SecureYourSeats ago

Good point, the best and worst one can say is, "inconclusive".

umpteenth ago

gefallt das -- like this

Melde dich an um mit "gefallt mir" zu markieren oder zu kommentieren- Announce yourselves around with "like me" to pretend comment.

That's wierd!

Rigg5 ago

He's using a VPN in a different country so some site entities are translated.

EyesWideScared ago

Fact that this board is willing to accept evidence to disbunk any claims is proof this not fake news but rather an honest active investigation.

atheist4thecause ago

Good post. I don't think people should be scared of the truth, and what I'm seeing in some of these comments is people getting mad because the OP found something that goes against their narrative. #PizzaGate, at least in my mind, is not about being on a witch hunt to hang Alefantis. It's about finding evidence, whether that's of wrongdoing or proves certain information false or certain people innocent.

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ ) This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site

Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984. This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 I Pray and Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter Amen.

whitehand ago

Doesn't explain all the other porno crap Alefantis and his buddies had on instagram involving pizza. I have seen search warrants served with much less circumstantial evidence. Had any poor person posted stuff jimmy comet did they would have the FBI busting down their door and seizing computers.

totesgoats908234 ago

Ah yes, that explains it and it also makes the whole picture and comment string completely appropriate....

Looks like you debunked this one, detective!

Ariosophy ago

Poisoning the well.

Ariosophy ago

Whoever highlighted #hotard forgot to highlight @joewillis to whom jimmycomet was directing the comment.