witch_doctor1 ago

Ok, I missed that, you are right. And yes, it is very significant. But I still don't think talking to Silsby would be fruitful. We need Haitians on the ground IMO. Anybody know any Haitians?

I watch the Youtube channel Sailing Uma, Keka is Haitian...not helpful I know, but hey, I enjoy the vids.

witch_doctor1 ago

Not to burst your bubble, because I do think some insider interviews could be very helpful, provided that we found the right insider....however, don't forget that Silsby has Haiti connections going back ten years. So, she (and those close to her) is either an innocent crusader for children, or she is a hardened child trafficker...which means the interview would probably not yield anything useful either way.

Check out this email from 2001 about the New Life Refuge and remember she wasn't jailed until 2010...and this also begs the question that has been asked before...Where are all the saved children?


IMO, it might be more fruitful to see if we could find somebody (Haitian) who maybe lived near Caracol or has knowledge of the Clinton's operations. The Haitians have a hate-on for the Clinton's...gotta be a reason.