AFriend ago

Sex Magick???

Blood sugar sucker fish

In my dish

How many pieces

Do you wish

Step into a heaven

Where I keep it on the soul side

Girl please me

Be my soul bride

Every women

Has a piece of Aphrodite

Copulate to create

A state of sexual light

Kissing her virginity

My affinity

I mingle with the gods

I mingle with divinity

Blood sugar baby

She's magik

Sex magik sex magik

Glorious euphoria

Is my must

Erotic shock

Is a function of lust

Temporarily blind

Dimensions to discover

In time

Each into the other

Uncontrollable notes

From her snowwhite throat

Fill a space

In which two bodies float

Operatic by voice

A fanatic by choice

Aromatic is the flower

She must be moist

Blood sugar baby

She's magik

Sex magik sex magik

savethekids ago

This link has the most thorough information I've see abut Aleister Crowley. See satanic sacrifice calendar: n

DeckoGecko ago

very insightful, especially considering the 'Thelema' podesta email


thezodiac ago

Holy shit, why nobody is talking about it?

DeckoGecko ago

I think you can tie Thelema group to Podesta's 'book club',, try a search of his emails for that,,

Then tie his book club to Prose & Poetry,, then you've got your Thelema 'book club' meeting regularly [lot's of saturday night meetings] next door to bucks and Comet,,

and to top it off you've got the cleaner's on the same block certified to store corrosive's strong enough to melt kids,,, [oh but you'd need to reinforce the waste pipes if you just wanted to flush them,,,, now I wonder what those pics of Alefantis digging in the basement where about again,,,]

DeckoGecko ago

good question indeed!!