doubletake ago

So you are thinking that Pierre L'Enfant's name is Pedo associated, or that the DC pedos took advantage of his namesake to open up shop in the neighborhood? The famous Pentagram in question (near the White House) is skewed, distorted, maybe like somebody sat on it and scrunched it down. [The one you point out is interesting but possibly dubious.] In either case, if it was an authentic piece of evidence for black magic sorts of things, it would be perfectly proportioned -- the magic power comes from the perfect shape. If you know the sacred geometry of the square and octagon, you will find this "scrunched" star with the offset proportions perfectly represented in an octagon. If there was a way to post a picture I could show you.

Spoke with a freemason official long time ago about this city. Didn't tell me much, but had a great big peev about it that he did share. In F-M, E and S are good directions, and the perfect place to live in any city or town is in the SE. .....W and N are bad directions, Death and Evil, resp. So the NW is the worst possible direction. And this FMs pet peev was: WHY did President Washington choose that location for the WH? Why in the NW? Why didn't he choose a location in the E, S, or SE of the city? It was not he alone who was wondering about this, but one of the great questions of american freemasonry when it comes to G. Washington. It was his choice. L'Enfant first planned the Mansion somewhere in the Mall. The Capitol is ground zero, literally. It stands at the "0,0" point of the design from which the directions are figured. Our pizza neighborhood is squarely in the NW part of the city.

hubertbutternut ago


Littleredcorvette ago

Do any of the places match the ones on this ip list?

joedubs ago

I don't see it, the one I found was Potomac Pizza, but I dont' have too much dirt on them, The ECC and CHild's Play, that is another story.