SaneGoatiSwear ago

21 hours later.

was a "copy of proof of life" ever released by this bullshit website?

norobotono ago

There is a video which doesn't work and a message at the top saying they are aware of some people saying the video doesn't work and are looking into it.

I have tried it on several browsers and it hasn't worked all day, nor can you even find the video name on youtube so is most likely all bullshit.

quantokitty ago

Ha! Applies here.

srayzie ago

I think it was him. To me he sounded natural and answered not too fast or slow and knew current things. I don't think the governments got him cuz he denied Russia being involved. The DNC would have forced him to say it was Russia. Now I just wish he would give us the rest!

Luxxy ago

He's dead or in serious danger/hiding. PERIOD.

jbj ago

We are being played and it involves people at a level way on up there. Thats my assessment. Hopefully Trump will release the Kraken.

Electionfraud ago

Good marketing by the hannity show

rush22 ago

"Assange has promised to meet us on Second Life. The revelation he makes at TedXMansionPony WILL SHOCK YOU. Subscibe to our LiveJournal forum now for the latest details of ~--???? ????--~"

alliecapone ago

I realize it probably doesn't need to be said, but make sure your computer is all set up for this sort of thing. I have a nagging feeling that perhaps it's a trap, data collecting and what not. I have decent setups on my computer, but it's not armed to the hilt to fight what the powers have at their disposal. I wont even go look there until I've seen from those that know what they're doing to verify it's legit.

Kastonomy ago

Damn! Got me all excited. As always people with the incriminating evidence backing down once more. Hasnt anyone ever heard of dying a martyr. I would gladly give my life to save innocent children from rape, torture and murder. Instead of using it as a bargaining chip.

pontagon ago

I honestly just listened to the interview, as I have with many others of Assange, and it didn't seem too out of place to me, hate to be the one guy who disagrees, but I'm not gonna take the same stance for the sake of it

EyesWideScared ago

Hannity is a terrible interviewer. Did he even ask Julian how he's been doing?

dafacts ago

The voice sounds legit, having compared to other recordings. Also I'm an Aussie so easy for me to spot differences in that accent. But I agree, until actual proof of life is provided we can basically ignore the whole site. Hopefully it is all legit and hopefully Wikileaks actually delivers at the most critical time.

norobotono ago

They could have dragged it out for a few weeks in that case rather than the short period this site has been known about.

Yates ago

ful interview with commercials

the uploader said this link will expire in 24 hours

norobotono ago

The interview would only be about 2-3 minutes long if they edited all the commercials out of it. :)

srayzie ago

No. i listened on YouTube for like 25 minutes with no commercials

norobotono ago

The link i listened to it on was pretty much all commercials and very little interviewing. I did not catch the interview from the start though so do not know how much I missed. How can people stand to listen to so many?

shillcrusher13 ago

"While the voice was easy to be spoofed..." ?? WTF. The language, the font, the tone of the writing here all seem way off... The previous message on the site had a glaring spelling error, and the offer and the timing seemed a little too good to be true. As much as I wanted there to be something to this, it seems like this whole thing was a false lead unfortunately. I hope they didn't kill him. What a mess.

norobotono ago

It is strange wording unless English is not the writer's first or native language.

elgindelta ago ➕ Equals, ♠

The idea that the most camera friendly member of wikileaks, founder Julian Assange has been, and still is staying "Out Of View" is wishful thinking.

Julian Is Dead, The Notion Of Him Being Anywhere Is A Litteral "Fake News" Headline. Issued By The Most "Deplorable" Evil People In The World. To Keep You Distracted With Hope, Frozen In Anticipation. WakeUp

0101buckyballs0101 ago

Why did he respond only after they were going to drop the files today. Last week when everybody was on twitter trying to get POL he did not surface.

When 90% of you "fanbase" is asking for you and it has no effect on the WL data or research into it, why not give POL when requested.

He asked for that twitter army, to have them fret over POL for weeks seems counter-productive.

ryguyhermosa ago

full interview - sounds legit

hopeforall ago

We need proof of life! He needs to do an interview in front of a camera at the embassy. He's done one before in the embassy why can't he do another? An interview would be hard to fake.

elgindelta ago

Assange, IF alive at all. Is not making guest spots on hannity and Facebook. The things your hearing about how they know it was not Russia involvement is because they, after what I assume was a drug laden and brutal interrogation, got from Julian 1, How the data was caught. And. 2, Where data was stored. "Innocuously enough well hidden in massive data cashes. Like, yahoo?" The insurance keys were altered in Oct, just after the "breach" of the embassy. I'm sure he was alive until election night, as insurance. Make no mistake though. When Clinton realized she lost that night. I assure you we lost Julian in the ensuing rage.

