NerdyNoodle ago

If I repost this on social media from RT it will have less traction. I wish the publisher had been anyone else.

2impendingdoom ago

I know. The article mentions a letter that I did not look for, can you find and post that?

NerdyNoodle ago

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks. I figured RT wasn't going to get scrubbed but these days, one never knows.

NerdyNoodle ago

I did. Of course, the secondary source is only marginally better, since the sheeple are now convinced that independent investigative journalism is always Fake News.

ArthurEdens ago

Love that last line

Freemasonsrus ago

The "Russian's did it" has got to be the dumbest, most un-creative narrative of all time. You know there have been emails and conversations flying back n forth w people saying "are you serious?? You want us to say the Russians did this???" Pretty much as absurd as the Benghazi "video".

quantokitty ago

The story was floated because the public would believe it. It established the two things that HRC & Co wanted which were: (1) To prove that HRC really won the electon (which she didn't because she's a bitch) and (2) To tarnish Trump in putting him in bed with the Russians (which is still a lot better than being in bed with little kids. Right, Podesta?)

Freemasonsrus ago

Hahaha! I enjoyed that. I'd also point out that that fucking ignoramus Podesta had a password like, "password" or some such shit. But ya, it took some super serious expert hackers from Russia to bust in and release his pedo emails. How bout this? You all are just a bunch of dumb fucks and a kindergartener could have hacked your ass! So ya, several countries probably have all their shit but an insider is the one who leaked it.

quantokitty ago

My thoughts exactly! I mean, he also lost his damned phone! Even without him replying to that stupid phishing scam, I mean, come on!

CrackerJacks ago

They attempted to get into 3 states, Georgia, Virginia and another, failed on all 3, but who's to stay they didn't access others.

whitehand ago

Georgia was considered a swing state by the msm as laughable as it sounds. Really what they were doing is calling it a swing state so no one would be surprised when it went to hillary. They did the same thing with Texas and AZ.

bopper ago

Isn't this what happened ... Podesta was hacked (via phising), then those emails were slipped to the guy in the park via thumb drive?

2impendingdoom ago

that is one possibility. Maybe NSA sent the phishing email, to cover their tracks after the physical removal so that no one would get killed.

bopper ago

At any rate I heard they were literally handed off via thumb drive. Read it somewhere, maybe Zero Hedge.

2impendingdoom ago

that is also what Binney says in the article. I mean he says the data was taken physically, not transmitted through traceable routes.

bopper ago

Exactly, thanks. So much going on nowadays.

2impendingdoom ago

except that the timing is not really the issue, is it? unless it is going to be made the issue. I feel like this is could become a huge deal.

whitehand ago

I work in computer security and can assure you Russia didn't hack jack in regards to the election. In fact, the only entity that did hack was our very own DHS! Don't believe me look it up.

bopper ago

The Puzzle Palace.

2impendingdoom ago

wasn't there some allegations that DHS hacked into Georgia's voting machines?

whitehand ago

They weren't allegations. It definitely happened and the security company working for the state have the logs to prove it.

2impendingdoom ago

Is it going to be hauled out as grounds to de-legitimatize the election? I don't remember did Georgia go for Trump? Was any reason given for this hack? Did votes get switched. WTF? shouldn't Georgia voters be upset?

whitehand ago

Georgia voted Trump. Nothing has been released yet that shows votes were switched; however, it is important to note that all of Jill Stein's recount efforts netted Trump more votes than what he originally had. This may be indicative of vote fraud. This is also why the msm quit covering the recounts.

2impendingdoom ago

What an f'ing mess. Sorry about all my questions, but you've got me dumbfounded. Okay, so is the implication that the DHS hack switched the votes or that the voting machines were tampered with unrelated to the hack, what is the point of hacking a voting machine if not to switch votes? So basically DHS tampered with the Georgia votes? I wonder what other states? And how does the recount show a difference? Was there a paper ballot initially? DHS could be which agency specifically?

Fateswebb ago

What it was, is the state noticed a port scan, (hacker gathering information) coming from dhs. The Secretary of State messaged the director of homeland security and asked why. Dhs responded that actually they're not sure why but it came from the customs and border patrol section of dhs network and that they cannot explain it because customs and border do not do that sort of testing. This was a scan and since Georgia has very good security there was no breach of the voter rolls contained within. Still not sure who was responsible.

whitehand ago

The recounts gained Trump more popular votes by several hundred thousand. Right before the election this happened: Coincidence? I think not. That pre-election "scan" probably included some root kit or malware for switching votes. Do some research on "fraction magic voting fraud" and spread the word.

