the standard interpretation is.

euclidean ago

good point

FR33D0M ago

Don't forget this one…

I Was Brainwashed and Then I Was Trained To Brainwash You All because I Was A Little Bit More "Advanced" but Those Days Are Closing In.

Devious1 ago

That's also one of my theories, it just what trump said when he finished the meeting with kwest. Something along the lines f he's a very good friend of mine, and kwest simply brushed the press off.

djklbd ago

This shit is absolutely insane...

Props to this guy, I hope the rest of the 00's hip hop community comes out and exposes how they have dumbed down the black youth with music glorifying seling drugs and shit like that. We need a new, well educated and articulate and respectable "MLK" type african american figure to represent the minority masses.

norobotono ago

There is an interesting article called 'The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation' which if true, goes to explain how that happened (it was deliberately planned).

It can be found here -

LadyMinx ago

O M G . I read this a few years ago and wish I had saved the link! TYSVM! If you try to explain this to ppl, they think you are nuts. I totally believe it. The Prison Industrial System. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

norobotono ago

I think it may have gone deeper than just to keep the prison systems full, but that was probably it's simplistic public face to sell to the greedy. With financial backing they could eliminate any 'positive' competition by promoting only the bad things like drugs, gangs and guns as being 'cool' rather than something that should be fought against. Divide and conquer... that certainly happened.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Try to post this in /r/kanye


lol I posted a "you should really listen to what he was saying before he was taken to hospital" thread in there the day after he was admitted - got downvoted to hell

euclidean ago

I googled Ian Connor and the first article that came up was called "The Rise and Fall of Ian Connor".. so perhaps this guy is just trying to regain attention?

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


totesgoats908234 ago

I'm visiting my parents for the holidays, and thus there is television and it comes across to me as a complete, non-stop assault.

Glad I'm not the only one. I got rid of cable over a decade ago and coming back to it is SO offensive I can't describe it. I literally cannot stand being around modern TV shows and commercials. It is an assault on my senses at this point.

bikergang_accountant ago

Part of me wonders if it is all the over stimulation that we all go through. Your brain wants peace and quite, the kind of environment it was meant for. Once you realize not watching tv is a way to get it then that's all you want. Yes that's odd saying not watching tv is an action but really watching tv isn't an action either since it is completely passive.

The problem is the brain likes short instances of stimulation when it is under stimulated, so on goes the tv. But what the brain wanted was five minutes. 3 hours later the tv is still running.

SpikyAube ago

I stopped watching it and particularly stopped watching or reading any news for about a year, and just doing that cured me of my anxiety disorder. It's crazy the effect it has on you - so much of what's reported in the news and presented in TV shows is about horrific things happening, horrific things that could happen to be on your guard for, wall to wall antagonism with angst and drama and violence between people in scripted shows, plus vacuous ruthless rivalry and ritual debasement and humiliation on reality game and competition shows like American Idol, the Bachelor etc etc. It's like it's all geared towards actually giving the public some kind of mass mental illness.

KnewAmericanCentury ago

I am new here so forgive me. I wanted to share his.

Ians comments leading up to "Dead mans switch"

MrGodspeed ago

WHO raped 6 women?

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

allegedly Ian Connor.

ArthurEdens ago

Wow he went off

Godwillwin ago

Claiming who raped them? Kanye?

lawexaminer ago

No. They claimed Connor raped them

Godwillwin ago

This is crazier than A Jason Bourne, but it's REAL! I mean we've got rapper Kanye West--KANYE WEST ---getting committed then going straight to President-Elect Trump when let out. Then we've got his buddy tweeting stuff about Podesta, MK Ultra, Illuminati, and mind control! Whaaaaaat??!!! Then we've got this guy's friends - rapper hip hop friends - consoling him in a way that shows they are well aware of all this.