EDIT, This Doesn't Mean Get All Boo Hoo Wheres Our Leader...The Exact Opposite Is The Only Way To Truly Show That Man And Wiki's Staff Our Appreciation. (Imo, of course)

quantokitty ago

Yeah, it's a shill site for collecting IPs. Note how they're going to play another clock running down game for the proof they received to be posted. WTF?!!!

Will not be checking back, guys.

cantsleepawink ago


Hopevoats ago

Ha! Can't believe that anyone fell for that bullshit. Add this to the pile, including Anonymous's Guy Faulk's Day release. They are playing us for fools with short memories.

norobotono ago

I don't think anyone was holding their breath that anything would come of it but it still needed to be kept an eye on if only because Assange's proof of life is still suspiciously ambiguous.

thatglimmer ago


B3nd3r ago

So in other words: It's bullshit.

Naalu ago

Thing is, if he is alive, it doesnt mean he is safe. Correct me if I am wrong but if he was safe all this time there wouldnt be a dead man's switch executed that these guys suposedly found.

norobotono ago

If he was safe all this time in the embassy he could give a livestream interview to end the speculation. So simple to do, so hard to see it manifest....

gopluckyourself ago

Yeah this is cool and all but it's still not proof of life to me.

We_The_People ago

I call BULLSHIT! This feels like a government psyop to keep people quiet.

dwildstar ago

Belongs to a web dev 'entrepreneur ', @DustinSnider (twitter) who wants to sell the site after it gets hyped enough

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Agreed, this is dodgy out, feel certain Assange is dead now, fuck these cunts raping the innocent and silence our most courageous heroes

dindonufin ago

He's not dead until the dead man switch is activated. That's the whole fucking point of a dead man switch.

Kal ago

We've allowed those in power to continue their horrific agenda. As cliché as this may sound. Julian Assange died for our sins.


This is definitely a joke/psyops. The dead man's keys are out there. Look at my top submission.

Godwillwin ago

I remember the codes/keys being released before the election. But the actual leaks that need decoding have not been released. Right??

Nigredo ago

Prior to the election insurance files were put out, the codes that accompanied were pre-commitment encryption hashes that are supposed to indicate if the contents of the files were tampered with (the resulting hash from a tampered file would be different). The encryption keys haven't been released to anything. There was also a mysterious hash tweeted out by Snowden, but I haven't heard a single thing of it since.

Godwillwin ago

Ohhhh. Ok. So I had it backwards then. The files were put out with some codes to verify the files. The keys to unlock the files have not been put out.

In simple terms, Is that right?

I'm not well versed with computer talk ;)

Nigredo ago

Yes, the files were put out with the understanding that there was a deadman's switch set to go off if whoever was in control of the release could no longer keep sending the all clear signal and as a result send out the keys to the unredacted files. So far, that hasn't happened, despite all the speculation that Assange has been compromised. The codes that accompanied them were to ensure that the unencrypted files, if the deadman switch were to go off and they were to be revealed, were not tampered with- because if they were, they would have a different hash.

At least that is my understanding of it.


I have no fucking idea anymore.

Godwillwin ago

I don't think they have. One of the wiki operatives said in order to release the encrypted files/dead man files, he had to travel somewhere and was not able to travel there. But if Asange isn't dead then they wouldn't release them.

I don't know. Lol. No one really knows


Most elaborate faking of death in the world if he is actually alive. I am so fucking doubtful.

dogeminho ago

I'd like to see him... But there is a theory he is hiding and a video would make it easier to locate him. I just pray he's alright

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

How do actual terrorists do it then?

norobotono ago

It still would not be impossible to do a livestream with a neutral background so as not to give away a location.

wh0care ago

How doing a live without risking to be traced ??

norobotono ago

Because it would show that he is alive in present day and can prove it. If he is as claimed at the embassy then it doesn't matter if it is traced as he cannot legally be touched there. If he isn't then it raises more questions which still could be answered by doing a live ama with a neutral background so as not to give away his location.

