Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Megan Rouse sent him that photo. Megan is his daughter and the girl in the photo is her daughter, Bel.

carmencita ago

The man in this picture looks like the man sitting right next to her. That would be her father. The woman sitting right behind her may be her mother, but she is writing something, maybe keeping store or writing down points. There are cards on the table, and it seems not everyone has cards. There is a very mixed crowd as far as age. Also, no one is really smiling and they do not look like they are having fun. Pretty darn serious imo. Also, if that is her father, he is the Executive Producer of This Week. If you look at the this picture and compare it to the one in the attachment, they do not look very much alike to me. Edit: The guy right next to her was mentioned before as looking like Jeffrey Epstein. I think it could be him but not sure. Yes, that would be some action shot.

johnson444 ago

what "action" ? whoever gets the ace of spades gets raped and killed ?

carmencita ago

Wish there was some way we knew what they were playing. Maybe by the cards that have been laid down. I am not good at enlarging. I think this group pic is very strange indeed.

goodguy1367 ago

Who ever it is she certainly isn't Happy being there, she just doesnt look like she fits in to the picture at all. What if she was alive still and because she has such a rare eye disorder they are using her genes to create other kids with the same thing? She's had the biggest Coloboma I've seen yet so I'd think she'd be too precious to them, if they did have her they still would

carmencita ago

I very much agree that the Coloboma is very large. I cannot see them killing anyone with this disorder. They are very much sought after and she would be a prize possession. I have heard and read many stories of what people think happened to her, and I think that her parents were somewhat involved by selling her off to those that wanted her when they saw her eye. Freud could have tipped them off on how unusual the Coloboma was. Just my opinion.

goodguy1367 ago

She would definitely be way too valuable for them, these people could be involved in all sorts of black projects regarding genetics/mutations/cloning the list could go on. If they do have her she would be much more than just a sex slave (it disgusts me to say that) but being so rare it is highly likely she is still alive and possibly being used for something deeper and more sinister, just my opinon.

Jehosefat ago

Pretty sure that is he had a girl kept hostage he would not be taking pics and emailing them.

joe_hill ago

It's not him who have sent the email, it was sent to him

oresd ago

This could be an all time low. Are you fucking kidding me? The kid is alive and in the middle of a family card game? SMH.