fogdryer ago

mah sing foundation and mitch mcconnell and drugs.

this was a cargo ship.....

hedy ago

Same exact logo as

darthveddit ago

FThis is a half ass report on multi-national crime syndicates, and it seems that the only ones who have a reputation of, influential political corruption, and human trafficking are the Fuk Ching, which operate heavily in the US. Especially New York City. New York City is probably the must corrupt port in the world. Hillary Clinton was a senator of New York, and if we know one thing about Hillary, she is easily corrupted.

Heffter ago

One should look into US NAVY involvement in all of this.

waxdino ago

Teach for all (parent organization) was launched under the Clinton global initiative.

Edit: Sorry, I misread that, it's launch was only announced at CGI. Still, cf is connected.

the_magic_man ago

This is the most ridiculous "lead" yet. Have you gone to the police with this?

SomeD ago

And look at partner logo.Double palm hand and the double heart ! See here

crystalclearme ago

Teach for All is the umbrella and Teach Malaysia is under it

ababcb ago

This is excellent work on your part.

party1981 ago

Double heart

Celticgirlonamission ago

Some of the names look familiar Sir John Hood, I believe he is the one that helps overthrow governments....of course with a destabilized government then its free reign on kids....these people make me sick...

Gorillion ago

Yep, destabilization makes raiding of all potential resources that much easier. Silly us thinking they were just after mineral resources.

It's like the meat industry in that they have uses for every part of the "animal". Industrialized skeletonization of entire countries, where they grind down and use the bones too.

LostandFound ago

Breaking gun, classic