Kawksnahch ago

Alright, I decided to re re re read your comment. Where is christian land? Where is arabistan? Don't they all claim israel as their homeland? What makes the jews unique?

Should the US be given back to the native americans? Should mexico be given to the aztec decedents and not the spanish? Fuck of about australia, mate.

You name a bunch of nationalities and use that affiliation and yet you say Jewish instead of Israeli.

Funny how that works out.

In the original I called you the exact kind of fuckweasel we're all sick of. And I stand by it.

And the British, via the banks, and the Balfour agreement, are what created it. It was made by Zionists an given to themselves. Not that "given to the jews" bullshit.

John_The_Watchman ago

With respect, I think you need all the help you can get. Prayer sent regardless.

John_The_Watchman ago

I forgive you, and pray that the Lord may open your eyes to the truth. Look, I'm not really trying to pick a bone with you, nor am I trying to defend and "its the jews' narrative. I am just trying to point out the logical fallacy in saying that this is not a satanism investigation board. Because, while obviously what you state is true. You honestly have no effing clue if satanism is tied to this or not. It doesn't matter if you believe Satan is real if the people involved in this sick crap do, and THAT is the point my friend.

John_The_Watchman ago

This is tricky... let's say for a moment that a small inner circle of priests in the vatican were found out to be pedophiles. Does this then make all Catholics pedofiles? No, of course not. But it does not change the fact that there are some Catholics practicing pedophelia (specifically those at the top). The same can be said of the Kaballah. People into that stuff are in an inner circle of Judaism. The same circles exist in other religions, it's just an undeniable fact that the Kaballah is heavily referenced in occultism. Hell...go find some pictures from actual occultists of their magic rituals and you will notice that the letters are all in hebrew. So does that make all Jews occultists? No.

THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH BANNING ANY MENTION OF A SPECIFIC GROUP. You may inadvertently ban the truth...and the truth ain't "It's the Jews" but it is definitely somewhere in-between and mods here are now stifling that discussion, to their own detriment.

Kawksnahch ago

Technically what this person is going for is that black cube that relates to saturn that the kabbalists wear on their heads for high ceremonies.

but, islam has a black cube also, the Kaaba.

And then Saturn = Satan

But really this is all coming from a misunderstanding of a mixture of Astrology and Hermeticism.

Funny how they're basically the same word.

Granted, your general "Jew at Large" isn't a pedophile and it hasn't nothing to do with being a practicing Jew.

Zionism, maybe, but fuckweasel here keeps saying J00z so... -shrug-

TrumpedUptheBum ago

Disprove a single sourced fact I've presented and I'll never post this information again, deal?

Codewow ago

But this is the same shit you've been copy-pasting the last week plus. You have provided nothing new from anything else you've posted on this account or your alts.

TrumpedUptheBum ago

No, it's not the same, and it keeps getting deleted.

Codewow ago

Most definitely the same. You wouldn't be downvoated this fast if it were different from the usual crap you post.

TrumpedUptheBum ago

My Lord @phobos_mothership Determiner Of Truth

Does thy Lord approve?