This is wild! Real, but wild!'

lawexaminer ago

He Just tweeted: "Dead Mans Switch."

zzvoat ago

It has been estimated that the number of people involved in Luciferian rituals and sacrifice may be as high as 70% - think Hollywood and DC. The scope is beyond imagining, which is why it is so difficult to address. I mean, what, some one is going to walk into the WH, Congress, justice, etc., and arrest 7 out of every 10 people? That's what it might take. I can't figure out how all of this will go down, how it can go down, or if it will. I pray it will.


The higher one rises in money and fame, the more of your soul you have to sell. Apparently, at a highly advanced stage, you agree that someone you have a very strong emotional connection with will give up their soul for your success. The person being sacrificed has no idea that they will be killed nor do you. You don't know who and you don't know when. It could be your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter, your best friend or.... in Kanye's case, that was his mother.

Satanic Hollywood: The Ritual Sacrifice

Queen_Puabi ago

Anyone who is familiar with the primary shenanigans knows about Cliff Arnebek who was working on filing RICO against Hillary winning primary with fraud.

Cliff Arnebeck wrote a letters to Obama, Biden, Bernie, and Loretta Lynch. In one letter to Biden and Obama he claims that he has inside information that Biden's son was murdered. Creepy stuff!

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Maybe he just realized that they killed his mom.... who knows

Godwillwin ago

Wow. I forgot that Kanye met with trump after he won

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

In all seriousness, please pray for him. I think very bad things may have happened/are happening to him. I would not wish MKultra on an enemy.

Aysemari ago

This gives me hope there is strength in numbers I hope more will be encouraged to come out

Stellarjay ago

Yup we need a big name to throw in the towel do give up the glamour for truth. Roseanne Barr isn't quite enough to do it, but at least she's not afraid to speak.

Ciscogeek ago

Yeah, I had my "holy shit. The awakening is happening, and it's happening right now"; very empowering epiphany.

To use the word in its truest form: This is an awesome time to be alive.

bikergang_accountant ago

What they really like is the mutability of human body and mind. It doesn't even need to have an end. It doesn't need to be significant. They just want to see evidence of that, that man's only nature is physical. Man's nature is like quantum wave particle duality. It yeilds to both physical law and spiritual law without exception and when you think that is a contradiction the extent to which it is physical or spiritual adjusts to validate both claims.

It is false to say that a particle adjusts to a wave or back to a particle. It never is solidly one or the other but it becomes more particle like under constrants and more wave like under constrants meeting the minimum of its expectation. If a physical expectation is placed on a man's being then it will behave accordingly. This is what they want to validate. They really love mutability of conscience though.

BaboonInuendo ago

Couldn't agree more

KnewAmericanCentury ago

he is sharing about JA right now.

Queen_Puabi ago

Did anyone save it? I can't see the tweet anymore

Pizzagate709 ago

What did it say? Its gone

KnewAmericanCentury ago

He and his friends talking about a "Dead mans switch"

Gorillion ago

If I'm not mistaken, that painting is by a victim of ritual child rape, not a perpetrator. Obviously adds insult to injury if it was purchased by a person who commits ritualistic child rape.

madhatter67 ago

Making such art I guess could be seen as therapy, but as you say selling it to someone who seems to be in on the whole deal does suggest Stockholm syndrome is at play

stillinit ago

It's called Remote Neural Monitoring. They can inject visions and sounds into your head and read and manipulate the thoughts of you and those around you. All from satellites. Wait till people realize our brains have been hacked and wiretapped.

idontlikesalmon ago

You mean his twitter rants are a result of that? How would that be in their interest?

Crunch43 ago

Someone asked me what's the 'latest finding'...... It never ends, there is always something new. These people are so sick.

Godwillwin ago

Right. It's like I don't even know where to begin

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

I just hope that the white hats behind the scenes expose this shit SOON.

