dickface8 ago

LOL found the pedo. It all adds up now, why you've been so butthurt and defensive over this.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

if your circumstances are true i respect where you are coming from. The fact of the matter is though, its impossible to verify anything this person says is true.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

you don't know if they are actually 15

dreamdigital ago

This is the thinking that happens when you let worldly ideas demoralize and decensitize you. Once you pass certain laws that are morally wrong, they pave the way for immoral and false ideas. By having an online profile claiming to a proud pedo and joining with other pedos to talk about their MAP feelings (Minor Attracted Person), it's only feeding your wrong desire and helping to promote those kind of ideas and thinking. It would be like someone writing a book on how to be a pedo and publishing it. This actually happened by the way and the person was eventually arrested. Let's all just spread the idea that we should kill blacks for being black. It's not illegal, but we all know its wrong and it's labeled as a hate group. I think I made my point. While you say it's not illegal, really it is. You're promoting something illegal and against a normal jury they would convict you if nothing else make sure you were in a mental hospital getting therapy.

False Idea Promotion

safetythrowaway1234 ago

ignore them

HarveyKlinger ago

You just created this account just to post that shit? Sorry pedo, nobody wants you here. And by "here", I mean among the living.

Realtyfalls ago

I'm 15, so I can't be a pedophile because I am a child well I guess technically all children are pedophiles because the definition of a paedophile is somebody who has a sexual attraction to non adults

HarveyKlinger ago


Realtyfalls ago

No it's a sexual preference

spookybm ago

Account, 20 minutes old at this time.

Realtyfalls ago


safetythrowaway1234 ago

ignore @Realtyfalls

Realtyfalls ago

Right back at ya

nomorepepperoni ago

With a username like yours, no way you could be a troll or a shill...

You may be correct, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest trafficking is involved. You don't traffic kids just for the sake of it.

Realtyfalls ago

Reality Falls is a town in a television show

totesgoats908234 ago

Now we have pedomartyrs and pedo sympathizers.

Whats next???

Realtyfalls ago

Human slaves are not just for sex. People buy kids as servants to do household chores

nomorepepperoni ago

Ties are being found specifically to sex traffickers, not housecleaning servants. But I see your point.

My point is, child slavery and trafficking child slaves is just plain wrong to begin with, even if your assertion were to turn out correct. And before you ask, no, child slaves in developing countries producing cheap goods for us isn't right, either.

Realtyfalls ago

I don't think that child slavery would be all that bad. I would love it if my parents we're able to get a child slave my age cute 15 year old Japanese girl 2 do my laundry and spy on in the shower

nomorepepperoni ago

Good for you, perhaps. For the slave, not so much.