Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Did you read what I wrote? What happened to all those broads that accused Trump of assault 2 weeks before the election? Heard anything from them since? No? Neither have I. Weird. It's almost like you think anyone accused of anything is guilty.

hello90 touched me inappropriately!! He should be banned and jailed! gtfo shill

Don-Keyhote ago

Of course, their stories completely lacked any evidence or plausibility...

JrSlimss ago

This covers it and has sources (Link)

concernedaboutitall ago

Regarding Lolita Island, whatever happened to those girls? Anybody know if they are still in that hell hole?

I watched this interview a while back. It is relevant I think.

JrSlimss ago

You didn't hear? Epstein just bought an even bigger island next to his original! (Link) The Virginia Roberts case is the one to watch, still unsettled. The rest of the girls settled I believe.

keepthefaith ago

A lot of the British aristocratic names on there (probably names unfamiliar to the majority of Americans) are very sketchy indeed. The Bamfords, Goldsmiths, McAlpines especially, all weird as hell.

sunajAeon ago

I thought Epstein was working for the Clintons-correct me if I'm wrong, if not-who? You can't blackmail royalty unless you have the juice

aleeum ago

I've heard this but have never seen a source. Do you have one?

JrSlimss ago

See my reply to the poster above.

Don-Keyhote ago

Someone should dig into RON BURKLE. He's an Epstein clone who I picked at random from the CF donor list. He made Bills money (15m I believe) after the presidency before shift to bogus speeches. Lots of youth charity and pedo stuff in his personal life.

He and bill had a partnership with the amktoum family of dubai linked to human traffcking elsewhere.

keepthefaith ago

Ron Burkle, super sketchy indeed. Worthy of its own thread.

Don-Keyhote ago

Yea I don't have anything solid yet tho

votesarestolen ago

What do people think of Trump's presence in the book? I know there are a lot of Trump supporters here, but I think we need to go by the principle of not necessarily trusting anyone. Bill Clinton, of course, is far more likely to be guilty than Trump.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Epstein was running a honeypot and using young girls to gain leverage over anyone with money or political pull. His book is nothing more than a list of 'targets' he was attempting to gain influence over. That is literally all it is. Everyone that he was able to trap is in that book but not everyone in that book participated.

wgvdl ago

Makes Trump susceptible to blackmail and would explain the inactivity in the PG-case and his strange excuses for the Clintons.

dogeminho ago

With a country made scared by lying MSM, he kinda has to. I mean, when he said something about it people freaked out saying "he's gonna throw everyone in jail, he's literally hitler!!"

wgvdl ago

I do not hold a definitive verdict about Trump, but yes, I feel the next 40 days (til possible inauguration) are crucial, and therefore he might be holding back.

Blacksmith21 ago

John Cleese and Jimmy Buffet. LOL. Makes one wonder how many of them on that list are pedos. If there ever was a poster child for pedos, Ecclestone fits the bill.

smokemirrors ago

Well, Ecclestone is 86 and his wife is 36 so....he was 50 when she was born. Wonderful.

Blacksmith21 ago

Ecclestone has to be a minion of Satan. Who else would fucking force Formula E upon the racing world?

wgvdl ago

Thank you for this powerful source. We should dig a bit.

smokemirrors ago

Youre very welcome! i was scouring it for the 'Podestas'.....

wgvdl ago

I haven't found "Clinton" either. I guess there are some contacts that are so dicey that they are not explicitely written down.

Anyway, I would recommend loading this stuff down to anyone investigating ('pdf' at the right sidebar).