John_The_Watchman ago

Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg but I wanted to show you that Aleister Crowley, a known occultist, has literally written VOLUMES on the Kaballah and its importance to the various "mystery religions" of the world.

Now, I can't link that directly to Pizzagate without giving you a metric ton of historical info, which is not suited for this thread, but it is coming.

AmirCuck ago

Nambla is owned by the Boy's Town Guy's who just happen to be 100% Hebrew.

Study the recent deleted subs, that mention boy's town and warren-buffet and how that group created NAMBLA to normalize pedophilia, why do you think billionaires live to be 100? Its because they consume children's blood

This site was just deleted by cuck'd mods because they don't want Franklin mentioned.

John_The_Watchman ago

I hope that when I produce said expose that you are good on your word. I want intelligent discourse on this topic, not to de-rail the board or blame entire cultures, but to have a conversation based on evidence.


I'm a very modern Jew who has no appreciation for the ultra orthodox or the Talmud or whatever but this shit is so fucking obviously made to drag down real leads it's sad. And we know for a fact we're getting flooded with bots and CTR shills to make us out to be fringe nuts. And it's bullshit like this that forces the mods to waste their time, floods this sub and buries new leads, and turns off new members. As someone that loves offensive jokes about my own heritage and doesn't get offended by antisemitism, FUCK YOU for this concerted effort to distract us from outing goddamn pedophiles.

TrumpedUptheBum ago

No, nothing is sourced to Amalek.

I'm going to expose all your lies KingKong.

unfuckitup ago

Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil, by any name is still evil. Calling out jews or Satan is missing the point. Save the kids!

hedy ago

Those posts are rants about Jews as an unacceptable existence. There's never any direct link drawn, posted or cited and always claims that it is the root of all evil and all PG evil. It's nonsensical and noise and belongs on /pol/.

Codewow ago

Pizzagate is not a subverse investigating satanism.

TrumpedUptheBum ago

" First of all you must understand that there are people here that would rather suppress this information and will try to discredit this post, however please note that nobody will be able to disprove the sourced facts I've presented.

It's not a coincidence that Epstein and his network is Jewish. It's not a coincidence that practically all the paedophile rings and Satanic cults that get busted are primarily comprised of Jews. Judaism permits paedophilia. It's no different than Islam in that sense, and Islam is actually based upon the five books of Moses. Islam is derived from the name Ishmael who was the son of Abraham. The conflict between Jews and Muslims is territorial, not ideological. The point I'm making is that Judaism is like Islam in the sense that paedophilia is part of the religion.

Pizzagate is Jewish Khaballism. Kahalballism is Satanism which is a wing of Judaism. Anybody that says Judaism and Satanism is unrelated is a flat out liar. Anybody that says Satanism has nothing to do with pizzagate is once again simply a liar. If you want to bust the Italian mafia you must investigate the Italian community. If you wish to investigate radical Islam you must investigate the Islamic community. If you want you investigate Satanic occultism you must investigate Judaism and the Jewish community. Political correctness has no place in an investigation.

The Finders Cult

Pizzagate is nothing new. There was a Satanic cult of Jews that was busted in Florida during the 80s for kidnapping children. The police even raided a warehouse where they found pictures of children engaging in Satanic rituals. Here's some information I've compiled on them. Like I said, Pizzagate is nothing new.

I've identified the first Satanic band in America and more importantly who's behind them. The lead singer in Coven comes from an elite politically active family and she admits this herself and even names who they are.

Here's the first Satanic band called Coven.

They're also the band that started using the devil horn hand gesture.

Well guess what, their producer Bill Traut was Jewish, as were at least two of the band members.

Bill Traut Jewish

Guess what else? He wrote songs for them including a 13 min black mass.

"The album concluded with a 13-minute track of chanting and Satanic prayers called "Satanic Mass" (written by their producer, Bill Traut, of Dunwich Productions, and described as "the first Black Mass to be recorded, either in written words or in audio")."

So now I've just proven that Jews started the Satanic music scene, which isn't surprising considering the fact that Satanic occultists are primarily Jews.

I'm still going to do more research into all this, but I already know what's up. Jews are Satanists. Jews worship the devil. The Torah Jews are the common Jews which listen to the Rabbis that study the Talmud (Rabbinical Judaism) and the top Rabbis are selected to study Khaballism, which is Satanism.

The Torah Jews are puppets to the Talmudists who are puppets to the Khaballists. Jews are Satanic.

I'm not religious, but look what Jesus said, who was a Jew btw.