IceDagger316 ago

Maybe Kanye broke down when he found out about Pizzagate

Kanye has known about this shit for years, I will guarantee. Now I'm not saying he didn't have a break and couldn't handle it anymore, but the elite (call them the illuminati if you will) have been using entertainers to subtley move the population down a debased path for decades and have been most recently using hip hop to do so. You think this shit isn't more meaningful than just a picture?. He is/was obviously balls deep with them in their shit, so it stands to reason that he knew all about it.

He went from wanting "to hear the name of Jesus up in the club" to calling himself Yeezus and screaming "I'm a God" on records. He's highly gnostic/Thelemic now and was sent down that path to spread "their" "gospel" subtley on records. He may have had a programming break and started trying to tell people the truth as best he could. But don't act like this stuff is news to him.

a new form of MKUltra

All entertainment media that is pushed heavily into the mainstream is a form of mass mind control. Has been for years.

heretolearn ago

i wonder if the edm music festival name called ULTRA happening in miami in march 2017 is just coincidence.

Poot_McGarvey ago

entertainment media that is pushed heavily into the mainstream is a form of mass mind control.

Its hard to know how significant the effect is also. I can say with confidence that without some organic art blasting through because otherwise the operation would be exposed very quickly. Fucking hypnotic bull shit lyric songs have to keep stealing style continually to be popular for any reasonable amount of time.

That why all modern pop songs are completely disposable.

IceDagger316 ago

Its hard to know how significant the effect is also.

It's impossible to ever know because it is all subliminal. But they aren't exactly hidden about it. They operate in plain sight because most people have no idea about the symbols their subconscious is being fed and no indication that these symbols would be used to begin with. And the more they get away with not being called out by the public en mass, the more they will get away with. It's like if there is no backlash, we are giving them consent to continue to escalate things.

ArthurEdens ago

I wonder how much is the musician and how much is the costume designers, label execs, video directors, and art directors guiding the image. "Ok in this shot you're going to wear this pyramid and flash tge okay sign. It'll look cool. Okay?"

IceDagger316 ago

Kanye isn't Kesha. If he wanted to say "No" to those kinds of people, he could. He's a label executive in his own right, and his best friend (Jay-Z, also an initiate) is President of one of the largest record labels in America. He's not some artist doing whatever he has to to get ahead in the game. Notice as he got higher and higher in influence and power in the music industry, the darker, more self-obsessed, and more Luciferian he has become.

ArthurEdens ago

Good points. There are many artists who get darker and more lucy as they get more famous.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Damn that album cover is whack as is most mainstream albums. Always have some Luciferian, Satanism, thelemic symbology to them.

bikergang_accountant ago

I haven't watched a movie in well over a year. A girl I know was talking about how our theater has five dollar movies. I thought, oh, I might actually go for that. Then I realized there is nothing more repulsive I can think of than watching two hours of their crap.

You don't realize immediately that long term non-exposure to their crap does change you, or really the opposite.

Unreasonable ago

Stuff like the following can help deprogram. There's tons to find online.

Solfeggio frequencies, isochronic tones, binaural beats, positive subliminal messaging, flicker therapy, brain entrainment, neuro-linguistic programming, and much more, but that should get anyone started. Apply liberally. I generally have an isochronic tone on at all times when at home.

IceDagger316 ago

A lot of movies these days I watch purposefully to find the symbolism, programming, and message they are trying to get across. I know that's pretty dangerous subconsciously but I have found that the more I watch movies with symbolism analysis in mind, the less they effect me. It's like once you realize you are being programmed, the programming gets rejected.

Nana66 ago

Lately I only watch my local news and then am subject to Lester Holt and NBC nightly news...I notice they emphasize words like Russian hack and fake news as they read off the prompter when reading their nightly propaganda...I guess in case you aren't paying enough attention...