He can't expect people to carry on supporting Wikileaks when such suspicions are abound.

wh0care ago

yes i understand your point, but there is other possibilies, one of them is : he is hiding, and not in embassy. IF its the case, he (obviously) dont want make live video (fear to being located etc..) And it also could explain why he cant have access to some social medias account, and why WL team ask us to stop asking for proof of life etc... just a theory ,but possible...

norobotono ago

Yes this is a possibility, that he escaped the embassy but it still wouldn't be difficult to ensure conditions are met that can show he is still alive (ie a current newspaper or tv with a live news broadcast in the shot, or answering questions put to him via another medium that would show he is still alive and safe etc.

wh0care ago

i agree with you on that...all this shit is weird...i have no idea what is going on..but i still keeping hope that he is safe but hiding for some reasons... maybe he is already in an other country and have a very limited access to internet or communication for security reasons...i dont know...but if it was the case we should not hear him on radio / phone interview i really dont know...

Chempergrill ago

Certainly suspicious. Even if they are a helpful third party, it would be unwise to bank on them. Someone speak up if we have any proof what WL is affiiliated with or endorses

DeckoGecko ago

He just mentioned holding back 15,000 docs.. subtle nod the finding assange site maybe?

sofakingtodd ago

"Julian Assange appeared on Sean Hanity at 4:07PM EST, While the voice was easy to be spoofed the evidence provided to outside of simply the broadcast has been deemed legit proof of life. Assange is still alive and these files are Julians & Wikileaks to distribute as such, has terminated our release. A copy of the proof of life we received will be provided to the public shortly.

The release system will be kept in place if ever required to be used in the future."


The website is completely bullshit.

dickface8 ago

What's the release system mean?

reasonedandinformed ago

Just get the info out to us...

OtisFirefly ago

I believe it is refers to the data release set for a few hours from now. But even if this interview is legit why stop at least the Podesta release. Most interesting to me was the supposed insurance docs.

dickface8 ago

I don't understand why everything wasn't released months ago. Assange just said in an interview something like that WikiLeaks doesn't withhold info. Well they kinda are. I don't understand what that game is.

OtisFirefly ago

Well the insurance documents were withheld with the purpose of keeping him alive, for the rest who knows.

DeckoGecko ago

i've only got audio... is this something happening on tv??

damn I really wanted that to see what was in that release!!!

crystalclearme ago

sadly no- missed first few minutes but now listening 20 plus minutes and not a peep yet from assange

DeckoGecko ago

I'm hearing him now. on this link

he just mentioned that wikileaks held back 15,000 docs for further investigation. Sounded like a subtle nod to the findingassange site imho. My guess is the data dump won't go ahead now....

wh0care ago

all this shit is weird


It is voice morph. Guaranteed.

bopper ago


DeckoGecko ago

Hopefully it's not,,, I'd agree with you if it weren't for the fact that say they've been sent POL. I'll hold back till they share what they've been sent.

but totally agree that dodgy audio is NOT proof of life...!!


He is totally dead.

bopper ago


crystalclearme ago

yep afraid so- ... well good thing weren't counting on it. Would have been easier but doesn't deter us

DeckoGecko ago

I deffo think the findingassange thing was legit for a couple of reasons. The quickly cobbled together interview and the subtle mention of 15,000 docs was a giveaway for me.

Looking forward to seeing what POL they've got!!

alliecapone ago

I want to believe he's OK. I don't need proof to keep going, and I'm checking back here to see what the community thinks of it. Visual proof would be nice but I'm sure he's made it so those that know how, can verify it.

I've said a prayer for him daily, my gut says believe, but with trepidation.

DeckoGecko ago

I've been knee deep in digging through the blockchain trying to find the DMS insurance key's for WEEKS so was super interested in the site and release as there's been rumblings that the key's had been found.

Half of me is proper peeved and the other half is hopeful that Assange isn't dead or captured and is instead in the safe hands of a witness protection program. i'm gonna convince myself that this was orchestrated because they want to hold back so as not to scupper some mega arrests or something come Jan.

But if the electoral coup happens I think the lads behind findingassange HAVE TO release what they have!!!

norobotono ago

I can't even find a working audio link for it.

norobotono ago

Thanks that one is a working link.

