We know about the FBI-recognized pedophile symbols appearing at Besta Pizza and Comet Ping Pong. However there's the curiosity of the symbol at Terasol Bistro. Heart inside a heart is the girl-lovers symbol, however that one contained another sketchy symbol within it, a hand within a hand. Now I'm not dense, the entire block of businesses are connected the HRC and Terasol Bistro has a picture on its front page with her there. The symbol means something and they scrubbed it after we found out and archived it. But what's the origin of this variation of the heart/hand symbol/fusion? I posted this before but jerkoffs posting bullshit buried it-
Terasol Bistro's site pre-scrub: https://web.archive.org/web/20150301182644/http://www.terasolartisans.com/
Ok so recent topics have found the exact same girl-lover pedo symbol found on Terasol Bistro's site (before it was scrubbed) on other sites.
Specifically this site, Maternity Group Home & Transitional Living Program: http://www.ttsoutreach.org/About-Us.html
Loading the symbol from Terasol Bistro into TinEye yields this: http://tineye.com/search/e398012151209789b68af96d3b0baa4a09ea32dc/
Loading the symbol from the Maternity Group Home site yields this: http://tineye.com/search/b3c2f988e05800e4aa551457c5010a705bcf1997/
So besides the two sites mentioned above these are the only other instances where TinEye yields the same symbol:
I think it's safe to say this isn't a common image online. But what the hell connects its usage among UK physicians, a DC restaurant, a SC homeless teen outreach group, and an Irish site for kids with Congenital Heart Defect? Did we confuse a medical/charity symbol with a pedophile symbol? And if so why the hell was it on Terasol's site for so long with no indication they were connected to charities?
Using reverse image searching has yielded the exact same symbol but it's located on sites completely unrelated to anything associated with pedo fronts as far as I know, the possible exception being the homeless teen outreach site. I mean is that UK physician site a pedo front? We need to track down the symbol's origins to better cement Terasol, and thus the businesses around it on that block, as part of a hub of trafficking.
You know they're shady, I know they're shady, but I think anyone can call our bluff on this symbol until we find a concrete connection. How else other than TinEye can we track image history? And please stop upvoting bullshit.
Pure In Heart Christian Academy https://www.facebook.com/249913191866124/photos/a.252504881606955.1073741825.249913191866124/255995511257892/?type=1&theater
Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20161220043147/https://www.facebook.com/Pure-in-Heart-Christian-Academy-249913191866124/
Toddlers involved. Located in Florida.
Found another one. "Helping Hand Foundation" in Georgia: http://www.helpinghandfoundationga.org
Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20161220041556/http://www.helpinghandfoundationga.org/
yabbadoody ago
yep. been wondering about that myself. could be a horrible choice in graphics, or an intentional use.
Props to the cunt that downvoted this. Please do keep upvoting bullshit that doesn't substantiate leads or connections.
I used Google Images and after uploading the symbol I found a match with this "parent coaching" site: http://www.elisabethstitt.com/ The number listed has a California area code (650). Archived: https://web-beta.archive.org/web/*/http://www.elisabethstitt.com/
It's linked to "CTI" http://www.coactive.com/ based out of CA too, and "ICF" http://www.coachfederation.org/ based out of KY.
So here's another sketchy site with this symbol related to children if indirectly (or directly depending on how you look at it).