Votescam ago

Look no further than Verizon and Comcast making $50 billion and more every year on pushing pornography on cable stations. And this same idea runs through our movies and weekly programming.
Control of all media is necessary for total control -- as well as corruption of youth via drugs and sexual perversion. (Drugs are being manipulated to cause harm rather than wisdom. An interesting look at what's happening with media in a movie called "Everyday" with Liev Schrieber and Helen Hunt. As a writer for TV, the husband is being pushed to author ever more violent and gross scripts for TV shows.)

If we truly want change, we need to pull the plug on cable TV.

bikergang_accountant ago

Drugs don't cause wisdom. I've never met a significantly wise person who uses any drug. The people I know that use nothing at all are significantly brighter.

Votescam ago

Today's drugs are very likely tampered with -- as we see from deaths of so many musicians. Our plants are our medicines which is why they have been controlled for the profit of others. Nature is also pro-choice -- there were plants which provided choice -- to interrupt conception, to prevent conception, to completely end fertility if one wished. These plants were destroyed by patriarchy.

rail606 ago

If you actively investigate the occult and there dealings they cannot program you anymore. In fact you can watch movies in a new light and laugh. You cannot be affected by mind control if you know the various ways they do it. The tuning of music is one of them. 440hz is disharmonious with your body and the earth. The earth resonates at 432hz. The Ooohhmmm chant in meditation is 432hz. That is what we are suppose to hear and feel. That is what we evolved alongside.

432hz vs 440hz comparison

This guy has a ton of edm music in 423hz. And there is a ton of 432hz conversions on youtube of your favorite songs. It is easy to convert your music and instruments to 432hz. If you listen to music exclusively in 432hz I swear its like you are high on cocaine with no edginess and no comedown. You are literally healthier.

Ever wonder why listening to 440hz(standard) music can give you mental fatigue? Well its not suppose to and that fatigue is giving your further issues like anxiety and stress which lead to illness. Look up the Schumann resonance.


Numerology number 9 has the qualities of all the numbers 1-8. This means more harmonics.

4+4+0=8 which is less than 9.

432hz simply has more harmonics. Read up on numerology/sacred geometry to get a deeper understanding of whats going on. It is also referred to as holofractal theory. A unified theory of everything. Tons of information about our reality in the tora/bible with numerology and sacred geometry. Reading it straightforward is small minded. And why the Jews did not wan't to allow the Christians to read it.

This is my favorite start on it. Called Ancient Knowledge.

This is a SHIT ton of sacred geometry in architecture you can visit all over the world!

This guy is like purely scientific but curious about religion and finds something amazing.

This is a really good youtube series however it gets suuuper spiritual and hippyish. Like I said just take the information in with an open mind and formulate your own opinions.

This is the subreddit for Holofractal theory and it is actually very sceintific and they tend to stick more in reality and not go too far off into spirit land.

TheNobodyMan ago

I've watched that Ancient Knowledge video a few times, blows my fucking mind. Anyone who hasn't, watch it twice, and take notes.

0011011000111001 ago

440 sounds like poison.. this is fucking whack! Thanks for sharing.

EDIT: I wonder if I lower my computer overclock from 4.4 GHz to 4.32 if it would some how perform better.. I bet it would.. the vibrations and shit with the electricity flowing through it.. omg I am going insane now!

wokeindie ago

number 108 (432/4) is very pious in Hinduism. All mantras/chants are supposed to be done in increments of 108. you may have seen Hindu holy men with prayer beads - they always number 108.

angular_planes ago

I don't get the significance as far as the investigation goes... but I've been a musician my whole life, also somewhat interested in sacred G and such, and never heard of this. THANK YOU!!! Very very cool.

bikergang_accountant ago

It could be resampling or really going out on a limb, related to the fact that your wall outlet is 60hz. 440/60 is 7.33333 and 432 is 7.2. In fact any thing that ads to 9 is going to be more harmonious with 60hz.

It would be interesting to see what the effect is in countries with 50hz electricity. That would then be 8.8 and 8.64.

