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RedGreenAlliance ago

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. -

One image which directly links to 1. Hubris and downfall of elites 1. paedophilia / pederasty acceptance and practice 1. homosexuality 1. depravity

I found this image which is from an account Samantha Venter who seems to work for Comet Ping Pong - archive Here's an earlier archive

The first link has the additional question - "is this at Comet Ping Pong?" to which she confirms "Yes"

Firstly - look at the image and see the ping pong table between a male and female. The male looks a bit like Pan (see other links on this subverse) who James Alefantis identifies with. Beside it is the words "fuck boy". There seems to be an arrow and a word i cannot make out beside the females bottom.

I googled the words - and discovered it was a quote from the Greek playwright Aeschylus

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

Read more at:

I found this image which is from an account Samantha Venter who seems to work for Comet Ping Pong - archive Here's an earlier archive

The first link has the additional question - "is this at Comet Ping Pong?" to which she confirms "Yes"

I googled the words - and discovered it was a quote from the Greek playwright Aeschylus:

Then i decided to look into Aeschylus to see if there was any hidden meaning like there was with Jimmy Comet / James Alefantis and his Antinous profile pic on Instagram.

That Aeschylus was depraved and one who praised male homosexuality is mentioned by both Plutarch and Athenaios, who are proud of them for being that way, and they have preserved two related excerpts of his (Plutarch, Ερωτικός (Eroticus) 5(751bc). Athenaios 13, 75 and 13, 79). The most homosexually explicit tragedies by Aeschylus were – according to the witness of these two admirers of his – the Kabeiroi and the Myrmidons. In the latter, Achilles and Patroklus were presented as a homosexual couple.

Not in itself very much considering Greek society norms.

But i also found this:

In Ancient Greece, where pederastic and pedophilic relationships were viewed very differently than today, many works touched on the relationships of men with boys. Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles wrote plays on the subject and the poets Alcaeus, Anacreon, Ibycus, Pindar, Solon, Sappho and Theognis of Megara all composed poetry praising the love of boys.

And then i found a direct link to Savile (UK paedo ring scandal), hubris, the fall of elites and the exact quote on the wall:

Aeschylus recognised that it was all about power, the gaining and losing of power. In his perverse way Savile recognised that too – to put yourself in such a position of power than no one dare question what you do. What will come of the BBC I do not know but I leave the last words to Aeschylus: “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”

Now... there is probably more to uncover here but what are the chances we would find an image with all of these direct links, on a bathroom wall at Comet Ping Pong - enough to Instagram and share by staff members

I'll leave it here and hope others can do some more work....


Further info from another thread on here:

This quote appears in the X-Files episode "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man": the Cigarette Smoking Man's backstory is told. He kills JFK and it shows pretty much the whole thing. He kills MLK Jr. and we see the whole build up but we don't have to actually see MLK die. Then the RFK assassination is only portrayed obliquely. CSM (Cig Smokin' Man) sees RFK come on the TV and start saying the Aeschylus quote from this cometpingpong instagram picture and CSM says it along with him. So what does CSM do in his spare time? He makes coded novels (roman a clef) about the stuff he does because he wants recognition but he can only get it indirectly through art.