" You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Ignoring all this religious stuff, the fact still remains that Jews invented Satanic music and the majority of Satanists are Jews.

Now here's a lead for you guys to investigate. The singer of Coven Jinx Dawson gave an interview where she admits her family is involved in the occult and politics and even names them.

She ultimately says that her Grandfather was a Free Mason and it's common knowledge that Free Masonry is a front for Judaism. I can show you statements made by both Rabbis and Masons where they admit that Free Masonry is based upon Judaism.

Let's take a look at their lyrics now. What they're describing is Jewish blood libel. Jews have been accused and found guilty of doing these things all throughout history. Don't forget these lyrics are written by a Jew.

Jewish Blood Libel

" Infants' flesh they did offer For the prince to devour. Covens join, all combine, Powers strong, thoughts align. "

" The cheif of the circle, Known as Malchius drank the blood of a young baby Offered unto him. "

Malchus is a servant to a Jewish high priest.

" In the book of Gideon I have read That the hoarde of evil is not dead In this place where Satan is said to dwell He leads his legions through the depths of Hell"

Gideon was the son of Joash, leader of the Israelites, he won a decisive victory over a Midianite army despite a vast numerical disadvantage, leading a troop of 300 'valiant' men.

" Beelzebub, the prince, is second in line Astaroth, the duke, is drunk with wine Lucifer, the prime minister, handles affairs General Satanachia firmly stares"

All those demons are from the Hebrew bible.

This whole song describes Jewish Satanism. Remember, this was written by a Jew.

Judaism is Satanism. It's not a coincidence that all the primary elites busted in paedophile rings are Jews. Epstein has a sacrificial alter on his private paedophile Island.

Anybody claiming that Judaism and Satanism are unrelated is a shill looking out for Jewish interest.

Judaism is Satanism. "

shillcrusher13 ago

Stop it with this Kaballah crap. You people are not journalists, you are at best simple blood-libelists. Stay out of this research, pizza gate is about finding out (1) who is abducting these kids and (2) how we can stop them.

NorthPondHermit ago

Alefantis is wearing the red bracelet of the Kabbalah in his DDD appearance

Here is Bill Clinton sporting the same

Seems relevant, like other symbols discussed here

redditsuckz ago

Bunch of Talmudists

The Kabbalah red string protects them from the "evil eye" it protects them from themselves and their evilness?

Thats why they were interested in Madeleine Mccann because of her "evil eye" deformity and why Alefantis was pimping the young children with the same eye anomaly.

Wearing the bracelet might remind them "not to stare at children or eye them" Joe Biden does all the time so as to be found out to be a predator or look at them like they are gonna eat them.

John_The_Watchman ago

When will mods actually do research into Kaballah and realize its not what they think it is? Or are they just going to keep deleting these because they are afraid of being labeled Anti-semite? (Which isn't even truly applicable, in the case of Kaballah?)

Phobos_Mothership ago

Not only can you not link this to pizzagate, but your links never prove ANYTHING and never have any sources.

The fact that you dislike Jews has absolutely no bearing on pizzagate. Your opinion on how 'satanic' jewish khaballism is has absolutely no bearing on pizzagate. Take your shitty opinions elsewhere unless you have reliable sources which link them to pizzagate.

shillcrusher13 ago

Hear Hear! Death to shills. Tired of this Anti-Semetic crap trying to make us look like goddamn Nazis. Try harder next time, Soros.

TrumpedUptheBum ago

Debunk this. Come on, disprove this information and I'll never post it again. That's my word. Justify your reasoning.

" First of all you must understand that there are people here that would rather suppress this information and will try to discredit this post, however please note that nobody will be able to disprove the sourced facts I've presented.

It's not a coincidence that Epstein and his network is Jewish. It's not a coincidence that practically all the paedophile rings and Satanic cults that get busted are primarily comprised of Jews. Judaism permits paedophilia. It's no different than Islam in that sense, and Islam is actually based upon the five books of Moses. Islam is derived from the name Ishmael who was the son of Abraham. The conflict between Jews and Muslims is territorial, not ideological. The point I'm making is that Judaism is like Islam in the sense that paedophilia is part of the religion.

Pizzagate is Jewish Khaballism. Kahalballism is Satanism which is a wing of Judaism. Anybody that says Judaism and Satanism is unrelated is a flat out liar. Anybody that says Satanism has nothing to do with pizzagate is once again simply a liar. If you want to bust the Italian mafia you must investigate the Italian community. If you wish to investigate radical Islam you must investigate the Islamic community. If you want you investigate Satanic occultism you must investigate Judaism and the Jewish community. Political correctness has no place in an investigation.