But it could also be resampling on the part of the uploader.

zoot3d ago

this shit is nonsense.. it has absolutely nothing to do with anything except functionality of tuning instruments... stop posting this bullshit

rail606 ago

Back during WW2 Joseph Goebbels suggested to concert tuning should be switched to 440hz. The NWO agreed. Enjoy your mentally fatigued brain from all of that disharmonious music they put out. If you believe in pizzagate how can you ignore the occult?

And if you believe in the occult how can you ignore sacred geometry and numerology?

zoot3d ago

Because frequency has literally fuck all to do with what you're talking about. 440hz = A in modern terms, but A is not always 440, as it can be 432, or whatever the fuck you want it to be.

weezwag ago

If I had downvoats you would have them.

rail606 ago

Have one of mine ;)

BitterBiped ago

I use foobar mp3 player and set the playback tone/sample rate to 43200 for my mp3s.

Tancred ago

The sample rate has absolutely nothing to do with tuning.

rail606 ago

I use the foobar plugin SoundTouch. Try to see if it sounds a little better. It is suppose to be a little less lossless.

PolybiusPizza ago

Shit, I got tingles just reading this! Thanks!

rail606 ago

There is so many more tingles if you read up on sacred geometry. The flower of life. The Fruit of life. Metatrons cube. Genesis pattern. Life is truly beautiful my friend. Just don't believe everything you read about it and keep an open mind. Some people get way too spiritual. But meditation/eastern teachings are great ancient ways to improve your life so its not a bad thing.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Marthvedderette ago

I do geometry all day, for my job. Their is nothing sacred about it. It's called pi. It was called sacred in the dark ages, because only a few people knew how to count. Know that we have calculators and computers, it isn't really that sacred.

0011011000111001 ago

Got any links for some cool reads? Techniques to focus on this energy?

MurrueLaFlaga ago

I was surprised. I closed my eyes and got instant tingles all over my body listening to the 432 Hz version. Upon hearing the 440 Hz version, the tingles dissipated and couldn't come back. Not sure if those tingles are part of kundalini or whatever, but it certainly felt lovely. Haven't felt that all over my body in a long while. Thank you for sharing this with us. Great connection to numerology too. Everything the controllers do is an abomination against nature. They intend to make us into robots, not thinking, feeling human beings.

0011011000111001 ago

I listen to Binaraul Beats occasionally for relaxation and anxiety. After reading his comment I searched for 432Hz version.. because come on.. there are all sorts of BB recordings. And as soon as I fucking heard the sound it was just insane.. totally different from anything I have experienced before.

rail606 ago

I leave aural beats 432hz on all night as i sleep(there is a couple 9 hour videos.) I wake up feeling like a million bucks every day. There are a quite a few frequencies that add up to 9 through numerology. They are all worth exploring for meditation/healing.

There are even christian churches in the south that are starting to practice sound healing with tuning forks. It is awesome! I have 2x432hz tuning forks myself. Getting them both going and putting the base's on either side of your skull is orgasmic. People get entire sets of tuning forks for healing sessions. You can have like 5 people put them n certain spots all over your body and you literally get high as a kite(but still sober lol) for days afterwords.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

I've considered leaving healing music on overnight as I have fibromyalgia and I do daily walking and yoga to keep moving, so my bodily pain is always going. I've just never done it, but now I'm going to do it for sure. That video was seriously ear/mind-opening for me to hear and it convinced me that it works. I'll also invest in some of those tuning forks once I get some form of income. Thank you so much for telling me about all this.

Catseye2020 ago

Please have a blood test. Test for Ebstein Barr Virus. Many diagnosed with fibromaliga have ebv instead.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

I've had Epstein Barr back in 2009. And yes, I have gotten many blood tests. They still diagnose me with fibro. I know the two go hand in hand, though.

rail606 ago

One of the biggest things I have learned through sacred geometry and my occultic level knowledge of reality is that staying positive, loving yourself and being upbeat is huge(has to do with quantum mechanics.) Don't let things get you in a bad/stressful mood. Live in the now actively control your heart and mood and you will live in heaven. Your brain does not control your heart it is the other way around. Keep your heart calm and you will have bliss.