2impendingdoom ago

thanks for all of this.

whitehand ago

You have just been red pilled my friend. Spread the word. Like I said below I see stuff like this on a regular basis. I have even caught a foreign government trying to access my phone while it was on our corporate network. They got stopped by a hardware firewall just like DHS. It is crazy what actually goes on.

2impendingdoom ago

I have corruption in my personal life so, yes, yes, and yes, but what was shocking to me was that Georgia was hacked. Like why Georgia? its not that swing, but you commented about that above so, damn I guess that some "people" must think we stupid voters are just ignorant fuckers who aren't going to figure it out. But thanks, because Georgia would not ever have been on my mind, for this.

whitehand ago

When they said Texas and AZ were swing states I knew something was up and started investigating. In fact AZ had an interesting little glitch that caused ballot counting to cease the night of the election. I also don't believe Hillary won Virginia but atm I don't have physical evidence to prove otherwise.

bopper ago

I think some experts were saying it could simply be the DHS probing them for whatever reasons. I don't think it's going to turn into anything. I don't think any votes were affected, someone can correct me if wrong.

whitehand ago

I witness our government agencies hack legitimate companies on a regular basis. Welcome to my world! They are probing alright, probing for open ports to spy on everyone just like the NSA.

bopper ago

Thanks for the tip (no surprise). I used to work in marketing and advertising, they probably make heavy use of it. This is crappy stuff.

NerdyNoodle ago

I have a friend who does cybersecurity as a civilian contractor for military installations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He says that "The idea is ludicrous. There is no way that Russia has hacked into anything." He pointed out that China tries daily to hack our intelligence and must be taken seriously but that Russia isn't really much of a threat as far as hacking goes. That was his two cents.

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks, my opinion is that either NSA or Seth Rich leaked.

WalMartSpecial95 ago

This has nothing to do with pizzagate.

2impendingdoom ago

Actually, pizzagate is the "FakeNews" that has dominated the MSM in the past few weeks (that you must have been in a coma for), and the resulting accusations of russian hacking of Podesta's emails, that has allegedly influenced the election, and the CIA vs FBI's assertions of that "fact" and lack of evidence of this hacking/influence on the election when in fact, the actuality of it being a physical LEAK of Podesta's email is discussed in the linked Binney article. This has everything to do with Pizzagate, so please feel free to actually read the article, or maybe just the excerpt, and maybe some of the actual Podesta emails, and get some awareness of the recent panic over Russia Hacking for a more comprehensive understanding of Pizzagate.

molehairz ago

This literally has nothing to actually do with the pizzagate investigation. Not a single word in your entire post references pizzagate or anything directly pertaining to it.

The only relation with the Russian hacking is that it was used as something to cover and bury pizzagate and posting that content in here only works to the same effect. Not anything against what you posted other than it being in the wrong thread, put it in politics or news.

2impendingdoom ago

Did you actually read the article I linked to? Because I would encourage you to read the whole thing. I added more of it to my post to make that easier for you. The article DEBUNKS the idea that Russia was involved with very valid arguments.

2impendingdoom ago

I disagree, The leaked or hacked emails pertain to pizzagate and the article debunks the theory that Russia was involved in the release of those emails. To me it is directly related. Covering up & burying pizzagate is obviously related to pizzagate.

molehairz ago

Who hacked the emails is just a distraction. What really matters is the content of the emails themselves, not who leaked it and by pushing in to their narrative you only give in to their bait.

ThePuppetShow ago

By proving Russia didn't hack the emails you eliminate their "out". They're telling everyone Russia caused this mess, when everyone realizes they're lying this mess get magnified. We have to quit letting them control the narrative by proving they're lying.

hedy ago

I disagree as well. Context is king. We must see the forest and the trees. Stop, see what there is to see... and continue moving forward with the investigations. I have no doubt whatsoever that CF is involved in numerous criminal activities that include weapons, drugs, and human trafficking and that members of the elite and our .gov are involved in pedo crimes, some also involved in satanic rituals... but it is also very likely that many people are also being blackmailed and that PG, itself, is a distraction from other crimes and activities and perpetrators. It is essential to keep an open and aware mind as we move forward.

2impendingdoom ago

I completely disagree. Who hacked the emails is intrinsic. If russia is blamed for hacking, and we go to war with russia over this, or if we as US citizens lose civil liberties or internet neutrality, or uncensored freedom of speech because of FAKE NEWS, it matters even more than the content of the emails.