The Finders Cult

Pizzagate is nothing new. There was a Satanic cult of Jews that was busted in Florida during the 80s for kidnapping children. The police even raided a warehouse where they found pictures of children engaging in Satanic rituals. Here's some information I've compiled on them. Like I said, Pizzagate is nothing new.

I've identified the first Satanic band in America and more importantly who's behind them. The lead singer in Coven comes from an elite politically active family and she admits this herself and even names who they are.

Here's the first Satanic band called Coven.

They're also the band that started using the devil horn hand gesture.

Well guess what, their producer Bill Traut was Jewish, as were at least two of the band members.

Bill Traut Jewish

Guess what else? He wrote songs for them including a 13 min black mass.

"The album concluded with a 13-minute track of chanting and Satanic prayers called "Satanic Mass" (written by their producer, Bill Traut, of Dunwich Productions, and described as "the first Black Mass to be recorded, either in written words or in audio")."

So now I've just proven that Jews started the Satanic music scene, which isn't surprising considering the fact that Satanic occultists are primarily Jews.

I'm still going to do more research into all this, but I already know what's up. Jews are Satanists. Jews worship the devil. The Torah Jews are the common Jews which listen to the Rabbis that study the Talmud (Rabbinical Judaism) and the top Rabbis are selected to study Khaballism, which is Satanism.

The Torah Jews are puppets to the Talmudists who are puppets to the Khaballists. Jews are Satanic.

I'm not religious, but look what Jesus said, who was a Jew btw.

" You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Ignoring all this religious stuff, the fact still remains that Jews invented Satanic music and the majority of Satanists are Jews.

Now here's a lead for you guys to investigate. The singer of Coven Jinx Dawson gave an interview where she admits her family is involved in the occult and politics and even names them.

She ultimately says that her Grandfather was a Free Mason and it's common knowledge that Free Masonry is a front for Judaism. I can show you statements made by both Rabbis and Masons where they admit that Free Masonry is based upon Judaism.

Let's take a look at their lyrics now. What they're describing is Jewish blood libel. Jews have been accused and found guilty of doing these things all throughout history. Don't forget these lyrics are written by a Jew.

Jewish Blood Libel

" Infants' flesh they did offer For the prince to devour. Covens join, all combine, Powers strong, thoughts align. "

" The cheif of the circle, Known as Malchius drank the blood of a young baby Offered unto him. "

Malchus is a servant to a Jewish high priest.

" In the book of Gideon I have read That the hoarde of evil is not dead In this place where Satan is said to dwell He leads his legions through the depths of Hell"

Gideon was the son of Joash, leader of the Israelites, he won a decisive victory over a Midianite army despite a vast numerical disadvantage, leading a troop of 300 'valiant' men.

" Beelzebub, the prince, is second in line Astaroth, the duke, is drunk with wine Lucifer, the prime minister, handles affairs General Satanachia firmly stares"

All those demons are from the Hebrew bible.

This whole song describes Jewish Satanism. Remember, this was written by a Jew.

Judaism is Satanism. It's not a coincidence that all the primary elites busted in paedophile rings are Jews. Epstein has a sacrificial alter on his private paedophile Island.

Anybody claiming that Judaism and Satanism are unrelated is a shill looking out for Jewish interest.

Judaism is Satanism. "

shillcrusher13 ago

Coven is some bullshit hippie band from the 1960s. Irrelevant. Stop posting this crap, you are distracting from legitimate research. Waste of time.

John_The_Watchman ago

I suppose that's why Occultists like Crowley, Blavatski, Manly P Hall and Elphias Levi reference kaballah heavily in their works then? Forget about the jews for a minute and look at the Kaballah on its own merits (which is a separate thing from judaism entirely). It absolutely CAN be proven that Kaballah and Satanism are a similar way that Christianity and Satanism are related.

Phobos_Mothership ago

This is not a Satanism investigation subverse. Read the rules.

John_The_Watchman ago

So, if I take the time to write out a well sourced and referenced expose proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Satanism and Pizzagate are in fact related. Would that change your mind or would you simply delete it without giving it an iota of thought..because...rules.

Azzipdoe ago

He'd simply delete it. They delete anything worth a read.. reason I've been archiving and taking screenshots of everything when I can. Literally every thread on here anymore is bs spam or info that was discussed a month ago.. Should work on cleaning that up