If you live happy and blissful you will bless everyone around you with the same. We are very connected in ways we cannot see but actually feel. It is weird. Read up on some sacred geometry and you will be able to learn too. Just don't believe everything you hear they get a little crazy with the eastern teachings in sacred geometry haha. But that is not a bad thing it does work. It is just too much to explain in 1 post haha. You must seek the knowledge yourself.

Staying happy and positive does not mean don't cry. It means don't get angry. Don't get mad at your brothers and sisters(humans.) Being sad is a great emotion and it is necessary for the healing process when we experience loss or great emotion like I often do about this pizzagate stuff. The occultists kill there own children and don't cry. Crying makes us human. And it makes them monsters.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

I do everything in my power not to get angry anymore. I've only been able to do so more lately due to learning yogic breathing and other relaxation techniques. It helps keep me at peace when I'm not practicing yoga or out walking or anything. Just glad to know we can still cry...that's been happening more and more lately, too.

I'll look more into sacred geometry. Thank you for the suggestion. These matters are always a personal journey. Much love

thicktail1730947 ago

Spread the word. They have to keep people hooked, or Hollywood's bullshit loses its draw.

Anonymous987654321 ago

wow, this shit keeps getting deeper everyday. great find OP!

Womb_Raider ago


KanyeMKULTRA ago

Mandela Effect. You notice the dead celebrities are coming alive and dying over and over again? Zsa Zsa Gabor, Louie Anderson alive again, Jerry Lewis etc... It's falling apart.

srayzie ago

What do you mean dead celebrities are coming back?

Konran ago

Check this shit out - remember the Challenger shuttle? All seven astronauts were killed, right?

Well, maybe not...

srayzie ago

I'll check this out!

Tancred ago

People are having deja vu feelings and instead of thinking "right, this was my brain storing some new info in long term memory instead of short term memory" they're thinking "no, this actually happened again, dead people have risen and died again and other people aren't noticing because we're all mind controlled etc."

srayzie ago

Oh ok. That's interesting

Poot_McGarvey ago

Its actually just one piece of the corruption that is falling apart... If we get anywhere at all with justice and getting back some realism to the people... I'd be happy.

love_and_light33 ago

thanks for the insights brother, the rabbithole goes deep

bikergang_accountant ago

Maybe people just become irrelevent. Louie Anderson hasn't been relevent for years.

Gorillion ago

Yeah, Louie was never dead before he had that career resurgence this year. I'd seen him pop up elsewhere and be referred to regularly. He only dropped off the map of the mainstream.

Jerry Lewis has never been assumed dead. He pops up a few times a year, lately whenever someone talks about The Day the Clown Cried. When he dies, that movie will come out. That's how you tell.

Zsa Zsa had two sisters, one her identical twin Eva. The one who was in Green Acres. People confused them all the time. In fact it's very likely why there's so much attention on her death lately. They think she was the chick from Green Acres.

Berenstain is more of a meme at this point. Who the fuck really remembers the Berenstain Bears that clearly in the first place.

Remember when that movie "Young Einstein" came out and the main guy pronounced it "Eye-En-Stine"? Prior to that I had only ever heard it pronounced "Ine-Stine" (to rhyme with "Wine-Stine"). But for a while after I kept hearing people say "Eye-En-Stine" like it had always been the normal pronunciation.

People are stupid robots. For all we know the "Mandela Effect" concept is a creation of the "New MKUltra" system, testing how far they can push this idea of a "Matrix Glitch" as an updated form of Gaslighting. People thinking they're becoming more "woke" when in fact they're falling deeper into thought control and more disconnected from reality.