Yates ago

you made me turn on the tv. cavuto's on now at :15 after. Why didn't you include a screenshot of the message OP?

norobotono ago

You only have to click on to see the message

Yates ago

Why don't you put in a modicum of effort and screenshot it for us? What, you don't like archiving? We've been through this before, you know better than to post something like that without at least posting the archive with it. 6 threads now, identical.

edit: and another thread was just posted. Identical. Mods please prune this shit.

norobotono ago

As I am new to this site I am still finding my way around how to do things and how things work.. In the time it took you to type that you could have provided a link instead of having a go at me and provided instructions on how to do so.

So as 'we' have never spoken before, I fail to see how I 'should know better'. Why not try helping out with instructions on how to do that instead of whining so much?

Yates ago

lurk more

norobotono ago

Contribute something other than whining.

DoughMallet ago

This topic is more important than your shitty elitist attitude. Either provide some assistance or shut your trap.

norobotono ago

Thank you for providing that link with included aforementioned message shown in red.

Yates ago

Wow, a countdown clock. How exciting. Seems legit.

norobotono ago

How much did CTR pay per message again?

LakeOfFire ago

This is a fake interview, the responses are too fast!!!

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Agree. This is not him. Last time he talked super slow and had a darker voice.

Now hes fast as fuck, and the same "ahhh" is copy/pasted in between every single word he says...

LakeOfFire ago

Yes I also noticed the "ahhh"s were identical and pasted throughout.

SoManyQuestions ago

His voice is too high and too fast. He's either geeked or non existent.

Godwillwin ago

I haven't heard the clip. But I trust Hannity. Is hannity saying it's assange or is he like us just hoping its Assange?

BedAndRektfast ago

Hannity is just doing a straight interview with Assange, whether it's assange or not.

Hannity did mention in the interview a private conversation they had at a previous time (I need to listen again when more awake). So maybe hannity is smart enough to have done like they do in a movie when they meet a possible clone, "tell me something only you will know". who knows.. time will tell

norobotono ago

And if that conversation happened on the phone and either of their phone phones had been tapped then it would be known what they talked about.

Godwillwin ago

So hannity doesn't know if it's really assange either. Hmmm

DeckoGecko ago

is there video or just audio??

I know both can be fudged but I'm wondering if they'll still do the dump if it's just audio.

Damn this is frustrating!! been eagerly watching the fkin countdown since yesterday!!!

crystalclearme ago

Site says won't be released if he appears on Hannity. Still waiting at 35 past hour

Yates ago

some of us regularly check new to see shill activity and downvote it plus dupes. There are 4 threads now, almost identical, posted withing minutes. Why aren't they checking 'new' before they post? Why are they so similar? No screenshots just "go to that site right now" that's very suspect in itself

norobotono ago

If several posts appear within minutes of each other, is it not reasonable to assume that several people saw the same event around the same time and typed up their own separate posts without knowledge of the other posters? The difference between me and the other poster who posted before me was one minute, which is obvious if you look at the times posted.

You seem to whine a lot about things.

Yates ago

We are being inundated with shills, why don't you know that? Best not to post like one if you don't want to be treated like one.

norobotono ago

At least I am contributing something. You are just whining (again).

0xFFF ago

i think much can be attributed to non functional search... can' t tell people to use it when it doesn't work .

Yates ago

Just keep a tab open with "new" and refresh every few minutes. It's a very good indicator of many things.

norobotono ago

And as i pointed out earlier, this thread was posted one minute after the prior poster so you cannot blame people whose posts overlap within a minute as they are both typing them up at the same time. That's how some duplicates happen.

Jehosefat ago

Lots of excitement (including myself) that JA has popped back up. Sorry if I duplicate posted...

LakeOfFire ago

Lots of excitement (including myself) that JA has popped back up. Sorry if I duplicate posted...

You sound like a scripted John Podesta tweet. No thinking person is "excited" about this. The interview was clearly artificial.

bopper ago

"Clearly artificial." What a stupid thing to say.

bopper ago


Jehosefat ago

I listened to the interview live. It was not faked. You could not fake his voice like that. The people claiming it was fake are shills trying to divert attention away from the fact that Assange said the Russian government was not the source of the Podesta emails.

bopper ago

I didn't even think of that, are they really, is that their deal, 'cause they're really pushing it hard. Like I say, I know Hannity, he's not an idiot. Thanks for your guidance.

Yates ago

I was live online with the Argentina event and the recent one in Lebanon. I'm cynical, but hopeful despite reason not to be.