Forgetmenot ago

Excellent article. Thank you! Provides context and precedent.

SterlingJB ago

What's it listed as? I didn't see it.

SterlingJB ago

Right, but most have somehow erased this info from their memory, even though it's "real news," so it may be useful in changing the popular, "sane" opinion that HRC having anything to do with trafficking is ridiculous. Also, I noticed some one else posted a link to reddit after I posted this where someone had found the same article. Might be a good idea to gather supporting "real news" articles and put it all in one place.

reasonedandinformed ago

Hillary trying to legitimize what they were already doing. Disgusting.

Can you post an archive after getting through the paywall? Edit: Sorry. You did it.Thanks!

jackthyme ago

The House Oversight and Reform Committee has a whistle-blower link. Let's put together a docket of everything we have learned so far and get 1000 people to submit.

billcaseyABC ago

archived, no paywall:

doubletake ago

this is called building a case. this is WSJ. this is absolute dynamite. they have gotten away with a lot, we know that. this on the other hand is an incredible background precedent for their attempt to liberalize prostitution which includes child trafficking in the face of a stunned UN who was focused on the opposite. this is one of the brightest historical Red Flags i have seen. fantastic.

doubletake ago

this is fucking paydirt! incredible work.

janedoe77 ago

Well done! This correlates with the Clinton's passing of the 1997 "Adoption and Safe Families Act", which increased trafficking in babies essentially for the benefit of the states (state operatives) ie, Clintons set up trafficking operations all over.This could go on the CPS subthread, lots of info here: There are a lot of case worker whistleblowers and websites related to this. There was also according to one an actual underground railroad for mothers and babies/children run by one case worker, which was shut down after a multimillionaire pedo threatened to kill her family.

totesgoats908234 ago

Since December, however, the White House delegation has worked to narrow the definition of sexual trafficking, in a way that would allow certain prostitution rings to flourish.


Hillary Clinton has been quite active as the honorary chairman of the President's Interagency Council on Women, speaking out about the evils of sexual trafficking. In Reykjavik, Iceland, in October, she said: "No government and no citizen should rest until we stop this modern form of slavery, protect its victims and prosecute those who are responsible." But as is so often the case with the Clintons, what they do is at odds with what they say.

Talk about the fox guarding the hen house....

doubletake ago

"I have a public voice and a private voice." -- guess who. this is such a great find. worthy of a bowl of Alaskan thunderfuck.

MAGABoomer ago

woah! great find.

waxdino ago

Wow, this is important background.

The reasons for the Clinton administration's course of action are hard to fathom.


SterlingJB ago

Done. Thanks.

derram ago :

The Clintons Shrug At Sex Trafficking - WSJ

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

They were already dabbling in it in 2000. What a couple of low lifes.

reasonedandinformed ago

Before then from the evidence...

carmencita ago

I have to wonder if the WSJ realized or even cared that the Bushes contributed to the disgusting depraved crimes of trafficking, slavery and raping of women and children. They called the Clintons depraved (which they are) but I don't think they would have published such an article on any Republican. Let's hope I am wrong.

reasonedandinformed ago

I really hope so.