2impendingdoom ago

I think the movies are a way to disguise the programming and confuse the memories of victims. (Same with UFO abductions), but I don't think anyone in the US has seen Young Einstein, I think it was an Australian thing.

oresd ago

Um, like what?

Womb_Raider ago

What the hell are you talking about? Either elaborate, show some iota of citation, or stop making voat look bad. I suspect both of the accounts I'm replying to are just creating noise.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

It's a personal experience not everyone has had yet. There are thousands who remember Zsa Zsa previously dying, as well as other celebrities/people. Things are changing for many people. Geography, brand names, Berenstain/Berenstein. r/mandelaeffect is a fairly popular Reddit sub.

Queen_Puabi ago

I remember Zsa Zsa had her foot amputated but she didn't die until a few days ago. She was 99 yrs old

Womb_Raider ago

It's a personal experience not everyone has had yet

Isn't it mis-remembering something in the same way other people have?

I don't know why you're posting this here...

KanyeMKULTRA ago

No, not necessarily but that's what Wikipedia likes to say about it and get you to believe. Just like pizza gate being a hoax. Very similar things going on in ways of censorship, shadow banning, and not wanting the masses to wake up. Not trying to derail, but just explain myself. Many of the things Ian Conor/Kanye West talk about deal with what is/isn't real, and what we believe reality is. We're hypnotized from birth to believe certain things, so it's hard to be open minded. We're not utilizing all of our senses and gifts.

Womb_Raider ago

Just like pizza gate being a hoax.

I think there's a stark difference between multiple people mis-remembering the same concepts and people being skeptical of scandals. I don't see how the mandela effect applies here at all... I'm being as open minded as I can manage

KanyeMKULTRA ago

This isn't just a few people mis-remembering dude. This is tens of thousands of people, and maybe we are being MK test subjects. Maybe we're NOT the ones under mind control. Remember that concept of the dress? Where people saw two different color schemes. I believe everyone is either more left or right brained, so we see things others do not. Like spirits, etc. not everyone has the ability to see them (although most see them when they are children.) We just lose touch with that side of the veil, but things are changing. If you're OPEN to the Mandela Effect idea, you're more likely to see them for yourself. Feel free to go through tons of Mandela Effect type videos, there are THOUSANDS of things changing. Things also go back and forth if you have the awareness to catch it. Time and space are not what we think it is. Everything from the root of it is made out of binary code, the fabric of the universe is love. Not fear, hate, or any other emotion conjured by people who want to control everyone. This is happening because we need to take a second look into the things that are changing. 1001001001. Peace.

Womb_Raider ago

Hmm. It's an interesting theory, but I have yet to see it substantiated. I'll keep it in mind in the future. From what I remember, though, the dress thing had to do with your eyes, not your mind...

I'll try keeping an open mind, but I am maintaining some healthy skepticism as well.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Well thank you for entertaining the conversation and being open to it. When/if you do experience it, your world will change exponentially. I know mine did, my first experience was over a year ago before it became the hot topic it seems to be today. All will be unveiled in time. =)

Konran ago

Dude - are you old enough to remember the Challenger Space Shuttle disasater from '86?

If so then you might be surprised to know that at least six of the seven astronauts seem to be alive and well.

Womb_Raider ago

I actually am not old enough, I'm sorry. I don't trust that source at face value, but I will do some personal digging on the subject. Like I said, I'm trying to be open minded, but I don't think I've seen anything compelling enough to believe that MKUltra is being used in a widespread way.

Konran ago

It's always all in the eye of the beholder (and good that you compel to make your own mind up).

Not trying to convince you of anything either really - just that there's so much regarding our existence we don't know about, that all theoretical eventualities are possible atm by my reckoning.

Queen_Puabi ago

That's ridiculous! Mens ears never stop growing as they age. Someone found matching ppl but their ears shrunk Hahaa

standalone ago

Dude was a complete nut job already so whatever he says doesn't hold much water.

justiceforever ago

Source? What makes you say that? Honest question.

standalone ago

Just google the guy's name and read his tweets. Dude is a troll, and a complete drama queen.

