seanhurray ago

"I'm a hebephile and not a pedophile, but I guess from the points of views of normies there's not that much of a difference. In brief though, to explain, pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent minors (Tanner stage I), whilst hebephilia is the attraction to pubescent minors (Tanner stage II and III).

Well, what it feels like to be a minor attracted person (MAP), mostly depends on what culture you live in."

dreamdigital ago

I actually don't even want to click on that. Because I know those feelings are wrong, spawned by a possible traumatic event at a young age, which caused wrong desires to come forth, I know trying to understand that kind of thinking will eventually cause one to start rationalizing with the idea. There is a such thing as dangerous ideas, and Pedophilia is one such idea that would be deemed, 'dangerous.' They're already trying to make it legal by advertising their desires publicly on social media in the hope they will be accepted.

nnfx ago

Other explanation of map was collected bodyfluids on a handkerchief which is placed underneath a rapevictim. I even saw it used like this on a screenshot of some darkweb forum. "I still got this map" (talking about child abuse) Didn't save it tho, sry.

dreamdigital ago

Okay, so body fluids collected on a napkin are from a MAP, Minor Attracted Person. This is still possibility in my book and gives a possible explanation. However they may be wording in a way that only they would understand because they are initiated with the lingo.

nomorepepperoni ago

Pizza-related Minor Attracted Person? And confirm if it's yours, ignore if you don't want it?

Not sure that definition quite fits the email, IMO.

dreamdigital ago

Well it seems to fit with all the pedos on twitter who put MAP in their profile descriptions.

derram ago :

🎄 Reality Calls 🎄 on Twitter: "FFS. 'antipedophobe's have arrived. #PizzaGate"

This has been an automated message.

dreamdigital ago

Look at @realitycallsv on twitter and her recent posts on the pedo sest pool will show more of this.