FKM ago

where is Arpaio posting his evidence? also what is the name on the document? i thought he was born Barry Soetoro?

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Obama knows he is DONE! But still has the nuclear codes!!!! For those who do not know, Russia has hands over fist MORE NUKES than everyone! Please dear Jesus someone stop this fucking Lunatic!!!!!

Stormtrooperx52 ago


Obama just declared war on Russia!!!!

reasonedandinformed ago

This is interesting, but this platform needs to be 100% focused on saving the kids and related items. We are working to broaden this to more people and new arrivals need to be exposed to the key facts about the pedophile rings and child trafficking...what, who, how, why.

witch_doctor1 ago

Serious question for those that may not have been previous following this closely: How compelling was the evidence presented? Do you think this will hit critical mass?

The reason I ask is that I have been a birther from the beginning and in my heart I already knew it was fake, So I am having a hard time objectively gauging this one.

Warnos44 ago

I would say there is absolutely no room for doubt after this presentation. It is extremely compelling. It will not hit critical mass among those who do not seek sources outside of MSM.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

To all you retards bringing up that he is a "Naturalized US Citizen" doesn't lessen the severity of the Crime!!!! I was born on a US Military Base in Europe. BOTH my parents are true US Citizens and served our country. This makes me an official US Citizen, HOWEVER, being born outside of the country by LAW, I Absolutely, 1000000000000000000% CANNOT EVER become the President of the United States. FUCK THIS SCUMBAG FRAUDSTER!!! ELECTRIC CHAIR PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

AgainstCotton ago

I see a lot of people saying this has nothing to do with our efforts. I WHOLLY disagree. We are proving that the elite in our nation are corrupt to the highest order. This video proves that OUR SITTING PRESIDENT, who is in the midst of an information war with a nuclear superpower and is implicated in many facets of our investigation, LIED directly and to THE HIGHEST DEGREE to the American people. HE FORGED or HAD FORGED a document proving his birth. We need to find out why! What is hiding there? Is he who he says he is? This has the potential to wake a lot of people up to how corrupt our government is, make them more succeptable to our findings. I voted for Obama twice, I am eating crow right now. The WHOLE SYSTEM is wrong, corrupt, broken and we are in the dark. It is up to us to bring the light.

Dagnysghost ago

And Obama immediately responds with a press conference for tomorrow where e has already said we will retaliate against russia for hacking the election. This has everything to do with pizzagate. They would destroy the world to save themselves.

eyeVoated ago

And that's why FBIanon said it's time to buy a gun

Jehosefat ago

We're being trolled. If they can connect pizzagate to the so-called birther movement, then they discredit us. Get this crap off of the pizzagate board!

GeneralProductsHull ago

If this was well-arranged, impeachment legislation may already be drawn up. If quickly passed, it would neutralize Obama's ability to pardon Clinton or anyone else, for that matter. It would be a major blow to this administration's well-developed abilities to deflect or compromise prosecutions.

would be a good thing imo.

AreWeSure ago

Impeachment legislation is not a thing. Also legislation can be vetoed by the President.

You impeach in the House and convict in the Senate. It takes a bit of time. Obama could shoot somebody in the middle of his press conference and still have time for plenty of pardons.

GeneralProductsHull ago

thanks for the legal clarity. I wonder how timing of this might be used for actions we're not aware are being planned

AreWeSure ago

Just checked the last time this happened. The Starr Report was issued in Sept 1998. The House Impeached Dec 1998. The Senate acquitted in February 1999.

Also, note this tidbit. Kenneth Starr issued his report September 11, 1998. Mind blown.

Dagnysghost ago

You really want your mind blown, look into what else happened about 2000 years ago on sept 11. Then the pieces all come together. Evil is real. So is God.

GeneralProductsHull ago

it sounds like independent, expert forensic confirmation is the clincher.

Hopevoats ago

Am I in an alternate reality? Why am I seeing a Donald Trump victory speech and why are so many people commenting on the video in the thumbnail?

bopper ago

They finished Joe and switched to Trump rally.

B3nder ago

Huh? Why am i seeing a live Donald Trump stream after clicking the link

bopper ago

They finished the live stream w/ Joe and cut to the Trump rally. They say you can watch it again on their youtube channel or FBook page.

EyesWideScared ago

This has nothing to do with pizza

Rydal ago

I know your point is valid but I totally read that from the perspective of an honest guy walking into the wrong pizza club at night.

Kwijibo ago

This is /v/pizzagate not /v/conspiracy

Rule #2

centima ago

it's related. very related.

witch_doctor1 ago

Absolutely related demonstrates gov't corruption and media collusion is absolutely real...and the more people who realize that will be open to Pizzagate. And it's the same people involved as well.

AgainstCotton ago

I agree with this. I think this is directly related to our investigation. I am flabbergasted. If they lied about something THIS BIG... what else are they hiding.

Guy_with_the_face ago

This might be a way to remove Obama's power, to stop Trump from taking office. This might even expedite Trump taking office as President. This could be important to our movement.

CrackerJacks ago

I'm sure I read a few weeks ago that they would be releasing this info on the 19th of Jan....Wonder why they brought it forward.

Guy_with_the_face ago

Big moves are being made, all we can do is watch and see how it plays out. Interesting times we live in.

CrackerJacks ago

Some big moves are being made.....When the Sheriff was about to finish he said he had more but couldn't say anything yet.

Guy_with_the_face ago

I want to say something smart, but all I can think is.... Mwaahahahahahahaha [Rubbing hands together]

willofthewarrior ago

Very convincing presentation. Certainly does seem like a forgery.

KNOThappy ago

I live in Arizona and Sheriff Joe is a crooked hardass gangster with a small army of infamously loyal deputies. He is a criminal of high caliber that loves to manipulate the law and politics to his advantage, but he is an all American cowboy and a strong ally to have in your corner if shit hits the van. He Loves Trumpy-kins.

Yates ago

Found the drug dealing illegal alien.

jml1201 ago

What a POS! Everyone should be absolutely raging. Don't let this distract from pizzagate.

CrackerJacks ago

Twitter is broken I think, I can only see 3 tweets on my timeline and no new ones are showing.

MenaAirport ago

He broke a federal law. And nothing will happen. Not even the police are allowed to touch the elite. That sheriff will die "accidentally" very soon to send a message to anyone who dares to arrest the untouchable pedo elite.

willofthewarrior ago

Sheriff Arpaio is not just "some sheriff". His name was floated at one point for being in Trump's cabinet.

AreWeSure ago

He also has only two weeks left being a sheriff. He lost his election because he was held in contempt of court earlier this year.

Which is why he is doing this now. Ex-sheriff doesn't sounds as good. Also trying to prempt Obama's news conference tomorrow.

witch_doctor1 ago

He lost the election because George Soros spent 2 MILLION dollars in a county Sheriff race...he paid illegals to go door to door campaigning for the other guy. I agree with the ex-Sheriff doesn't sound as good, but I also think the timing of Sheriff Joe + Assange on Hannity the same day was designed to hamstring Obama before he engaged in some sort of start a war nobody wants with Russia.

jbooba ago

Yes i do know this is probably offtopic but it could effect this investigation..?

CrackerJacks ago

He's broke fed law......

This may break the internet.