Blacksmith21 ago


I started thinking "why would the Feds pick up this case?" On the face of it, it makes no sense. It wasn't Federal jurisdiction. There was nothing associated with the case to make it any more different than an armed robbery.

A bit of quick research revealed a similar case. This event occurred in September. The perpetrator is working his way through the DC court system:


Lookup Firle's case here:

Blacksmith21 ago


At first, I didn't think much of the US Attorney, Channing D. Phillips, the prosecutor in the case. But as I started reading the following bioptic on his career, it started to get a little coincidental, again. Now, I will say DC is a small place, and this is most likely the case of exactly that - a prosecutor's office getting high profile cases.

**Reference: **

Tell me if there is anything odd about the nature of these cases:

1) Khatallah Case - Accused of being a leader of the attacks on the diplomatic outpost in Behghazi: * Source:

2) Chandra Levy Case - Murder of Rep. Conduit's aid/intern under unusual circumstances: Source:

3) Savopolis Killings - This is the most effed up of stories. This whole case was absolutely bizarre and made no sense. It is also very close to Podesta, Obama's future home, etc. Source:

I'm not trying to go down a rabbit hole here, but I'm wondering if any of the aforementioned actors in any of these stories ties back the actors in the current case. DC is small.