Lawrence13 ago

Hello all. I found this on Dr Pongs Instagram Its a photo of what looks remarkably like Jared Fogle but I can't be totally certain. It was posted by Erica Orden a Wall Street Journal white collar crime writer and the other man is David Kwong a magician who advised on the recent film 'now You See me'. Even if it isn't Jared Fogle its odd that the other two found their way to Dr Pongs shite hole. If I could I'd upload the image but here's a link

LostandFound ago

Dr. Pong and Alefantis co own Nalu Diner in Germany 800m from Dr. Pongs ;)

UNVL ago

Dr Pong = very bad looking rooms with nothing than 1 pingpong table and a table for buying beer and music. can these guys have international guests from all over the world. if you look at rating sites, one guy stated that there are mostly ppl from around the world but from germany.