LargePepperoni ago

Herb and Marion Sandler of the Sandler Foundation.

quantokitty ago

So agree.

2impendingdoom ago

CHAI / Ira Magaziner and inflated price fixing of AIDS drugs to US market in exchange for cheap distribution to other areas.

atheist4thecause ago

I think some of the images in this image data dump have either been forgotten about or missed by some:

EDIT: Who is Instragram cisjenner? They comment to joshuaryanv "delete this" on a pizza-related image, and then he responds, "delete your life".

I believe it's this instagram account:

They have no posts (probably deleted them), 6 followers, and their name is now "gtfo". Does anybody have this instagram archived?

carmencita ago

You are good to post this. I had not seen some and am sickened all over again. Why is J Voigt's pic in there? Is a pedo? Remember A Jolie was involved in Spirit Cooking. She could have been abused. They were estranged for years.