JoJoVoat ago

great connection... this is really getting more and more scarey

Ciscogeek ago

Even if a situation is grim, don't let fear take hold. It only serves to cripple, shutter, and paralyze. Acknowledge it, and press onward.

Stellarjay ago

Yes, fear is an illusion, just a feeling sensation in the body. When acknowledged, it dissipates, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little.

srayzie ago

Holy cow. At least this will get his followers to open their eyes. This will get them talking.

bikergang_accountant ago

Pizzagate does need to stop being a whitenationalist issue (it obviously shouldn't be). Just like spirit cooking turned off blacks and hispanics on Hillary. This can be everyone against them. They won't be able to race bait a way out of answering our questions. And when they have no rational answers for our very reasonable questions everyone will know.

Gorillion ago

I dunno, the anti-white agenda is a large part of their program. They obviously have no institutional fear of other races. Whites scare them though.

bikergang_accountant ago

If so its because other races are more manipulatable. But there reaction to that isn't a positive thing for other races. They end up the new victims. Everyone of us regardless of race has an interest that leaders with complete inhumanity are done away with. A black world with no whites and with control freak dictators is still bad for blacks.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Other races are less manipulable (in Europe/US, NOT IN THE MIDDLE EAST OR AFRICA). Blacks and Arabs were talking about Freemasons and the Illuminati far more often than whites. At least the ones i've met and talked to. Most of them believed in conspiracies, unlike whites who made fun of them.

The majority group is always the most heavily brainwashed. They are put above the rest in all countries. This is how the elite work. They elevate them, so they don't realize something is wrong before the minority classes.

Ask an Arab in Saudi Arabia what he thinks of the Saud family and he will praise them. Ask a white or a black about that and they will criticize the shit out of them. Its the same in Europe, except whites were (until recently) the ones praising their worthless governments. It was always the minorities pointing out the hypocrisies in what European governments did. Of course they get the college educated useful idiots to go along with their nonsense, but in the poorer communities, all I heard was Freemason this, Illuminati that, 911 false flag that. It goes on and on.

zoot3d ago

why are you being downvoated for this?!

GermanynamreG ago

I like courage

goodguy1367 ago

I like how he says " I'm building a team that will help change the future"

IAmYourDad ago

I don't understand. If you are going to do something big why tweet it so the whole world can see?

UncookedSpirit ago

It's because this person is so scared that they go back and forth on whether they can talk about it.

bikergang_accountant ago

Why not tweet about it so the whole world can see.

Just so people are aware though, rappers are professional drama queens.

TheUltimateDebate ago

We're in the middle of the Great Awakening - God's Revolution! We're all soldiers in the War for Truth and Liberation of Humanity!

goodguy1367 ago

If you like and believe in channels this one pretty much sums up in detail what you've said.

zoot3d ago

atheist here - am i still asleep?

betadynamique ago

May the force be with you.

goodguy1367 ago

Amen to that!! That's why everything seems in utter chaos at the moment because we need to clear the build up of negative energy to make way for the new, only joyous times ahead! Although it may not seem that way we just need to keep positive know it is happening!!

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

or they kill us all, either way its all good.

snr2snt2000 ago

Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Damn I just made a post on the same thing, also to note he liked a comment about Podesta, and the world needing to know.

Queen_Puabi ago

I'm not seeing any of his #PizzaGate or Podesta tweets? Did anyone save them?

KanyeMKULTRA ago

He didn't tweet about it directly, but he liked a few comments about with Podesta in them.

derram ago :

Ian Connor on Twitter: "MKUltra All Over Again." :

Ian Connor on Twitter: "We're Living It but In A New Form." :

Ian Connor on Twitter: "My Death Will Not Be A Suicide, Just A Heads Up, So If Anything Happens It Was Them and Not Me." :

Twitter / ?

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